Member Reviews

The Cheat Sheet follows Bree who is hopelessly in love with her best friend and famous quarterback Nathan. Everyone in America loves him and despite Bree’s feelings, she is desperate not to ruin their friendship. Until one drunken evening she confesses all to a reporter. To cover up the mess, and with benefits for both, they agree to date publicly for three weeks until after the Super Bowl. It’s nothing but a mutual contract, right? When lines begin to blur and the fake dating gets intense, Bree questions if things are changing – especially because Nathan seems to be fighting for something real.

This romance is brilliant! It is fast paced, lough out loud and so cute! Bree and Nathan have an incredibly heart-warming connection and are both entirely likeable characters. I rooted for them the whole way through. This one is certainly a slow burn, but plenty of character development. I especially loved the romance tactics by Nathan’s teammate trying to help Nathan get Bree. The ‘cheat sheet’ itself was very amusing and brilliant to read it play out.

I personally would have loved more steam, but I understand this is a sweet friend to lovers read. There was a lot of depth to the characters and exploring their backstories and flaws, made them genuine and relatable. This was heartfelt to read. I highly recommend.

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(okay, maybe apart from the ending, that was a little "huh?" for me but I have read tons of romance books in my life and I just know it could have been done better)

This is the story of how lack of communication gets you to waste time.
Also, about an NFL star and an owner of a dance studio are a perfect match, even if they can not articulate that.
The book is funny and sweet and it was a perfect fit for the evening with cocoa underneath the blanket.
I recommend it to all romance-lovers.
You will totally enjoy it!

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Friends to lovers ☑️
Fake dating ☑️
Sports romance ☑️

This was an ok book don’t get me wrong. The storyline had so much potential especially as it’s a sports romance and I’ve read so many good ones in the past however I found it just missed the mark completely. I liked Nathan but unfortunately found Bree super annoying.

The characters are supposed to be in their early 30s yet came across a lot younger than that from certain things they were doing which make it a bit unrealistic.

Nathan and Bree have both been in love with each other since they were kids yet have never told the other about their feelings. The whole book is basically both of them mentioning how much they love the other to other people yet never doing anything about it which to me is super weird. They’re two very confident individuals who don’t seem to know a lot about each other considering it’s constantly remaining us they’re best friends.

I’m kinda sad because was hoping for the wow factor when reading this however I didn’t get it…but maybe next time?

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“your soul is my favourite in this entire world”

this book was so sweet. i really wanted a simple, cute quick read and this was exactly that!
bree & nathan are the cutest EEEEE just thinking about them makes me want to smile. it was such a good romcom i was laughing at many parts of this book and smiling like an idiot IT WAS SO GOOD !!
the way anxiety/panic attacks were portrayed in this was really good as well.
i wish we had an epilogue that was perhaps a few years into the future though- like how he mentioned at one point that he loved kids and he didn’t necessarily like being an only child… like i would’ve loved to see an epilogue a couple years later when they have a couple of kids or something? but other than that it was a really cute read and i would definitely reread in the future & read more of sarah adams’ books :)

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I loved this book!
Cutesy romance with a dash of humour and touched on very important mental health issues!
I enjoyed this book page to page and whilst it was obvious where the story was headed I found this to be an easy read that kept me gripped all the way through.

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I loved this book so much! The friends who secretly love each other. The fake dating scenarios. It was brilliantly done and made me laugh out loud on more than one occasion. I just wish the ending had been a little more fun and flirty as the tension all the way through was seriously hot!

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It’s official, I was hooked from the very beginning. So much so that I had to binge read it in one sitting!

Best friends to lovers? Fake dating? Sports romance? What more could you possibly want? And this book does these tropes well.

I’ve never wanted to push two characters together before in my life! The will they won’t they was everything.

I absolutely love Bree and Nathan, they feel very authentic too!

I laughed and cheered out loud multiple times because you can’t help but root for the characters.

A feel good rom com with everything you want in a romance!

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This book is about two best friends, one is a dance teacher and the other is an NFL player, and they end up fake dating as a publicity stunt.

This book was really easy to read, it only took me a few hours. However, I think it fell flat for me for a few reasons, one being the ending. I think the book could've stopped at the end of the football game instead.

The characters didn't feel very realistic at all, I find it really hard to relate to/enjoy characters that are written to be completely perfect.

In terms of Bree's character, I would've liked there to be more about her dancing, and her application for the studio space. I think that could've been really interesting. I also didn't like how Bree reacted to the female characters, as it seemed that a lot of them were only in the book to be villains.

I do think that maybe someone older than me would enjoy this, it has a more millennial feel to it, which isn't a bad thing, but it would definitely suit someone else better.

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This book, just wow! I love the romance. I love them. They are just perfect for each other. I think this is the one of best book written by Sarah Adams. I love how, we readers, are expecting Bree and Nathan to come together. I am sorry to say that the ending was a little bit hasted. But all in all lovely read. For me a 4 stars read.

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The Cheat Sheet is a super cute friends to lovers, fake dating romance about Bree and Nathan who have both secretly been pining for each other since they were teenagers but never did anything about it for….oh yeah reasons. That is until a journalist looking for a scoop on the now famous NFL QB Nathan, gets video of a drunk Bree fessing up to her feelin’s and it goes viral as everyone ships Brathan. So they must fake date for money obviously not because they fancy each other rotten.
I wavered between three and four stars because a lot of it was very cute. Bree verges on the manic pixie dream girl and Nathan is the kind of man that only exists in romance fiction he is too perfect to live. It was also a bit nice. Which isn’t necessarily bad but I felt there was no real tension or drama. I did like the bro pack scenes, I love a bit of bro bonding. All in all this is a fun, sweet, breezy read.

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