Cover Image: The Serial Killer’s Daughter

The Serial Killer’s Daughter

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Member Reviews

I loved The Serial Killer’s Wife and wanted to love this one as much. It started well, had a fast and plot heavy first half and I was thoroughly enjoying it but I found the last half of the book dropped tempo and was starting to lose my attention. This could have been just me and how I was feeling but I didn’t finish it feeling blown away.

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Loved The Serial Killer's Wife, and with this follow up Alice Hunter certainly doesn't disappoint. The tension is built brilliantly throughout, and this twisty thriller kept me guessing. Loved the POV and the concept, and the end twist is so clever. I look forward to reading whatever Hunter writes next.

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From the premise of The Serial Killer’s daughter I was expecting to be drawn into a gripping thriller of a novel. It began with an explosive start and I was instantly hooked, then I just felt the pace dropped away and instead of being gripping, it was just ok. I know others have loved this book but for me it was somewhat disappointing. Thank you to NetGalley, Avon Books UK and the author for the chance to review.

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Chilling and spine tingling from start to finish. This book had me captivated from the start. I felt real empathy for a character so well written you feel like you know her. The story lines flowed seamlessly. The deeper you got the more riveting the story line was. A gritty, creepy, dark page turner that will leave you breathless. The horror of the past collides with the present to bring you one helluva gripping read.

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Hi! The Serial Killer’s Daughter by Alice Hunter is a psychological thriller that I definitely enjoyed and one that creeped me out a bit. It’s the second book in a series, the first one being The Serial Killer’s Wife. I would say it can be read as a standalone since despite having not read the first book, I was never lost in the story!

This read focuses a lot on the human mind. Insecurities, indecisiveness, doubt, fear, betrayal- they’re all emotions portrayed amazingly. Even love. I liked that this read revolved around a person balancing work, family, parenting AND her social life. And to add onto that, enough family trauma to fill an ocean. Scroll down for more!

Why you should read this book

-Now, our protagonist is a women in her 40’s and this read revolves around her, though it does have a few short chapters from two other perspectives. Her personality is pieced together so well and at a perfect pace! Her emotions were captured perfectly and I loved the ending she got.

-I loved the storyline. It captured the mind of a criminal, dark thoughts and doubts amazingly. It made so much sense when I read that the author has a psychology degree and worked with prisoners.

-The events never seemed rushed and the characters all had personalities that were made relatable to you! The book keeps you hooked to it, I just had to finish it in one sitting!


*I will say though- this read started a bit slowly with a large build-up. Not necessarily a bad thing, but it resulted in me piecing together the plot twist a little more than halfway through. I wasn’t aware as to how it would play out though so it’s safe to say I was still hooked to the read.

*I was also expecting more hidden secrets, something that would make the story play out differently since it was hinted at with a few characters.

All-in-all, I would give this read 4 stars. I would recommend it to you if you enjoy dark, psychological thrillers though please do look up the trigger warnings beforehand.

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for my free e-ARC of this book in exchange for my honest review!

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The Serial Killers Daughter is the second book I’ve read by Alice Hunter and wasn’t disappointed even though I think I preferred the first.
Jenny is the daughter of a serial killer but she hasn’t shared this with anyone, even her husband. Jenny jointly owns the local vets and has two lovely children along with the large house, life is where it should be until she starts with night terrors combined with sleep walking, this is what she does when she becomes stressed but waking on the kitchen floor covered in mud and mud under her finger nails is a new low and especially when she finds a local woman has gone missing. Could she have inherited her fathers killing gene? Who can she trust when the police close in?
I enjoyed this slow burner of a read, I just wish I could have felt more towards Jenny as I didn’t really like her, I felt she was a bit too blasé at times and her blackouts were a bit too frequent?
Good storyline though and I didn’t guess the twist so bonus for that.
I would like to thank Netgalley and Avon Books UK for this ARC I received in exchange for an honest review.

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I really loved The Serial Killers Wife a few years back, so I was intrigued to see how this story turned out! I read this pretty quick, it had a lot of tense moments that made me continue reading. It was fast paced and had me guessing until the end!

The chapters were in the POV’s of a married couple. I couldn’t say that any character stuck with me, that I loved… however the storyline was strong, so I felt I didn’t need to like the characters. It’s a great read for any thriller lovers!

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I was anxiously awaiting this sequel and it did not disappoint! The suspense, the story, the characters... loved it all!

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I think this book has a lot of potential but i found it too slow and the black out was a bit too repetitive.
The story didn't keep my attention and fell flat.
Not my cup of tea.
Many thanks to the publisher and Netgalley for this ARC, all opinions are mine

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I received an ARC of, The Serial Killer's Daughter, by Alice Hunter. This book was a little two twisted for me.

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Firstly, it’s important to note that this is not a sequel despite the linked title and very similar cover.

The serial killer’s daughter is a great read, full of tension, twists and confusion. The book is written from multiple points of view as well as extracts from letters/messages which we are not sure of the authors. All of this helps build the tension as we try to work out who has abducted Olivia and what secrets everyone is trying to hide.

Fast paced with short chapters that really keep you focused this is a great read.

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The Serial Killers Daughter
Alice Hunter

I’m sure being a serial killers daughter doesn’t mean your always innocent right, and with the help of an awful husband who turns you in on a silver platter don’t help! I wanted to beat the crap out of this girls husband just because he didn’t believe his wife!!!

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This was an amazing read!! Super captivating slow burner that will take you on a rollercoaster of emotions...! A real page turner, a solid read!!

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Jenny changed her name, went to vet school, and built a life with her husband Mark and children in a quiet village after her father, the Painted Lady Killer, went to prison. She never told Mark about her past. Or anyone else. All if fine (or is it?) until she learns that Paul is having an affair with Olivia and even worse when Olivia goes missing. And then when she wakes on her kitchen floor with dirt on her hands. When suspicions center on her, she tells Mark, which only makes things worse for her. How reliable is she as a narrator? Up to you to decide as this careens along its twisty path. Thanks to Netgalley for the ARC. A page turner.

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I loved Alice Hunter's first book The Serial Killer's Wife and had very high expectations for this new book.

This story features the daughter of a serial killer (the clue is in the title) and the main character Jenny, has spent her life denying her past and trying to make amends for her father's crimes.

Suffering from black-outs and not able to account for her whereabouts during the nights, when a local women gets abducted all the evidence seems to point towards Jenny, especially when we discover she has personal reasons to wish this woman harm.

Unfortunately this book just didn't work for me as I couldn't relate to the main character
or feel any sympathy towards her and her situation. The constant black-outs and paranoia began to annoy me and I felt these incidents were too repetitive.

This is purely my personal opinion, but this book lacked the surprises, twists and originality of the first book.

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I am a fan of true crime and this book sucked me in right away. The main character is a vet but also the daughter of a high-profile serial killer. All of sudden, there are murders starting up in her town that are very similar to her father's MO. Is there a copycat in town or is she actually doing the killings and not remembering she does them? You will have to read the book to find out!

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After reading the first book The Serial Killers Wife I could not wait to start reading this one. A slow burner to start with but I just had to keep on reading. I found the plot was unbelievable but what the hell it was still a very entertaining read.
Many thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for the ARC in return for giving an honest review.

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I thought it was a sequel to THE SERIAL KILLER's WIFE, I enjoyed that book a lot.
This one is as entertaining but not as good and enjoyable as the first one.

What made this interesting is the alternating POV's of the main character, Jenny, and her husband Mark, as clearly they each have their own secrets to hide.
But then again, I have guessed who the perpetrator is halfway through the book.
It's a good read but not an excellent one.

Thanks, NetGalley for the ARC of this book.

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Thanks to Netgalley for an ARC. Having read the Serial Killer I could not wait to read Alice Hunter's second book. Sadly it was not for me. I did not identify with the characters and found it slow going. I eventually gave up.

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After reading The Serial Killer's Wife I had to read this one and thoroughly enjoyed it just as much, probably not as gripping but a thoroughly good read which held my interest throughout from the beginning until the end.

All the characters were good and interesting and what a fantastic ending, just can't stop thinking about it.

Thank you to Netgalley and Avon Books for this brilliant ARC which I have no hesitation in recommending.

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