Member Reviews

third book in the series - DI Kate Young has to solve random murders - someone is shooting people at random - she and her team work towards figuring out the connection between victims.
Kate is also investigating her boss, Superintendent John Dickson - she know he is responsible for her loss of her husband Chris but needs more proof.

All in all a good book, but I really wish Kate will stop whining so much!

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I love this series. What started as a detective looking for her husband’s killer turns into an intricate web of a syndicate. Each chapter has you on edge as more and more of this story is unveiled. This is perfect for a mystery thriller reader.

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Carol Wyer’s “A Life for a Life” explores the ethical complexities surrounding euthanasia and the lengths to which individuals will go to protect their loved ones. The novel follows the journey of Dr. Lynn Faulkner, a respected physician who faces a heart-wrenching decision when her husband, Mark, is diagnosed with an incurable and debilitating disease.

As Mark’s condition worsens and his suffering becomes unbearable, Lynn is torn between her ethical obligations as a doctor and her desire to end his agony. The novel delves into the legal and moral implications of euthanasia, as Lynn grapples with the potential consequences of her actions. Wyer deftly portrays the emotional turmoil that Lynn and Mark face as they navigate the final stages of Mark’s life.

The novel explores the profound impact of a terminal illness on both the patient and their loved ones, highlighting the importance of compassion, communication, and end-of-life care. “A Life for a Life” also raises questions about the role of autonomy and individual choice in end-of-life decisions. Lynn’s struggle reflects the ongoing debate surrounding the right to die with dignity and the need for individuals to have control over their own lives, even at their most vulnerable moments.

Wyer’s writing is both compassionate and thought-provoking, inviting readers to grapple with the ethical and emotional dimensions of euthanasia. The novel challenges readers to consider their own values and beliefs regarding end-of-life care and the right to choose death. In conclusion, “A Life for a Life” is a powerful and thought-provoking novel that explores the ethical complexities surrounding euthanasia. Wyer’s empathetic portrayal of Lynn and Mark’s journey offers a deeply moving and insightful examination of the choices we face at the end of life.

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A good continuation of the series which wove in previous stories and brought one to a conclusion. Good storyline but sometimes a little predictable

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This is the third book in the series. This is brilliantly written and is gripping. The stiryline is tense and intriguing. The characters are well developed. An excellent crime thriller

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Book 3 in the DI Kate Young series. A little bit slow to start and too much time spent on DI Kate Scott speaking to her dead husband to try and solve the mystery of his death. Half way through the story became more gripping and end was left on a big cliffhanger!!

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Really enjoyed this - will definitely be recommending and looking forward to the next one by this author!

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I stayed up all night reading this book. While I was captivated after the few few chapters, I also enjoyed the thrill of what the characters were facing and looking excitedly ahead at what the ending could possibly be. I’m so glad I came back to read this book after not being in the mood for it and initially disliking it.

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I love carol query as an author but I have to say I've struggled a bit more with you his particular series.
It's not that I haven't enjoyed them as such I've just found this series a bit more predictable than her others maybe that's just me knowing her style too well

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Yet another excelent book in the Detective Kate Young series. I have now read all of the current books in this series and it Is by far the best yet. A must read series full of well-written suspense, twists and turns leaving you wanting more at the end of each. Carol Wyer manages to pull you in deeper with every chapter and you get a real sense of the person and the turmoil of her main character and also of the team around her as they work through the cases that fall into their patch. You won't be disappointed and will be drawn into the world of Detective Kate Young just as I was I'm sure.

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A Life for a Life by Carol Wyer is an engaging and gripping thriller that will keep you on the edge of your seat. It’s a story of revenge, justice, and redemption that follows the journey of Detective Inspector Robyn Carter as she investigates a series of murders. The novel is full of unexpected twists and turns that will keep you guessing until the very end. You’ll be captivated by its suspenseful plot and characters as they try to solve the mystery behind these grisly murders. With its relentless pace and thrilling conclusion, A Life for a Life is sure to leave you wanting more from this masterful author.

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Another great book in the series which get better and better with every book .
Always leaves you wanting more and I couldn't get enough of this

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Detective Kate Young is called in to investigate when the body of a young man is found on the platform of a train station, shot in the head with a captive bolt pistol. And just what is a captive bolt pistol you may ask? It turns out it's a gun used to stun animals before they are slaughtered but that's all I'll tell you about that. Kate is also still trying to find evidence that Superintendent John Dickson is corrupt as she suspects he had something to do with her husband's death .

Kate is a very strong character and a good detective but I still worry about her mental health, more so than in the previous book. She doesn't seem to rest or eat properly so you feel like something's gotta give sooner or later. The members of her team are mostly likeable and we learn more about Emma's background in this installment. Samuel, a profiler, is a new addition to the team and even though he's a little bit of an oddball, I hope he has a continuing role. The story is told from different perspectives, including the killer's. I think this book would be tough to read as a standalone and I recommend reading at least Book 2 first. The ending was a bit of a shocker so it'll be interesting to see where we go from here.

Some of the chapters in this book are far too long and to be honest I lost sight of how the book started and had to re-read the prologue when I was about 65% done. Oddly enough, mention is made of the discipline of Krav Maga which is an Israeli martial art and which is also mentioned in "The Devil You Know" which I finished recently. What're the chances?! This is a good addition to the series despite my quibbles and another lovely cover too. I'd give the book 3.5 stars rounded up.

My thanks to Amazon Publishing UK via Netgalley for the opportunity to read this ARC and my apologies for how late my review is. The author has Book 4 coming out in April so at least this one will be fresh in my mind (sorta) should I choose to read #4! All opinions expressed are my own.

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Carol Wyer never fails with her Detective series! She's an author you can always trust that you'll be drawn into the story and you won't be able to sleep until you've finished it! A Life For A Life is just as gripping and creepy as you'd expect from Wyer!

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The books in this series, it takes time to really get in it, but the moment you do, it consumes you. This one was different from the others in that the story was craftily spun that I fingers pointed to every character. It ended with a shock, though and now I can not wait for the next book!

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Book 3 I'm the DC Kate Young series by Carol Wyer.

I really like Carol Wyer and enjoy another of her series so didn't hesitate when I requested A Life for a Life. I wish inhad read books 1 and 2 as it clearly lays the foundations for the secondary plot. I will be going back to read.

Kate and her team are called to the scene of a dead body found at local train station under suspicious circumstances. It looks as if the person had been stunned and killed. With no witnesses no motives and a range of different options on the victim the team are at a loss as to who would of killed him! So when another body turns up the team are desperately trying to find a link between them. Meanwhile Kate is still searching for answers on the murder of her husband Chris.

I really enjoyed the way this book has been written. The way Kate is portrayed shows a woman who is desperately searching for answers , The juxtaposition Between her search for the killer of the victim and the killer of husband is fascinating to read. As you can tell she takes both very personally it's amazing but one she works within the law and the other is clearly slightly outside of the law.

What I found really difficult with this book was getting to grips with Kate's character because I really didn't know her well, as I hadn't read the previous books so I found it really difficult to interact with her search for her husband's murderer. However as the book progressed I found myself wanting to know more and understanding how the case a bit better. It sounds so good I'm almost sad I know so much about it already.It clearly has a big impact on Kate and how she works as a detective.

I really liked how the killer's voice was intwined throughout the story how they were selecting their victims, it was nice to know a but more than the actual police. Plus I found it really fascinating the psychological elements that sat behind thiscrime. Also the author added a profiler, it was interesting the way in which the author imagines they work, getting into the mind of a killer! Plus his character he added little something to the story.

The prose is written very well going between different characters POV and giving us the a full experience of the whole crew. Not much repetitiveness and it's written with a clear understanding dialogue the reader, kept me engaged throughout! Loved it.

All in all I did really enjoy this book and I will be starting with but one so that I can find Out more in regards to the case that got Chris killed and Yeah get to locate character a bit more. I think if I do this I will enjoy the series very much. I do wish I had done that before I read this book because it meant I was lost quite a lot throughbut I am glad that I read it. I rate this book 3 out of 5 stars and recommend to anyone who enjoys english crime novels.

Thanks netgalley, Carol Wyer and the publishers for the free digital advanced copy of A Life for a Life in exchange for my fair and honest opinions.

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*4 Stars*

Copy kindly received via NetGalley for an honest review.

This one was a little slow for me. We know from the beginning who the culprit is, and pretty much can figure out why they're doing what they're doing. A couple of little nuances I didn't work out until things progressed, but for the most part we're seeing the police side versus the culprits side until they come together. The thing with this storyline in the book is that we see Kate's team working together and we learn more about them. I quite like Emma and Morgan, still unsure about Jamie.

The second storyline that runs through this has been going since the first book, and we're getting closer (I think) to the conclusion of that. The ending left us with a big cliffhanger for this part though, so I'm curious to see what happens in the next book.

Not my favourite in this series, but still a good read, and I will continue this series.

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This is the third in the Detective Kate Young series and wow what a fast paced roller coaster it is.

After a couple of murders occur Kate and the team realise they have a serial killer on their hands and they have no idea where to go with this one. It just seems baffling but after an interesting investigation which I always feel a part of, they begin to make some headway.

Not only is the investigation taking up all of Kate’s time and energy but she still hasn’t given up on finding her husband’s killer and that brings us another nail biting thread to cope with.

Kate’s character is flawed but also realistic especially as we delve into her emotions and relationships with her family and colleagues. I wish I could have gone to the White Rose for a drink with them all as I feel I know them all really well.

Carol’s books don’t shy away from the gruesome aspects of murder but I do feel strangely comforted reading her books as I love her writing.

We’ve been left on an amazing cliffhanger here so I can’t wait for the next book to find out what happens next.

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First off, I love Carol Wyer and her books. But I just cannot get on with this series. I just do kot connect with Kate Young in the same way that I do Natalie Ward, for example.

I don't think that the series plot is particularly strong, and it doesn't interest me. So the fact that it is still going three books lager with very little progression just stops me from wanting to really try.

I started this book a few months ago and just cannot get into it so I am calling time, which I genuinely do not want to do.

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This book was a bit difficult to get into as it jumped around quite a bit. I am typically very into crime based novels, but this one just did not capture me as I thought it would.
My difficulty with following could potentially be due to the different verbiage between the USA and the UK, but I still felt like there was a lot of back & forth that didn’t connect the dots for me.

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