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The Second Time We Met

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Great book. I was able to connect with characters and the plot. I recommend this book……………………………..,,,,.

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"The Second Time We Met" by France Mensah William offers a narrative that leans more towards fiction than a traditional romance. The story explores a nuanced portrayal of relationships, delving into the complexities of life and personal growth.

The novel follows characters through various phases of their lives, interweaving their experiences and relationships. While romance is a component, the narrative is enriched with elements of broader fiction, capturing the intricacies of human connections and individual journeys.

William's writing style is evocative and descriptive, creating a vivid backdrop for the characters' lives. Exploring themes such as personal development, self-discovery, and the impact of choices adds depth to the storytelling. The characters are portrayed authentically, each carrying their burdens and triumphs.

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Thank you Netgalley and the publishers for this ARC for an exchange for an honest review.

Really wonderful book, I enjoyed it.

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I loved the conflicts and misunderstanding between cultures, genders, generations, social standings, as well as just plain interpersonal. I even got verklempt in a few moments. I love having a narrator who can do accents, or at least tries. I think this one did well with so many!

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This book was not for me. I dnfed at about 15%. I just wasn't vibing with the book and was bored and I have so many other things to read that I decided to just move on. I read other reviews and a lot weren't great which confirmed my decision to move on.

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Predictable, lost in the plot, and wishing I had spent time on something else. The plot had me hoping for something so much more than this.

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Super cute second chance romance, I just expected more romance I guess. IT was really just a bunch of awkward encounters. I just found it find of lacking for me and couldn't really connect to the characters.

Thank you NetGalley and publishers for this eArc in exchange for my honest review.

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A page turning read that keeps the reader engaged through until the final chapter, thoroughly recommend this book to add to your library If you like light hearted novels

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Not sure this was for me. I wanted to like it very much but in the end I did not connect well with the characters and the romance just did not sit will with me

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I loved this second chance meeting romance. Although from different backgrounds, their love prevailed and I really enjoyed the story.

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First I am gonna say I loved Cara and Henry. This story is about two people that didn't get a chance to know each other the first time, but casually got a second chance to meet and fall in love. If only being in love was so easy and perfect. This story is mostly about Cara figuring out how her life will click. with Henry's. It's really cute and a fun read.

3.5 stars.

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I would like to thank the author, the publisher and NetGalley for giving me the opportunity to read an ARC of this book. I really enjoyed it, the characters were well drawn and it had a good story.

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did not like it as much. it felt like the story was lost in the huge plot points. there are sweet moments but that is it. I had expected a bit more from the book but it did not do it for me. it lacked depth in the characters as well as the story. it was a bad example of cliche, where it was there but not in a way to be loved.

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I really enjoyed the ups and downs that we got to experience with Cara - the story of Henry and her was just so meet-cute! Such an enjoyable read with a memorable MMC and FMC along with the friends and family to help support this cute book! Thank you so much for this eARC!!

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Thank you for the ARC! I really wanted to like this as that blurb is right up my alley. Second chance romances are my weakness but idk I’m just not feeling it with this book?

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they meet for the first time -> meet again and become infatuated-> after three weeks, meet her parents/ week after, no contact -> meet his parents -> ruin his parent’s prized possession -> brother gives sister number -> break up -> alcoholism and then reunite

is it bad that i was more interested in the side characters than the main romance? henry and cara are great and all but what really charmed me was the description about cara’s culture and upbringing and I would love a book focusing on that.

i think there is potential for more books explore side characters briefly mentioned as the focus really was henry and cara’s romance and the others were just thrown in for flavour.

i felt that henry and cara’s romance was quite cute but i wasn’t personally invested in it. perhaps it was because we had no reason to invest in it due to the frequent time skips and the fact that we didn’t really see the relationship grow. after meeting for the second time, they were basically obsessed with each other and moved very very fast. after a month, they had already met each other’s parents? that seems awfully quick. plus the fact that they had awful communication, there wasn’t a lot of reason to root for each other. i don’t even think that henry knew that ryan, cara’s on and off ex of twelve years, kissed her while they were still together.

my favourite character of them all was uncle julio. his wild antics really made the book a delightful read. i would love a short story or collection of his wild antics. and exactly why does paula insist on hiring him even though he constantly messes things up? and why is paula like dave so much?

the mother-daughter relationship dynamics between cara & bev and fleur & isobel was explored quite well. through interaction and interaction, i was really rooting for them all.

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Thank you for my earc. I wanted to love this but couldn’t finished it because the love interest just gave me the ick and I didn’t enjoy their interactions at all! Will definitely try this author again though.

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im usually not into second chance Romances but this was was super fast paced and I really enjoyed it. I loved the multi cultural aspect and the chemistry the couple bad. highly recommend.

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A passable read...

Unlucky-in-love events manager Cara has had her heart stomped on by her past love, and refuses to allow room for new love in her life. When a chance encounter, not once but twice, connects her to the handsome Henry, she has to determine whether their difference in family, stature, interests will stand in the way of love & happiness. Or whether the draw of her previous love will suck Cara back into the past.

Assuming this story takes place in the modern day, it feels unrealistic for Cara to be so distrusting of a potential future with Henry. Perhaps it's her past trauma in a co-dependent relationship, but the protagonist seems unable to get out of her own way - both on the professional and personal front. It feels frustrating to see her put herself in these situations and perhaps why the story doesn't really feel like it's going anywhere, even by the end.

The book explores themes of trust, the draw of toxic relationship, and love across class & cultures.

An underwhelming read that leaves one waiting for a more concrete ending.

(Disclosure: I received an ARC of this book from NetGalley, in exchange for a fair & honest review. All opinions are my own)

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Aww, a great second chance romance that had me pulling at my heartstrings. Some things were a little over the top and drawn out, but it all held my interest and I really enjoyed it.

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