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Book Lovers

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Book Lovers by Emily Henry is a story about sisterhood and falling in love in a small town between a literary agent and book editor. It's like a homage to book lovers around the world that can awaken our passion for words and literary novels.

I was really hoping for more romance as compared to the sisterhood aspect. But it can kind of balances out to my dismay because I was just hoping for love, love and love. Don't mind my hopeless romantic self.

I could relate to the story, especially as an editor who tries to work on a story to make it better for the readers. Because there's truly so much work to be done behind the scenes before a book is displayed on the shelves of bookstores.

All in all, it was a pretty enjoyable read. Not my favourite of the author's works but still pretty interesting.

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I have really high expectations with this one. I love Emily Henry stories but I didn’t feel this one.
I really hate when siblings calls each other sis or bro.
So I was irritated when the sisters called each other “sissy”
The story is alright. Is all that we want in a romance book. But I feel like we need more. Maybe I was expecting more drama.
I understand that they are still grieving the loss of her mom but I think it was too much.
I know that Nora feel the “obligation” of take care of her sister but as Libby said she is her sister not her mom.
So I found that protective role a bit of obsessive. Like Libby cannot do anything on her own.
Nora ended up being a control freak.

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Another incredible novel from emily Henry! Loved the humour and banter between the characters, their smart wit made me fly through this. I loved how this was not your typical romance, and had great and real characters and issues that were sugarcoated.

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Let me just start by saying that I absolutely adored this book!
It has instantly become one of those books that I will forever recommend to everyone.
I was already a huge fan of Emily's first two books so I had high expectations for her latest release and Book Lovers certainly did not disappoint.
I adored Charlie as a love interest (what a man!) and the quips/back and forth between the two of them, before they get together, were brilliant.
I also liked that it was obvious that they both liked one another and then they almost get together a few times, in rather steamy embraces, giving us a great build up to their eventual pairing.
I enjoyed the way that this played with romance tropes in a really self referential way too.
This is also much more than just a romantic love story, there's family, careers, a small town vacation, a look into expectations of others and much, much more.
I could not put this down or keep the smile off my face for most of it either.
And I loved the homage to book lovers everywhere and how pivotal a role books played in this story.
Emily Henry will always be an automatic read for me and Book Lovers has only cemented that.
Thank you to Netgalley for providing me with an advanced copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

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I devoured this book in a day. It would have been in hours but I had work. You can bet that I was reading this on the bus to and from work, as well as in the kitchen at lunch and maybe in the cupboard during the shift. It's SO ADDICTIVE.

The beginning hooked me in. I love how it talks about tropes and how you can see it coming a mile away when you read so many books. And I absolutely adored how this book is from the perspective of the one who keeps getting dumped by those who go from the city to the countryside and finds a small-town girl to settle with instead. In all those tropes, Nora is the villain. But reading it from Nora's perspective was such a fun perspective and you can't help but love her.

Don't even get me started on Charlie. WHY CAN'T HE EXIST. I think we all need a man who is willing to carry us so that our expensive heels don't get dirty.

I teared up when I reached the end of the book, it was THAT good. And that ending was PERFECT.

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Nora is a book agent than suddenly finds herself in a small town, living every single cliché book trope known to man. Enter Charlie, a book editor that she's been flirt-emailing with, who is also in Sunshine Falls. What starts as working together very quickly becomes more. Will Nora and Charlie find their own small town happily ever after

I need to start by saying I LOVED this book. Right from page one, I was totally hooked and desperate for Charlie and Nora to get together. I read this in less than 24 hours as I was DESPERATE to find out if they finally got together.

Thanks NetGalley for the advanced copy. I will be recommending this to everyone I know!

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Loved this book. Two people who know themselves but have a deeper sense of self and connection when they meet. Really romantic but realistic too. Highly recommended. Thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for letting me review this book.

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Devour, Delight…
For book lovers everywhere, for wholehearted and unashamed romantics everywhere, this is a book to devour and delight in. A not so guilty pleasure, if you like. Nora, a literary agent with a knife like edge, and Charlie, an editor with flair, are suddenly bumping into each other with increasing regularity. But, Charlie is Nora’s nemesis right? Beautifully but slickly written with characters that jump right off the page and a wry humour running throughout. Brava!

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Oh this book! It was everything I hoped it would be. Small town romance BUT nobody has to abandon their dreams because they eg had hot sex with a Christmas tree farmer, check. Enemies to lovers but just enough for a spark not so much you legit hate one of them, check. Adult people with adult problems who discuss things like adults, check. Joyful/tongue in cheek romp through all your favourite romance novel/Hallmark movie tropes, check. I just love Emily Henry so much! I'm here for all of her books, and very grateful to Penguin for the arc obviously, but if they could just inject the next one directly in my veins I'd be even happier thank you so much in advance!

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Great storyline, locations brilliantly described -I loved this book! I loved the characters and the way each one's backstory was slowly revealed. I loved the (really) witty banter between Nora and Charlie. I loved the complicated sibling relationship between Nora and Libby and there wasn't a character I could fault.
It was romantic, but not in a soppy way, it was poignant, it was funny, and It was hard not to read it all in one go.

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I got utterly lost in this and read it in one sitting, it was so wonderful. As a massive Hallmark movies fan the premise was wonderful but I loved that she didn’t react entirely predictably to her career challenges - I’m sick of women in novels abandoning their jobs for boys! Couldn’t recommend this enough and actually looking forward to reading it again (I NEVER read books again!).

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Somehow I managed to please a lovely PR person and got an early copy of @emilyhenrywrites latest romantic comedy #booklovers - I am eternally grateful!

Emily Henry has been a “drop everything and read it now” author for me since Beach Read and not only does she not disappoint (a hard thing when Beach Read set the bar so high) but I think… I may love Book Lovers even more 😱

Funny, heart-breaking, warm and endlessly clever - Book Lovers takes the tropes romance readers love, delivers them and subverts them with precision perfect respect. A gorgeous love story and a heroine that I probably fell in love with more than the hero. Emily Henry’s books leave me feeling emotionally scrubbed out like I’ve simultaneously balled my eyes out and had a laughter fit. Amazing.

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I love Emily Henry's books so I had high expectations for this and it didn't disappoint! The romance between Nora and Charlie was so good and I loved seeing how their relationship developed and how Nora was dealing with opening herself up to someone again. Aside from the romance, I really liked how they were joking and making fun of all the typical tropes which was funny to read!
Nora was very career focused and I really liked this about her and the fact that she knew that she was but embraced it anyway and wouldn't make compromises that she knew wouldn't make her happy. It was also really interesting getting an insight into the editing process of book writing!

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Since she was young, Nora Stephens has loved books and the way they sweep you up in someone else’s life. As an agent, she is determined to get the best deal for her writers so when she gets the opportunity to meet with editor Charlie Lastra she is excited. Like her, Charlie has a reputation for being very good at his job…so when their meeting doesn’t quite go to plan it concerns her.
Nora and Charlie have an immediate spark. Their interactions are hugely entertaining, because I spent most of the opening wondering how on earth our author could engineer a situation where they’d be thrown together.
That situation comes about thanks to Nora’s younger sister, Libby. Since their mum died, Nora has been the rock. She’s prepared to do anything to help Libby, even take off on holiday for a month for a restful time before third baby arrives. Libby comes prepared with a checklist of things she wants her sister to do while they’re staying in Sunshine Falls, the backdrop for Nora’s most successful author’s series.
Sunshine Falls is most determinedly not New York. Yet, slowly, it works its magic on Nora as she’s forced to work at a different pace and consider for the first time exactly what she wants. Much of this is to do with Charlie who - no surprise here - originates from the area and has recently moved back to help his parents.
From start to finish we have the simmering attraction between Charlie and Nora to focus on, and the gradual discoveries we make about each of them helps flesh them out fully. There’s a few bumpy moments, but with so much focus on books and two characters you genuinely come to care for it’s hard not to fall for this one.
Huge thanks to NetGalley for giving me the chance to review this in advance of publication.

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I really enjoy Emily Henry’s romance books. This latest one is no exception. She writes romance plus like no one else. If you enjoy open door this is the book for you.

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Another amazing enemies-to-lovers page turner by the very talented Emily Henry. With all of Henry's book, it's not a straight forward romance novel & each main character has their own emotional backstory that shapes the way their relationship unfolds. I devoured this in a couple of days and right throughout the book was rooting for their happily ever after.

If you loved the author's other books, I highly recommend reading this. Emily Henry is the new queen of romance and I look forward to reading her future work.

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“Yes, the romance gods would be proud - again.”

I was always a fan of Emily Henry’s books, although I found them to be a little overrated. This one blew everything out of the water! A real career-best, bordering on possibly my favourite contemporary romance of all time. Every second of this book was an utter delight, it made me laugh and it made me cry.

The characters were real and yet incredibly sexy. “I spot Charlie Lastra near the back, dressed in all black like publishing’s own metropolitan vampire” and he tells me, “If you’re the villain in someone else’s love story, then I’d the devil.”

A real homage to book lovers everywhere, it made me feel seen like never before and reminded me why I love to read so much.

“Sometimes, even when you start with the last page and you think you know everything a book finds a way to surprise you.”

ps. “You’re in books. Of course you don’t have a life. None of us do. There’s always something too good to read.”

*** I received an early complimentary copy of this book. The opinions expressed in this review are completely my own

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Ahhhh Emily Henry does it again - Book Lovers is the perfect addition to Emily's books and I'm struggling to choose between it and Beach Read as my favourite.

I absolutely loved the storyline - Nora was THE perfect protagonist - she was feisty, funny and protective towards her sister, and I loved her sass! Charlie was...well, let's just say he gets a spot on my book boyfriends list - woweeeee.

Nora is a literary agent, and she gets her client's the best deals that she can - she's ALWAYS on the other end of the phone, no matter if it's midnight or a sisters only holiday, much to her sister, Libby's, annoyance. Nora and Libby's relationship is fairly complex, with Nora having had to take on the parental role after the death of their mother when they were 16 and 20 respectively. It was interesting to see the sacrifices that Nora made for Libby, whether they were warranted or not.

I thought that the way Emily wrote the story was fantastic, the descriptions of the various tropes we saw throughout was so funny - Nora's reluctance to be a part of those tropes was great, and her disbelief as to what was happening was just so great to read. Honestly, I can't praise Book Lovers enough.

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*Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for an early copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.*

Oh my God.My new favourite read EVER!Absolute perfection.There is not one single thing I would change about this book. It exceeded my hopes and expectations and then some.Emily knocked it out of the park with this one.
I wish I could forget that I read this book and read it all over again.

so so so good ....12/10 !

thank you again for the arc.kindly appreciated!

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Emily Henry has done it again.
Book Lovers is your next obsession. A perfectly crafted romance book with all the elements to keep you flipping the pages nonstop.

Meet Nora Stephens, the opposite of your traditional romance protagonist. She is tough as nails, career-focused, and hasn't cried in 10 years. In a common trope, she is the one the hero leaves before finding his true match - a slightly awkward and bubbly lead who loves to bake. Charlie Lastra has the energy and vibe of a modern-day vampire dressed in Tom Ford, wrapped up in a package of true wit and charming smirks.

What truly works in Book Lovers is how the story itself has many layers, all converging into the delightful story of how Nora and Charlie fall in love. In some ways, they are passers-by occupying Sunshine Falls and living their life through the quirky locals, and the list Libby (Nora's sister) made. Each step of the plot moves them forward and closer together until it's unacceptable to think about them as anything other than true soulmates. The balanced pacing gives you enough information to keep you interested until the end when every single thread comes together.

Book Lovers has a heavy dose of grief, and an interesting analysis of how we perceive ourselves through the lenses of pop culture. Therefore, it has a heavier feel than People You Meet on Vacation or Beach Read. It's clouded by anxiety, the loss of loved ones, and family complications. It's a bit more claustrophobic and complex than Henry's previous reads, but it's not less romantic for it. In fact, I think that what makes this author so accomplished is how she explores themes more associated with Literary Fiction, always giving us a dose of that nagging, nostalgic, slightly empty feeling a melancholic book brings, but circling back to romance, tying everything up in a beautiful happy ending.

At this point, if I see Emily Henry in a book, it's a sure giveaway that I'll buy it, read it, love it, and recommend to all my friends.

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