Member Reviews

I really don’t know why this series flies under so many peoples radar.
It is brilliant
MJ Lee has created a brilliant character in DI Ridpath. His ongoing story is emotionally loaded as a cancer survivor and a family man
His career is on hold. Shifted to light duties at Greater Manchester’s Coroners, acting as the Coroners Investigator, whilst tentatively still be attached to a MIT
When he’s tasked with investigating a Death in a police Custody he becomes a pariah to even his most supportive colleagues in MIT
A massive conflict of interests but Ridpaths moral compass ensures he will carry out a thorough investigation, even if others before him haven’t.

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I never repeat the blurb. Hallelujah! Having struggled with a few books recently, what an absolute pleasure to sink comfortably into the world of DI Ridpath as he raced against time to uncover the truth behind a death in custody before the start of the inquest.
Cannot wait til the next one. Roll on book 9.

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MJ Lee's latest in the Manchester based DI Thomas Ridpath series is a brilliantly dark and tense addition, whilst Ridpath works in MIT, he simultaneously serves the Coroner's Office with Mrs Challinor, a coroner who is absolutely committed to the dead in trying to ensure inquests uncover the truth. In 2018, 36 year old Ben Holdsworth is arrested for drug dealing and taken to Redbury Police Station where the custody Sergeant Tony Saunders follows procedures until he is put in a police cell for the night. In the early hours of the morning, Holdworth in police custody ends up dead. Despite protests, GMP Professional Standards, the IOPC and the CPS have all ruled that the police have no case to answer. In 2021, Mrs Challinor is going to preside over Holdsworth's inquest, and asks Ridpath to look again into the circumstances surrounding Holdsworth death.

Ridpath finds himself shunned by almost every police officer for looking into their own, and matters are even worse within MIT under DCI Paul Turnbull, with Superintendent Clare Trent away, he is determined to force Ridpath out by whatever means possible, banning anyone from helping him. The ambitious Turnbull is intent on cutting corners, prizing results above careful and competent investigations and he has his eyes on Trent's job. Despite the numerous obstacles he faces, Ridpath is determined to do his job, and the deeper he digs, he finds there are a number of anomalies, questions and oddities about the case as it begins to emerge that all the previous investigations were perfunctory at best. With his life and career under threat, Ridpath refuses to buckle under the horrendous pressures that come from all directions as he works all the hours, becoming more and more convinced that Holdsworth was murdered but can he prove it?

What differentiates this series from most other crime fiction is the spotlight on the dead, Lee paints a picture of the role played by the Coroner's Office, giving the reader the rules, details and descriptions of how it and inquests are run. I think this is my favourite addition to the series, it highlights just how remarkable and resilient a protagonist Ridpath is, he is a cancer survivor, a widower who his still grieving the loss of his wife, Polly, and doing his best to raise his wonderful teenage daughter, Eve. Given all this, he still manages to shoulder the unbearable strains and stresses of looking into a death in police custody, wanting to do his best for the dead. He is helped by the friends he has made, Chrissy and Emily Parkinson at MIT, and his terrific assistant, Sophia Rahman, who really comes into her own her as she tries to dodge her mother's efforts to marry her off. A wonderfully engaging and riveting crime series. Many thanks to the publisher for an ARC.

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When the Night Ends by M.J. Lee was like a puzzle with a piece missing and trying to find out what really is the picture and what really happened in the book, if anything, and who was involved. Ridpath is trying to get to the truth but is hitting roadblocks along the way.

When the Night Ends is a good story with good characters. It all came down to whether Ben Holdsworth died due to a head injury or if he was murdered. An interesting story with a good atmosphere and well-developed characters. I really enjoyed the relationship Ridpath had with his daughter Eve. Very sweet interactions.

I would recommend this book. I felt I did not really miss anything by not reading the previous books in the series. I give this a 4.5 out of 5 stars.

#WhentheNightEnds #NetGalley

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Another excellent book in a fantastic series. The book builds pace until you're on the edge of your seat and can't put it down because you want to see what happened next. I love this series and can't wait for the next one. Thanks for the ARC. I highly recommend this book and the entire series

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DI Thomas Ridpath #8

It’s the 21st of February 2018 and in Redbury police station it becomes a very busy night and one custody sergeant Tony Saunders will long remember. Fast forward to November 2021 and the coroners Court of Mrs Challinor who will oversee the preliminary hearing into the custody death of Ben Holdsworth in February 2018 which is due to open in seven days time. Mrs Challinor asks Ridpath to look over all the documents relating to the case as she’s just not sure. Meanwhile, as the head of MIT DSU Clare Trent is away on a course DCI Turnbull is using every opportunity to obstruct and blacken Ridpath’s name. While the cats away, nothing changes!

I so enjoy this series and it’s always a pleasure to pick up where we left off in Ridpath life and work. His daughter Evie grounds Thomas and what a fabulous character she is. The characters are so good and feel very familiar now especially Ridpath. Although Turnbull is a toad his portrayal is very good case with his hostility oozing from the pages. Resentment is especially apparent in this from several quarters as via his role at the coroners court this is a copper investigating coppers. Ridpath smells several rats as there are so many inconsistencies which obviously makes relations worse. Needless to say it’s not as straightforward as it seems, the off notes are definitely stinky but never fear Ridpath is on the case! The investigation starts in one place and goes so much deeper than he expects as it straying into some very dodgy areas which places him at risk. This is a very well written addition to the series, the plot is as ever solid, it’s extremely gritty and the way it’s written via several perspectives has you intrigued and asking questions from the get go. The storyline goes through numerous twists and turns arriving at a very satisfying conclusion.

Overall it’s a compelling read from first to last word. As ever, I’m looking forward to the next instalment!

With thanks to NetGalley and especially to Canelo for the much appreciated arc in return for an honest review.

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So here we are once more back with DI Ridpath in another thrilling instalment of one of my favourite series and I’m stuck for words it’s that good!
The thing about this series is the amazing camaraderie between the returning characters it really shines through they care about each other and oh boy does Ridpath need them all in this latest story as things are beginning to turn very nasty indeed for him with loyalties tested, accusations building up and Ridpath trying to balance home life and work.
Sometimes when you read a book you really wish you could bring a certain character to life to spend time with well I’m like that with Ridpath he is so well written and such a caring person with a fabulous sense of humour to boot, I guess I’m just a little bit in love with him also !
The story kept me gripped right from the start with plenty of twists and a pace that never let up till the dramatic conclusion which I hadn’t guessed.
I really do have to thank MJ Lee he writes a superb story with wonderful characters in a series that just gets better and better and I wish I could give it more than 5 stars , long may we all be treated to spending time with Ridpath and other characters too many to mention my only gripe is I know have to impatiently wait for the next in the series!
My thanks also to NetGalley and Canelo for giving me the chance to read the ARC in exchange for my honest opinion.

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I’ve been a bit off my reading of late and thought I might manage a couple of chapters of this today but I finished it. This is one of my favourite series and this is now one of my favourite books of the series. I am reluctant to use the word, but I found it ‘unputdownable’. Ridpath is a great character and I find it really interesting to see the investigation from the coroner’s perspective. Eight books in and this still feels like a series with more to offer and I do hope so. Highly recommend but for the best experience read the other books first.

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At last Turnbull gets his comeuppance, fantastic! I’m not sure how MJ Lee can keep turning out these fantastic reads in this series. The characters are so real, especially Ridpath himself, although his teenage daughter is also written so well, as anyone who has ever raised a daughter will testify. Absolutely fantastic read. Best read in order, but this would work as a standalone.

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would like to thank netgalley and the publishers for letting me read this exceptional book

its always a pleasure to read one of this authors books...and also seeing how well ridpath is doing with his daughter

and this time he is up against it....when the coroner asks him if he will look into the death of man who died in a holding cell..
which means ridpath will be looking to make sure everything was done by the book in that station, knowing that nobody was going to like it....

and its not long before ridpath falls foul of his fellow officers

oh my word brilliantly written with enough tension to make you sit on the edge of your seat...couldnt put the book at all and finished it in a day

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DI Ridpath is asked by the coroner to investigate the death of a man in police custody before she holds the inquest.
It initially looks like an accident but on checking the records Ridpath finds some inconsistencies he can’t ignore. Investigating other officers, even on behalf of the coroner, won't make Ridpath any friends and DCI Turnbull is out to ruin Ridpath whatever it takes. Determined to find the truth Ridpath is willing to upset people but his quest could make him some very dangerous enemies.
I read this is 2 sittings. If you like fast paced, twisty crime you need to read this. DI Ridpath is one of the most intelligent, interesting characters I have come across.

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When The Night Ends is the eighth book in the wonderful D. I. Ridley series. This is a story with a great many twists and turns which takes the reader by surprise, particularly the reveal at the end.
Still having one foot as investigator in the coroners office and another as a serving police officer in the MIT of Manchester police it remains at times a difficult balancing act, not helped by the animosity from D.I. Turnbull leading the MIT.
He is tasked by the coroner to re investigate the death of a prisoner in police custody 3 years previously. Although the police at the time have been cleared of any wrong doing an inquest is to be held to finalise everything.
As Ridpath goes over old statements, CTV coverage and talking to those involved he realises there are too many inconsistencies. This causes more problems for him as he is being ostracised by his police colleagues for looking to find fault with one of their own.
As more murders occur and Ridpath is being targeted and setup by police and villains he is have one of the toughest times since the murder of his wife. Add to this looking after his now thirteen year old daughter and life is tough.
Yet another great crime thriller that I enjoyed immensely, we are left wondering about Ridpath’s future…as usual Mr Lee you are an evil man!
My thanks to net galley, author and publisher for the opportunity to review this book honestly.

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This is the 8th book in the DI Ridpath series by author Martin Lee. This is one series I always look forward to reading and do so at the earliest chance. The characters are so familiar to me now and I am instantly into each novel right from the very start. DI Ridpath had his career halted when he was suffering from a serious illness and was almost forced out of the police force. He managed to hold on to his job by taking on a role at the Coroners office.

DI Ridpath is again upsetting colleagues in the police force, this time he has been asked to investigate the death in custody. Ben Holdsworth died alone in a police cell following his arrest and after a post mortem, the authorities decided nobody was to blame. Ridpath is asked to investigate the case by the coroner before an inquest, and straightaway he uncovers some discrepancies in the witness statements.

The CCTV was oddly not working that night and there are doubts about where the custody sergeant was at the time of death as well as an indication that he knew the victim. The more he investigates the more discrepancies and lies he uncovers which is making him more and more unpopular.

DI Ridpath is determined to uncover the truth which is definitely going to upset some of his colleagues.

I really enjoyed this book from start to finish, good plot, well written but it is the character DI Ridpath who makes this series so special for me. Another entertaining read from author M.J Lee.

I would like to thank both Netgalley and Canelo for supplying a copy of this novel in exchange for an honest review.

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