Cover Image: The Liminal Zone

The Liminal Zone

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Four stories from Junji Ito published through the Line app. The stories are a mix bag of body and psychological horror Ito is so very good at portraying. This is not the strongest of his collections, but fans of his work will enjoy it. I cover design of this Junji Ito western releases are top notch.

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While not as good as I would say my top rated Ito books are (uzumaki, tomie, etc.) this was still a fun read! The weeping woman was a good story. As always with these anthologies there are some throwaway stories and some that really stick with you. This may be my favorite cover for an Ito book though, as always the art is in top form.

Thanks to netgalley for the arc.

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Junji Ito fans rejoice! The Liminal Zone is another solid read to add to one's horror comic collection. The Liminal Zone wasn't anything groundbreaking for me, but it was entertaining and delivered on its premise.

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This was my second experience with Junji Ito and it solidified him as an auto read author for me. Though I thoroughly enjoyed all of the stories and nightmarish imagery the opening story was by far the most memorable. I think fans of Junji Ito, horror, or manga will appreciate this collection.

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Not a good intro to Junji Ito, but fans of his work will enjoy this nonetheless. Hard to recommend such a niche book / genre but I enjoyed it!

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It seems that Junji Ito can do no wrong. The Liminal Zone has sealed itself as another masterpiece of the master of horror.

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I love this author. This book kept me on the edge of my seat. I enjoyed this author so much that I wen out and bought another book by Junji Ito.This is my favorite genre. Great story!

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Another creepy tale from Junji Ito. This one includes a lot of his trademark body horror imagery and an interesting tale.

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Junji Ito is a master of horror and The Liminal Zone brings more brilliant and terrifying tales! As always, the artwork is incredible and creepy and the stories will keep you up at night.

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The Liminal Zone is my first Junji Ito book and I was quite impressed. If you enjoy horror and creepy folklore stories, you'll like this manga. The illustrations are striking and may haunt your dreams. Maybe don't read this one right before bedtime.

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What: Horror manga from the revered Junji Ito
About: collection of shorts featuring Ito's signature themes of body horror, grotesque imagery, folklore run amok
Features: dread, story twists, ink that oozes from the pages
Assets: artwork that stays with readers long after finished
Obstacles: Ito has stated that he never knows where a story is going to go, and that ending stories is a challenge. Often, the artwork and feel makes up for an abrupt story finish.
Who it’s for: J-horror fans, readers who value artistic achievement over story, long-time Ito fans.

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A wonderfully bizarre collection of weird horror. The artwork is phenomenal; the stories are inventive and feel fresh. Weeping Woman Way felt especially poignant. While Ito creates imaginative new ways to creep and gross us out, his stuff is so fun to read I rip through it.

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Forever a Junji Ito fan. I can't say he ever really disappoints. Even though this wasn't my favourite collection of his, the art and the weirdness of his mind and where it takes you, makes it always worthwhile to read his books.

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In the afterword Ito talks about how his ideas are getting tired and to be honest, it shows. The setups for each of these stories are interesting, but they just aren't that scary or disturbing. Worth reading, but not a great volume.

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ARC From Netgalley.
Another fantastic entry from Junji Ito, the master of horror manga.
Four short stories here:
1) Weeping Woman Way - A couple passes a funeral and hear the sobs of a Weeping Woman, an old tradition where a woman was hired to be an extreme mourner at a funeral. After witnessing the event, Mako continuously cries. This leads to her and Yuzuru seeking out the stories of weeping women, which takes them to a village where weeping women are said to live. They hail Mako as the next leader of their cult, which continues all the way through her death.
2) Madonna - Maria Amano transfers to a new school and becomes quickly known as the most beautiful student. This gains the ire of the Principal's wife, who sees herself as a modern day Mary reincarnate. The story spirals south quickly as only a Junji Ito story can, and the biblical comparisons are thick as the school "falls from grace".
3) The Spirit Flow of Aokigahara - Norio has a terminal disease and goes with his girlfriend Mika into the famous "Suicide Forest" near Mt Fuji. While looking for a comfortable place to die, they witness a stream of light that flows at night. The next day they discover a strange cave and watch the light become a flow of spirits all rushing to the afterlife. Norio jumps into the flow and begins a journey intitally seen as healing, but becomes something much more "streamlined"....
4) Slumber - Takuya is having nightmares and trouble sleeping. When waking in the morning, he is plagued with very specific memories of having committed a murder. As the murders continue every night, Takuya becomes paranoid and starts to believe he might actually be doing the murders. Is he?

Always love when Ito comes out with new material. Quick read, but outstanding illustrations and very deep, well thought out plots.
Strong recommend. Pick up anything by this author. But.... some can be very disturbing or gross. Consider yourself warned.

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I felt that there was a real development in Ito's illustrations in The Liminal Zone, lines even more refined and drawings detailed. Ito has an afinity for body horror in his stories and honestly, the amout of ways Ito invents to invoke utter repulsion and horror for the reader is impressive. I wouldn't say the collection is a stand out like Tomie or Soichi, but its still an enjoyable read none the less.

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This was another fantastic work by Junji Ito. Of the four stories, I think that the last was my favorite but it's hard to pick since they were all so good. I also really liked the weeping woman story from the beginning of the book. Overall, a great book that I think any horror fanatic should check out.

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Another piece of perfection of Junji Ito’s work. This is so creepy & twisted. There's a good variety that will creep under your skin and leave goosebumps on your arms. It's so bizarre and strange...perfect for spooky season.

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This was interesting, but was not able to hold my attention all the way through. I think I would've enjoyed this book more if it was in a physical form. This is not at the fault of the book itself, but I believe the formatting of the E-ARC made it more difficult to enjoy. Overall, this was an interesting story, but it did not capture my attention in the way I was hoping it would.

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I would read anything by Junji Ito and love it. The Liminal Zone has just strengthened this opinion. This is a great set of short horror stories where Ito has taken an idea from real life and twisted it into something completely out of this world. Put these brilliant stories together with the classic artwork and you get something you can read over and over.

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