Member Reviews

Fabulous book club kit! It contains great questions to get you thinking about what you read in more depth and fun little things like a bookmark and a fruit crumble recipe! This will also come in handy for my job as a librarian, as it contains inspiration on what books to read next and tips on how to engage readers with books.

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I really appreciate the creation of this kit. I will say that the visuals of this one are a little less impressive than the other ones I've seen posted on here, but the quality of the content is still there.

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Huge "thank you! to NetGalley and We Are Bookish for this beautiful and very thoughtfully put together resource!

From the get-go i could see the time and attention put into this book club kit. Trigger warnings are not always available with book club kits so this was a welcome change to see and much appreciated! It will better help me and others pick a book that suits our club best or to allow members to opt out appropriately.

I loved the wide range of questions offered, being able to keep the conversation flowing is key to a successful book club! Being able to also get insights from the author herself can add so much depth to not just the bookclub meeting but also can give the reader more insight on what the author was thinking while writing or appreciate the writing process that much more after reading the authors work.

Sally Rooney is one of my favourite author due to her unique writing style. However, it can sometimes be hard to know how exactly to generate conversation surrounding her work. The interview with the author and trivia are such a unique and interesting way to generate conversation with this book!

I absolutely adored the added extras like the bookmarks and recipes! These little add ons make a big difference especially for "Ice breakers" at the beginning of the club to get the conversations flowing!The recipes were such a fun touch! How fun would it be to include these in your next book club (either pre made or as an activity to make together) and they would also make for adorable book-ish birthday food spreads!

This kit was absolutely bursting with resources and could be used again and again with different groups and would create a different expereince every time!

Thank you again to NetGalley and We Are Bookish for this free resource! I can't wait to use some of these ideas for an upcoming book club!

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This book club kit would be great for book clubs that like in depth discussions, including trivia about the author and even a recipe that’s mentioned in the book. For myself and my book club, the questions felt quite academic and it reminded us of English class in school, so it’s not for everyone.

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Thank you - this was a great resource for our discussion of Rooney's Beautiful World, Where Are You. We also appreciated the recipe!

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I loved this kit! It is always great to get to think in a deeper way about the books we love and get some new points of discussion.
Also loved the bookmark. I've been using it a lot! :)

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Thank you as always for the amazing book club kits. I can't wait to be able to use this one. I hope to use all of these kits eventually.

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This is such a great Book Club Kit, the information given is super interesting, the questions very engaging and the bookmark & recipe are super fun! Highly recommend!

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Sally Rooney's books often delve into complex themes and can be challenging to read, so this book club kit is an excellent companion. It provides trigger warnings and resources related to the topics covered in her work. Additionally, it includes Q&A sections to enhance your understanding of the book. I particularly appreciate the recommendations for further reading.

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This was an amazing collection of prompts for my book club preparation! I wish this was available for more books. We had a blast with the trivia part and the bookmarks.

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This was an amazing collection of prompts for my book club preparation! I wish this was available for more books. We had a blast with the trivia part.

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Thank you! I am looking forward to using this material in the future in my book club! Great material!

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A bit disappointed that this kit didn't include an author review, but still. I appreciated all the extra bits and bobs. That recipe looks fire, and I'm gonna try it! 👀

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"Beautiful World, Where Are You" by Sally Rooney
Sally Rooney's "Beautiful World, Where Are You" is an introspective and richly layered novel that explores the complexities of relationships and the existential questions of modern life. Through the intertwined lives of Alice, Felix, Eileen, and Simon, Rooney delves into the intricacies of human connection, desire, and the search for meaning. Her sharp, nuanced writing captures the subtle tensions and profound emotions of her characters, making their struggles and triumphs deeply relatable. This novel is a thoughtful and compelling exploration of what it means to navigate love and friendship in a world that often feels overwhelming.

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Sally Rooney books can be very deep and hard to read so this book club kit is perfect to go along. It gives you trigger warnings and resources to use based on the topics that are discussed. It also gives you q&as to help you understand more of the book. I love the recommendations on what to read next.

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I love a book club guide even if I am just using it for myself. It helps me reflect on the reading and decipher my thoughts on the book. I really enjoyed Beautiful World, Where Are You and this book club guide allowed me to think back and gain a new perspective on the characters and the plot.

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This is such a great Book Club Kit! It includes book club questions, a recipe that goes along with the book, and a list of book suggestions for later.

I appreciate the publisher and NetGalley for allowing me to read this book club kit in exchange for an honest review.

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AHHHHHH!!! I love Sally Rooney and I started my book club about a year ago. The main reason I requested this book club kit is to see the type of questions to ask my book club, as well as possible next reads to recommend (which this guide included). I LOVED the added recipe to this kit, that was such a nice touch. I was very impressed by this guide and wish there were a few more for my book club to use. Unfortunately, my book club recently moved to Zoom, since a bunch of us moved cities but there are so many elements to this kit that are helpful to connect all readers. LOVE LOVE LOVE!!!

Thank you We Are Bookish and NetGalley for this kit. All opinions are my own.

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I this is a great kit for when wanting to discuss this book I your book club, is great material and a great guide !

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I loved this book, and adore this book club kit. The interview with the publisher provided a really intriguing behind-the-scenes peek at the literary industry, the content warnings were sensitively written, and the questions in the discussion guide were evocative and a step beyond many "usual" book club questions. I really enjoyed reflecting on the story and characters and working through the questions in my own head. The bookmarks and recipes are fun, and the Sally Rooney trivia is a great addition (though I wish I had done better haha)

Thanks NetGalley and We Are Bookish for creating this great kit!

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