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Love Will Tear Us Apart

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‘Have you lot been eating brownies with the Rastafarian or something? Look, if it will stop you all clucking like tedious hens, as it happens, I have the assistant-editor situation in hand.’

Once again a fantastic addition to the series. The eccentric characters are back! Best thing about the books.

Only 4 stars this time because It took a little while to really get into it but I'd still recommend this series to anyone in need of a good laugh.

‘Indeed she is. She has quite an interesting writing style.’‘I am familiar with it. Like a gossip columnist with Tourette’s whose tic is to randomly name-check Jesus.’

Ox went to speak , but she raised a finger. ‘Not you. You think repeating words is the same thing as explaining them. It’s like trying to learn a language from a parrot.’

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Loved being back with the Stranger Times crew. This was just as funny and engaging as the first two books with some interesting developments and plenty of mayhem along the way. If you haven’t dived into this series yet, you’re in for a treat. Start at the beginning and prepare for laughter.

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Received arc from Random House UK and Netgalley for honest read and review,and this is my review only.
This is the third book in this brilliant series and I loved it again.

The Stranger Times is the best newspaper ever.

Main character Vincent is absolutely fabulous and could not put it down.I adore all the characters especially Stella.
This book had everything and had me hooked from the beginning.
This time we see a different side to Vincent and Hannah is helping Betty.
Brilliant as usual and cannot wait for more.

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McDonnell has done it again! Love Will Tear Us Apart, the third instalment in The Stranger Times Series, continues the epic, pop-culture riddled urban fantasy tradition the author has started. And it is still two parts hilarious, with one part tragedy and a chaser shot of Vincent Banecroft.

Our Former Fleet Street Legend, Vincent Banecroft, is back with his eclectic mix of journalists: Reggie, an suit-wearing eccentric with a violent past, Ox, our resident conspiracy nut, Stella, the journalist with the hidden powers, Grace, the religious receptionist and all-around Head woman, and ... Hannah, the Assistant Editor going through prolonged divorce proceedings with ... well, a rich ass. This time, the only thing that's the same is Chekhov, Banecroft's trusty blunderbuss. Banecroft himself is tired, weird and even more abrasive than he's been. There's a ghost of his past, quite literally, that's haunting him. We explore a different, more desperate side to Vincent. This time, his usual brand of comedy and cheerinness is gone and that certainly sets a different tone to the novel, because it usually relies on his strength and bravado, in my opinion. And if is darker for his mood, which develops his character into much more and I really enjoyed it though it was awful to see him suffer. Awful to watch him become, well, a bad guy. Hannah cuts through the book again as a voice of reason and someone with a can-do attitude, Ox and Reggie bring their own brand of comic-relief and despite whatever is going on, those two remain the a point of comedy. Grace gets her own part finally, and Betty and Mrs Harnforth take a much more ... active role. Oh and Stanley, well, he's becoming one of my favourite characters. His tragedy is much the point of my amusement.

Though, it would not be The Stranger Times if the newspaper didn't get wound up in the actually magical and paranormal, which I'm pleased to say thickens as the series goes on, with the overarching plot of Founders and the Folk, their agreement, the Accord; as the series progresses, the magic becomes more and more prevalent and I have to say, tot a fantasy lover like me, Mrs Harnforth's Starling-ridden scenes are some of my favourite. I won't, obviously, go in to much that would spoil the boom, but suffice to say, this has more than enough for the fantasy reader and McDonnell is a master at balancing it around the joke, the comedy, and the tragedy.

It is a marvel how the themes are balanced in this series and I'm not entirely sure which is what keeps me coming back: you've got the depth of tragedy, death and murder which permeate each book; every character is broken and the more I read the more I realise to what extent that is - it is very on show in this book and the sentiment behind the title is certainly not lost in its pages. You also have the comedic side, the slap-dash humour, the grim, the black, and everything in between. And there's also room for some pretty spectacular magic, that which we see in this book is some of my favourite, it is original and unique. It is flamboyant and dark. The world-building behind the comedy stretches far and wide and don't be fooled, there's as much of it there as any epic fantasy.

We're three books in now, so I thought I'd share some of my favourite lines and why:

Honestly, I love this series. This is the third one I've reviewed noe with enthusiasm and I doubt it will stop. This is quickly becoming one of my favourite series and I always look forward to the next instalment. It really is different to my usual epic fantasy, and I'd recommend it to anyone. Seriously, this series is great and my reviews do not do ut any justice.

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The Stranger Times is in disarray. Hannah has mysteriously left and interviews for a new assistant editor aren't exactly going well. Is everybody who they seem? Of course not! This is the Stranger Times after all.

This series has really grown on me and this one does not disappoint. The usual suspects all behave in their normal, unpredictable ways and nobody has the least idea about what is going on. It works well as a fun read and one which I look forward to. Who can ask for more than that?

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We return for a third time to the offices of Stranger Times and things have changed. Hannah has suddenly left the paper, a new deputy editor, Elizabeth Cavendish the Third, Betty, has been installed by Mrs Harnforth, Stella is about to take part in her first Loon Day and poor Grace has an audit looming over her head.

The Founders are still out there with more diabolical plans, least of which is the kidnap of an ex-employee whose investigations were getting too close to the truth.

This series of books just gets better and better, I cannot recommend them highly enough. The dry humour, the eclectic collections of characters, the ting of horror, just a wonderful package. Five stars again.

My thanks to NetGalley and Transword, Penguin Random House for an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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Don't read this book in public if you are easily embarrassed by laughing out loud in a really corpsing, crying, doubled over sort of way.
This is the third book in the Stranger Times series and it's brilliant. It's a perfect antidote to the strange times that we're living in. The usual characters are all there, and a few more random ones chucked in for good measure. It has its sensitive moments too, and bowls along at a cracking pace. This was a absolute joy to read, I can't recommend it highly enough and give it at least 150 stars.

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The gang are back, and just as cookie as ever!
Hannah - the assistant editor - has left, gone back to her ex husband, and Banecroft is more deranged than ever.
With the new assistant on board, they prepare for 'Loon Day' - where they open the doors to the public, who offer up their outrageous stories for a chance to appear in the pages of The Stranger Times, people like Smokey, who suffers from Cigaretteasexyopia... he likes to get it on with cigarette machines.
Love Will Tear Us Apart is book 3 in the Stranger Times series. We catch up with the gang, as chaos reigns, and we're introduced to a new assistant editor Rosie, who is a great character.
If you're looking for an Urban fantasy/horror with big belly laugh humour, then read this series.
Thanks to Netgalley and Publisher for the ARC

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Once again slipping back into the world of the Stranger Times is like meeting that weird friend who you don't see that often but when you do, it is a laugh a minute with some oddness added in for good measure.

This book was a, little different, with Hannah having apparently gone back to her twat of an ex husband, and Bancroft even more off the rails than usual. But never fear, there is still an edition of the paper to put out, with a new assistant editor around, plus more than one mystery to unravel.

I do love these books. They are totally my sort of humour, though I fear that people from other countries won't get a lot of the humour as it is quite British specific. But I hope they do, as these books are a riot, mixed with a good dose of horrific to balance it out.

And really, what do you do when there are two queues?

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Love Will Tear Us Apart is the third instalment in the Stranger Times series and I feel this is the strongest and potentially darkest book of the series.
Without warning Hannah, the assistant editor has left the newspaper and Banecroft who is unpredictable at the best of times is suffering from the recent interaction with Simon the ghost who is channelling Banecroft's dead wife. Then there is Betty, the new assistant editor who is not what she seems as well as Ox and Reggie investigating the now discontinued conspiracy column.
The humour of the series is still sharp as ever and C.K McDonnell handles three narratives extremely well with each one holding up strongly against the others. As well as bringing back Stanley, who is a welcome return he introduces Betty and Cathy, the IT expert helping with Hannah's investigation of a health farm. Hopefully, these characters will return along with Gordon, the quick-tempered Starling.
This is a fantastic addition to the series and one I will be purchasing on its release to add to the previous two.

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Oh boy, this was so good. The third book in the series but definately the best. The characters are becoming fully fleshed out and you feel that you know them well. Even the players with smaller parts have life to them. The books all seem to have a fresh new story but pull in threads from the previous books that made the Stranger Times world deeper and more vivid. Full of exciting adventures but never too offensive or gory. My husband does not appreciate me reading this series though, apparently my laughing out loud, giggling and reading him the funniest parts are disturbing him trying to read him paper (which is not the Stranger Times apparently)

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A softer side of Banecroft, more on the mystery that is Stella, and the whole gang being drawn further and further into the delicate stand-off between the Founders and the fae. The world of The Stranger Times keeps getting stranger and more fun.

The first Stranger Times novel was one of my surprise favourites of late 2020, and now on novel three (out early 2023) it has cemented its place as my favourite series. A wonderful blend of silliness, mystery, and old fashioned news room dark humour, the author always delivers.

Love Will Tear Us Apart more than lives up to the standard already set. It also gives us a chance to see Banecroft in a different way - although with far less swearing (including his creative alternatives) than in previous books, which shows that he’s not quite himself. We also get to find out more about Stella and it’s nice to get a look behind the moody teen persona to understand that there’s a lot more to find out where she came from that even she doesn’t know.

As number three in a series with developing lore you really need to have read the previous two books first. But, as the publication date for this one is still a few months away that’s plenty of time to catch-up on The Stranger Times and This Charming Man. You won't regret it.

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The Strangers Times crew are a motley crew of newspaper folk, reporting on stranger things. Their reporting continually leads them into the midst of some very strange goings on. Vince Banecroft is their easily irritated, lound, obnoxious editor, more likely to throw something at a staff member than praise them. His wife passed away a few years ago, but he always remained unconvinced of her death, despite all evidence to the contrary. Now, with the unwilling assistance of the office ghost he has gone off his rocker (even for him) in pursuit of his lost love.

Meanwhile the office is in turmoil with the sudden resignation of the assistant editor, Hannah Willis. Seemingly off to reunite with her no good ex-husband, she has left the office in a lurch. How is her time in a celebrity run retreat any help for her and the Stranger Times?

When people go missing, ghosts get hijacked, staff get attacked in graveyards by statues everything starts to fall apart without someone to step in and take control. Will the Stranger Times crew make it through this one?

This is book three in The Stranger Times Series. I enjoyed book one and two immensely and book three did not disappoint. As with the previous books, this was an absolute delight to read. Filled with self deprecating, dark humour, it is a real page turner. It was excellently paced, keeping you engaged and entertained from cover to cover. I can’t wait for more instalments in this series. The Strangers Times crew have become my favourite motley crew of would be, bungling, well intentioned, hapless heros, that somehow overcome the odds against them.

*I received a copy of this from NetGalley for review but all opinions are my own.

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And the gang are back! Grace with her biscuits, Manny, Ox, Reggie, Stella and yes Hannah and Banecroft. It is like seeing old friends again, it really is. I love Caimh’s Dublin and Stateside series too, and it amazes me how he writes those and also The Stranger Times series as well! What a gift to be able to write books that genuinely make me laugh and care about the characters. He is channelling Terry Pratchett and I can think of no higher praise than that. Highlights: Hannah’s hot yoga; Sturgess involuntarily tossing his bag of shopping into the air (I sprayed my coffee everywhere with that one); and the dual queues on Loon Day. Amazing to think this must have been written before the Great British Queue of recent days… ;-) Keep 'em coming CK McDonnell!

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Vincent is the Editor of The Stranger Times. He has always been weird but now he is even weirder. Assistant Editor Hannah has just left with no explanation. What is going on at The Stranger Times, why and who is responsible?

Our favourite characters are back with even more trouble to deal with. Once again we are presented with a brilliant novel with lots of lovable weird and wonderful characters. No plot spoilers from me, you just read and enjoy every page.

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Did I enjoy Love Will Tear Us Apart? Let’s say it caused a family rift, because my wife kept complaining when I laughed out loud as I read. Laughed so, so many times! My congratulations to C. K. McDonnell on another 5 star book. This is the third book in the series. You can read this as a stand alone, but why limit yourself, the previous books are equally as good, and when you have read this one you will want to read the others anyway! Thank you to Penguin Random House Publishers and NetGalley for the ARC. The views expressed are all mine, freely given.

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