Member Reviews

Imagine being able to visit the actual place where the adaptation of your favourite book was filmed and, even better, have the chance to live there and relive all your favourite moments. For me, it would be like being able to visit the house used for Barton Cottage where Elinor and Marianne Dashwood lived in Sense & Sensibility. And if Mr Ferrars or Colonel Brandon happened to pop by, so much the better! The three main characters in this book, Emily, Alex, Rachel, are all superfans of the fictional book and film Hope Falls. Being able to stay in the house where it was filmed is a dream come true for them and they have so many plans for their book pilgrimage stay.

Mirroring the story, close friends Emily, Rachel and Tori have booked the house where their fictional heroines lived. At the last minute though Tori is unable to come and the other girls agree that Alex can join them. It’s fair to say that Alex is not what they expect! This changes the dynamic of the holiday and it was so interesting to see how they adapted and got to know each other. The three all had secrets they were keeping and had to learn to trust each other. Quite often, their life reflected that of their beloved story. Like their literary idols, they all had to make big decisions which were really transformative.

I absolutely loved the setting of the Lake District and thought Heidi Swain captured its beauty and ruggedness perfectly. I started reading while I was in the area and I almost felt like I was living in the book as I followed what the friends did and where they went. I particularly enjoyed the scenes where Emily and Alex were stargazing.

The Book-Lovers’ Retreat is another fabulous read from Heidi Swain. Great characters in a gorgeous setting and a very engaging story makes for a very satisfying read. And I really, really want to read Hope Falls!

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The Book Lovers Retreat

Omg I cannot believe this is Heidi Swain’s 16th book especially as I met her when she’d just had the offer for her first book The Cherry Tree Cafe. I’ve loved every single one of them so far but this one is by far my favourite and I just had goosebumps when I read the ending as it was so beautiful.

As soon as I heard the title of this book I knew I was going to love it and then when Heidi talked about the concept of it I simply adored it.

The thought of being able to rent out a house that was in a film of a book is just amazing and brilliant and I can just imagine Hallmark wanting to bash Heidi’s front door down with film offers for this book.

Em and her friends Rachel and Tori have had this holiday booked for years, they are all ardent fans of both the book Hope Falls and the movie based on it so when the time comes they are beyond excited.
Up until Tori’s Dad puts a stop to their plans by not letting Tori go.

Em and Rachel have to decide whether to cancel or choose someone from the waiting list of fans to share with them.

The person they choose is not quite what they were expecting and their carefully arranged plans begin to fall apart.

They eventually meet Connor, the handsome pub landlord and they all become great friends.

As they reenact scenes from the book they become aware of their own failings and wishes and even though none of them quite believe in themselves enough they gain strength from the belief that their friends have in them.

I don’t want to give too much away because spoilers but this book is so uplifting and gorgeous and you will not want to put it down. Em’s creative project is just genius and beautiful and I loved the way her creations helped bring about comfort.

Watching the friendships withstand hardships and troubles and come out stronger than before was inspiring and watching the love story between two of the characters blossom and grow was gorgeous.

Uplifting and emotional, a story of friends sticking together through thick and thin with a large helping of love and new beginnings.

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Not my favourite Heidi Swain book, I found it hard to actually like the main character and must admit it did me a while to finish it. Most unusual for me as usually devour her books in one sitting

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Another brilliant bookby Heidi Swain.

This is a stand alone book set in the Lake District and features three friends planning a six week holiday in a location where a book and film were set. When one of the three is unable to go, will these mean their long awaited holiday is cancelled.

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It took me over three weeks to finish this book. Not long, you might say, but it's only because I've skim - read it. Long, you might say, but it's because I didn't have a problem to put this book away and then I didn't feel the need to pick it up again. Yes, in the end I've skim - read it because I had a feeling there is really not much happening. Also, I've never warm to the main character, Emily. I can't count how many times she "shot back" or "snapped" at her friends and it actually really well describes the way she was. So often bad - tempered and in a bad mood, as if everything and everybody should focus on her and dance to her tune. The characters felt so unrealistic and I couldn't care less what's going to happen with them, sadly.

The last 30% of the book were the most interesting, but it was already too late for me to save the book. I expected something different - based on the brilliant title, on the synopsis and the gorgeous cover I hoped for something witty, funny and filled with joy and friendship. I didn't feel any of those things in the story, sadly. It felt superficial, simple, predictable, some of the storylines so meh and so dramatically overdone. The author touches upon some heavier issues, but even this felt wooden.

I'm hoping for the good, old Heidi Swain's book in autumn.

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I absolutely adored this easy to read story. Heidi Swain has a knack of bringing characters to life and finding yourself feeling as if you are part of their friendship group. No, the characters are not perfect, thank goodness, because who is?!? I’d much rather read about flawed people -and really, who wouldn’t react the way Em did to finding Alex as their housemate; and how many women have not realised they are in a controlling relationship (despite close friends warnings)?
.As a lover of sewing, I felt inspired by Em’s love of patchwork and design (and her fledgling business idea) - not many characters in books do have hobbies so this was refreshing.
Fabulous escapism - highly recommended.

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I wasn't sure about this book at first, the whole strangers sharing a house, but I continued on and enjoyed it. the house sounded like such a lovely place to stay. The whole recreating the book/film was an interesting touch, nicely described. I enjoyed the characters and their back stories. Thank you netgalley for the advanced copy.

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A lovely stand-alone story from one of my favourite authors.
Three friends Emily, Rachel and Tori, have been looking forward to visiting a cottage in Lakeside in the beautiful location of the Lake District, where the film adaptation of their favourite book Hope Falls was filmed. So spending six weeks there is much anticipated but when one of the girls have to drop out at the last minute they hope that the replacement person will keep the thrill and expectations alive.
I had reservations with the character Emily as I found her to be quite catty towards her friends at times so I couldn’t warm to her as much as I would have liked. However, the setting that Heidi described is gorgeous and sounding like an ideal holiday destination.
Overall this is an easy and enjoyable read. My thanks to Net Galley and publishers for the ARC.

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I absolutely love all of Heidi's work so I was really excited for her first 'stand alone' novel. I really loved this story. The friendship, the magic, the 'finding yourself'. Everything you could ask for from a book and tons more. Thank you so much for writing another stunning book Heidi. Loved it.

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A book about a shared love of a book, friendship, finding purpose, believing in yourself & maybe even lasting love.

The Book-Lovers Retreat is a lovely, easy read & left me wanting a six week summer holiday in a lakeside cottage with a reading nook.

I've got to be honest & say I did get frustrated with Emily, Rachel & Tori at various turns during the first half of the book &, although this is no bad thing when you're looking for a HEA, I knew each turn the book was taking (but that could also be because I've read everything Heidi has written). I was left happy, particularly with the last third of the book & the action there. The characters discovering the things that made them happy, whether in their careers, relationships, or life in general, left me smiling & satisfied.

Now, the only problem I have left is that I want to read Hope Falls

Thanks to @simonschusteruk & @netgalley for my

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Exactly what I expected from a new Heidi book. Lots of heart, lovely friendship, lovely food, lovely location, gorgeous man. Thoroughly enjoyable

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adore Heidi's books, but unfortunately, I just couldn't get into this one. It just didn't work for me.
Em, Rach and Alex head to the lake district where they have booked a cottage for the summer, which is the one from their all-time favourite book.
Personally, for me, not very much happened. Some decisions were made on their future's.
I found Em to be annoying at times. Rach didn't want to hear anything negative about her controlling boyfriend, Jeremy.
I liked Connor, who ran the pub, and Alex seemed like a decent bloke.
One of the negatives that drove me bonkers was the many times the word said was used, especially with the adverb in front. For such an accomplished author, it was disappointing.
Thanks to Netgalley and Simon and Schuster UK for the ARC in return for an honest review.

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"Sometimes in life ... something unexpected, which might seem like a total disaster can turn into something wonderful."

Delicate, dreamy and delightful - this is a story for anyone who knows the transformative power of a good story. The setting was stunning; a vivid, stormy and sunny summer that was descriptive and detailed. The story moves slowly like a lazy afternoon, taking it's time and giving us all the little moments in this life-changing trip that turn into something big. Rather than a big reveal, it's all about the people and their personal and collective journeys.

The cast was wonderful- they were all so beautiful and real, not always perfect but perfectly lovable. Despite their distinct differences, everyone was a little lost and confused - and of course shared their love of their favourite book. I adored how Hope Falls was referenced throughout the story and the parallels between the book and this story, the book almost being it's own character. Their relationships were wonderfully complex, affectionate and loving - at times they made me crack up with their silliness, sassiness and their witty observations about growing up and growing old. This story is all about friendship and self-discovery, with a sweet dose of romance that complemented the story rather than overshadowing it.

Witty, warm and wonderful - this is a positively feel-good story that feels familiar and friendly. You kind of know where the story might be going, but getting there is absolutely delightful. I laughed, I cried, I swooned, I rolled my eyes - this is definitely the perfect read for any bookish break.

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When you have loved an authors books for years but hear the words new Stand-Alone novels there is that part of you that is excited and another part of you that is apprehensive and this was how I felt when Heidi Swain announced her new novel The Book Lovers Retreat.
When long standing firm friends Emily, Rachel and Tori book their dream vacation to stay at the cottage where their favourite book to film adaption was set the excitement is immense especially for Em who is counting on the holiday to giver her the headspace to decide on her path in life. But when Tori announces she can no longer come the holiday is hanging by a thread until another super fan takes her place but will the experience still be as good as anticipated now they are to spend a month with a stranger.
Book worms have all read a book I am sure where they would love to be able to step into the pages and experience for themselves so this really helps us to relate to the excitement each of the girls have for their trip. Heidi Swain always creates such inviting settings in her novels and Lakeside is no exception with its cosy cottage, tranquil lakes and traditional country pub.
We always expect a gushing romance with Heidi’s books and there is one bubbling away in this storyline and it really warmed my heart because both parties were such selfless loveable characters who were perfect for each other.
As ever Heidi has developed likeable characters who’s personalities develop as the book moves along and we warm to them all because they are lifelike with flaws and issues that don’t make them perfect. Tori was a live wire with a big personality and even though she was only in the book for brief periods her presence was not forgotten. Rachel was a little more reserved and Emily and Alex took more of a central role and they have their own struggles and issues they are facing but both of them put other peoples feelings ahead of their own.
I need not have worried about this being a standalone because Heidi Swain has such a skilled writing style that always manages to sweep you into the storyline in the first chapter and keep you engrossed with friendship, community, heart break and romance surrounding characters who really get under your skin.

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Emily, Rachel and Tori are all obsessed with the book Hope Falls, having each discovered it in a special way and bonded over their joint love for it.
They have spent 3 years planning their trip to Lakeside, where they are going to be staying at the very house that the film adaption was set, surrounded by all the places featured in it.
At the last minute, Tori is unable to go and her place is taken by Alex, who has been on the waiting list for the house but is a total stranger to the girls.
After bonding with her over email, Emily and Rachel are excited to spend their summer visiting and reenacting all their favourite parts of the book together.
When they arrive, they discover Alex is actually a man and he is there with some emotional baggage which he is keeping a secret. But then the girls both have their own secrets to mull over during the trip too, so will this be a holiday of big change for them all?

This was Heidi's first stand alone novel so I went in to it unsure whether it would have the same feel as her previous books.
Once I had settled in to the different area and got to know the new characters, I absolutely adored it.
I know so many book lovers who would happily spend 6 weeks staying at the location of their favourite book, so it was very easy and enjoyable to read about like minded people doing exactly that.
The girls were all so different but always came together and had an amazing friendship and the supporting characters were fabulous.
I really hope this isn't the last we see of Connor, Siddy and Mrs T!
One of my most anticipated reads for 2023 and definitely did not disappoint!

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Thank you for sneak preview of Heidi’s latest book.
I have to be honest - this book took me longer than Heidi’s other books to settle into the story. I did enjoy the story but missed that ‘community’ feel from the books set in Norfolk.
However I enjoyed how the characters developed and the highs/lows of their summer holiday together. Heidi has the knack of creating characters you care about, with a dash of humour and a sprinkle of romance

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Wow. As a true ‘Swainette’ I love every new book Heidi writes. As a fan of all her usual ‘communities’ and their inhabitants, I was keen to read this brand new, stand alone. With Heidi’s writing style, story flow and ability to bring characters into our hearts, I was instantly part of the gang and as excited for this long yearned for holiday as the characters were.
Em is quite a character, she has her friends best interests at heart but isn’t totally perfect or without traits that could sometimes make you want to have words with her. Her attitude when the realisation of who Alex was made her seem immature and annoying at first, but you get to see why and throughout the story she changes, blossoms and you see all the parts of her that are great.
Alex is a great character too and another that evolves the longer their holiday lasts.
The obsession with Hope Falls is understandable to all
fans of a well loved book or film. Their excitement was infectious. A story with heartache, drama and friendship with a sprinkling of romance of course. Sometimes getting away from real life means you can see things for what they are and I think each character realised more about themselves than they were expecting.
Absolutely loved every moment!

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This book was an absolute delight to read from cover to cover. I've read all of Heidi Swains books, and loved each one. Generally they are set in her homeland of Norfolk, but this one kicks the trend, but it didn't make any difference, her writing shone.

The Book-Lovers' Retreat is about three friends who share the love of a book called "Hope Falls", which was later made into a film. They pre-book and save for a couple of years to stay in the cottage featured in the film for six weeks in the summer, planning to watch the film, read passages from the book and just enjoy their retreat at Lakeside. Each friend (Emily, Rachel and Tori), have issues they need to think about and work through while staying at the cottage, but as things turn out, all the best made plans... don't always turn out how you expect them to.

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A new Heidi Swain book is always a treat, and this one is set in a new location. So needless to say, I was very excited to get my hands on it!

I really enjoyed this book. I absolutely loved the concept, of a holiday for fans of a book and film. I loved the execution too, the way things weren’t quite as expected, but still worked out really well.

I loved all four of the main characters, though Tori took a little longer. She came across as shallow and selfish to start with, but soon showed that there’s a lot more substance to her.

I thought the storyline with Rachel was great. It’s easy to get into one of those kind of relationships, and difficult to get out of. I thought the story did a good job of showing that, but still having the happy ending.

I loved the friendships, both the existing one between the women, and the new ones that are developed during the story.

Overall, this was a joy to read.

TW: coercive control (mostly off page)

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An absolutely delightful summer read. By Heidi Swain. I love all of Heidi's books and this one is no exception. I always look forward to them coming out. So was eagerly awaiting this one.

We all know that feeling when you love reading and you find a book that completely captures your heart, changes your world and becomes a comfort blanket to you. Well what would you do if you could go and visit that place where the book was written and set. Wouldn't that just be amazing!!

Well that is just what is happened to Emily and Rachel. Who set out on an epic adventure to spend six whole weeks in the cottage where the film adaptation was located. They were planning to go with their friend Tori but then her dad basically grounds a fully grown up woman and she is no longer able to go. It's touch and go if they will be able to afford it. But the place is a bucket list item and everything is weighing on them being able to go and spend time in this cottage. With the cottage being a must do for so many people there is a waiting list so they are able to enlist someone from the list to take toris place. However they are shocked when they discover that Alex is a man and not a woman And things are thrown into a little bit of turmoil. But things always have a way of working out in the end and what was once thought of as a problem could be the best thing to ever happen.

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