Member Reviews

“My aunt used to say, if you don't fit in, fool everyone until you do.
She also said to find work that is fulfilling to your heart as well as your head, to never forget to fall in love whenever you find it because love is nothing if not a matter of timing, and to chase the moon.
Always, always chase the moon.”

When I started this book and read this opening line, I knew I was going to love it. And I was not wrong.
The Seven Year Slip was another beautiful, magical story about love, friendship, self-fulfillment, missed chances and finding happiness when least expected. But it was also about losing someone and how this loss affects your life, how the pain and grief never go away, but only become bearable over time.

“Life doesn't always go as planned. The trick is to make the most of it when it doesn't.”

If you have read and loved The Dead Romantics, then you're going to love this book as well. Ashley Poston knows how to deliver deep, poignant stories.

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You would think that Ashley Poston's genre is magical realism because of the magical setting of her books but the magic is actually her writing. The way she tells a story and paints a scene and brings her characters to life. The way she makes you smile and laugh and cry. She is dealing with death and life, and she does it so wonderfully. It took me some time to get into the Dead Romantics and honestly, I needed a little time to get into this one as well, but once I did, I could not put it down. I stayed up late to read it and when I wasn't reading it I kept thinking about it and what is going to happen next and how! I clutched my chest, I gasped, I sighed and cried. I absolutely loved it. Her love interest just absolutely broke my heart. I am in love. Also, the best nickname NO NOTES. Just perfect! I really loved all the characters, the heroine, her aunt, all of the other side characters, you simply cannot not love them. Wonderful, magical 5 stars!

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To all the romance readers out there: if you only read one book this year, make sure it’s The Seven Year Slip. Clementine West is going to find your new favorite stranger standing in the kitchen of her late aunt’s apartment. A man that steals her heart with his kind eyes and lemon pies. One small problem: he lives in that very same apartment, seven years ago.

I really loved this time defying story. Their meet cute? The best! Banter? Fantastic! First kiss? Oh my gosh, all kind of superlatives for their kisses in these stolen moments. And did I mention he gave her a nickname? So, so cute!

I don’t want to give anything away, so I’m leaving a lot of details out, but believe me when I say: you don’t want to miss out on The Seven Year Slip.
A new favorite for me.

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I hate to say it but here we are again with another story by Poston where, for me, the concept is a win but the execution fails to totally dazzle. I think overall I had a better time with this than THE DEAD ROMANTICS but somehow I’m rating them the same. What even is a rating, yo.

I think what really failed to spark for me here were the characters. I really didn’t like anyone.. except Iwan’s food truck buddies. Who we see a total of one and a half times. But everyone else, even Clementine’s friends? Not really. And Clementine herself? Iwan? Eh..

But where this really did succeed, beyond the concept that hooked me so hard, was the grief. There are some incredibly moving passages about loss (please find some content warnings if you need them) and I definitely teared up. Poston wrote the hell out of that and I felt it. I truly did. I wish I had felt the same for the romance but..

It happens so fast. Even with the weird wibbly-wobbly-timey-wimey hijinks, when Clementine first meets Iwan, out of time, it’s so fast. Even despite the rules her aunt has instilled in her — not to fall in love (even though there was another rule to always fall in love? inconsistent; unless that one was just for traveling? it’s possible). First she is desperate to have him go, then she’s desperate to have him back, and then the person she meets later, in her own time.. I don’t know, I didn’t really buy it. I didn’t like that he went that route. I understood Clementine’s own career-arc, this makes for another book I’ve read recently that works through the concept of being in a job that doesn’t spark joy and what it means to consider something else after committing so much of one’s life to a career, but that was the only part of her I connected to.

Personality-wise? Initially I found her offputting and totally unappealing and as time went on she got easier to bear but I never liked her. Iwan, initially, is perfect. Which makes him hard to dislike I guess — though when propped up against him it made Clementine a very stark character, and it was mostly in those early scenes when it really hit home how much I disliked her. But maybe that’s why he was the way he was later; for some flavour. For some conflict. Though, as I type this all out, I wonder if he was the other side of the coin; how you can still get lost when living your dream. I just, I don’t know, his attitude was just strange. At least until it wasn’t.

Also, on the topic of rules being instilled, there was just too much repetition. The same rules rehashed, the same bits of stories told, I swear sometimes it felt like c/p was being used throughout some of the dialogue or exposition. And I don’t really know why. They weren’t hard things to remember and I don’t understand why the word count needed padding.

Anyway, some of my other little niggles have more to do with consistency bits that will likely get tidied up by the time release comes around so I guess that about rounds it up.

I do think this will be a win for a lot of readers, especially those who loved the author’s last release, but it could be that I just don’t get on with this author despite my best wishes. Not that a three is bad! But if I keep feeling that it’s just running up just short of expectations, or potential, than maybe it’s a me thing. I will be curious to see what she’s got coming down the pipeline next but I might not be first in line for it like I was for this one.

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Absolutely loved this romance- you will too if you don't mind a little magical realism intertwined! This was my first by Poston but I will definitely be reading The Dead Romantics now!

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I was immediately drawn to the premise of this book. There is something about time-traveling romances that are so heartbreaking and beautiful. The Seven Year Slip was a stunning, absolutely magical love story.

I devoured this book in less than 24 hours, and could not stop thinking about it once I finished. Even though it’s only April, I know this is going to be one of my top ten reads of 2023.

Thank you, Netgalley for the ARC. The Seven Year Slip comes out on July 4th.

TW: death of a loved one, suicide

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Time travel isn't my favorite genre but Poston does a good job with The Seven Year Slip, her latest book. I'm rating it three stars. She's developed good characters and a strong plot. Thanks to NetGalley for the ARC for the purpose of this review.

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Thank you to HQ for my earc of this book.

I absolutely loved this book.
Often when you love a book so much (The Dead Romantics), you have that fear that the next book by the same author won’t have that same magic as the last.

I had nothing to worry about!!! I adored the setting and the characters and the magic of it all. The serendipity and the way the story loops back on itself so neatly and satisfyingly.

I loved that as well as love/romance, it’s a story about time, aging, coming of self, adventure, friendship, choosing yourself and mental health.

I can’t wait to see what Poston writes next and I’m sad I’ve already finished this!

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Thank you net galley and publisher for this ARC. Ashley Poston is one of my new favorite authors. I recently read “the dead romantics” and loved it. I was so excited to see “the seven year slip” on net galley. I loved the characters and story. I couldn’t put this book down and I found the story so interesting. I’ll be recommending this book.

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Reviewed for NetGalley:

I have enjoyed Poston's work in the past, so was excited to get an advanced copy of this one, and she did not disappoint.

Clementine, a single, book publicist moves in to her aunt's old apartment, still grieving her great loss from six months prior.

And while her aunt always told Clementine the apartment was magical, she sees first hand when she walks in the door as exactly as it was seven years ago. Except, she has already moved in, changed the furniture, etc, so how has she rewound time?

However, she is not alone in the apartment, as she soon find a strange man, a sub-letter her aunt made arrangements with while she would be traveling, seven years ago.....

I loved everything about this story. all the characters (Clementine, Iwan, Miguel, Isa, Drew, and Fiona), the interconnected of past and present all throughout the story, understanding the power of grief and of course, the magical apartment.

A Beautiful story I never wanted to put down, and thankfully was able to read right through during a road trip. Will be rereading again and again. .

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This was an entertaining and fun time-travel story filled with romance and highlighting the importance of following your heart. It was rather predictable, but overall enjoyable. I appreciate the opportunity to read an advanced reader’s copy in exchange for an honest review.

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Clementine inherited her aunt's apartment. Her aunt always told her stories about the magic of it, but Clementine never completely believed her. Until, one day, she steps into the apartment to find a man there, Iwan. But the thing is, there is also a calendar, set to 7 years in the past... After a lovely weekend with Iwan, Clementine goes back to her book publicist's life, but she just can't stop thinking about him...
OMG, this was so good! I loved The Dead Romantics by this author, but this one somehow was so much better! I loved the characters, I loved the settings, I loved the story, I laughed out loud many times, I cried a few, and smiled the whole way. Forced proximity, one bed, time travel romance. Yes please! This is one of these rare books that made me feel giddy. I highly recommend it!
I received an advance review copy for free and I am leaving this review voluntarily.

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Thank you to the publisher for sending me an arc of this in exchange for review.

This is my new favorite book. I have never cried, laughed so much while reading in a very long time. This story is so meaningful and reminds you that it’s okay to just figure things out and so what makes you happy and I think I really needed this book when I did.

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Clementine has the worst day of her life so she decides that she will stay busy, work, and take no risks. Until one day, she met a strange man in her kitchen who lives 7 years in the past....

I love the unique plot. It's interesting, whimsy and fresh. It has great romance, humour and suspense. A perfect combination! The characters are also terrific. Love the writer's other adult book, the dead romantics and this one is just as magical. I finished it in one day.

Thanks to the publisher for the arc.

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The Seven Year Slip by Ashley Poston is a heartwarming and whimsical romance novel that will leave readers rooting for the power of love. Clementine West, a book publicist, has had the worst day of her life six months ago. In an effort to keep her heart safe, she has made a plan to work hard, stay busy, and avoid taking any risks. However, everything changes when she discovers a man in her kitchen who has kind eyes, a crooked smile, and a recipe for the perfect lemon meringue pie. The only problem is that he lives seven years in the past.

Poston has crafted a charming and unique love story that will captivate readers from the first page. The characters are relatable, flawed, and endearing, making it easy for readers to become invested in their lives and the outcome of their love story. Clementine's character growth is a standout in the novel, as she learns to let go of her fear and embrace the present moment.

The novel is well-paced, with the right balance of romance, humor, and drama. The author's writing style is witty and engaging, making it easy to get lost in the story. The plot is both fun and touching, and the time-travel aspect adds an interesting twist to the traditional romance genre.

Overall, The Seven Year Slip is a delightful read that will appeal to fans of both romance and women's fiction. It is a perfect choice for anyone looking for a heartwarming and uplifting story about the power of love and the importance of living in the moment.

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