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The Enneagram in Marriage

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The Enneagram in Marriage by Christa Hardin is one of those books you will be talking about with your friends for years. Learning the basic information about your Enneagram type is so fun and illuminating, like a little peek into your soul. But, Christa takes the tools of the your enneagram type and deep dives into how you show up in relationships with others.

It's mind-blowing to REALLY understand what blending with your partner in a marriage looks like for them. At the same time, Christa is peeling back the curtain to help you truly get to know your spouse in a whole new way. You'll see where the two of your are shining together in the gifts you each bring to the table. Plus, she guides every single enneagram pairing through a mini treatment plan to help you walk through the challenges in your relationship (known as the Shadows). She shows you opportunities to begin healing and how to stay more present by immersing into the relationship. Christa's book helps you stay focused on you and your marriage instead of comparing yourselves to others and seeing the grass as greener in someone else's marriage.

The is a book is a gift of hope, action and focus on the real heart of all relationships.

It gives you the answers and directions you are looking for to become the most healthy and happy version of you within your relationship. You can even use these tools in your friendships, business and your parenting styles. Don't hesitate to start this journey. The answers are all there for you on the pages of The Enneagram In Marriage; Your Guide to Thriving Together in Your Unique Pairing.

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I loved this book and I see my relationship more clearly because of it! A truly informative look into each number and it’s relational pairings through the lens of a therapist.

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This book is a total reboot for relationships - and although it's primarily for marriages, the advice and guidance in here is so helpful for friends, family members, coworkers, and children - basically, anyone you have to interact with regularly! I loved the more holistic emphasis on the triads and instincts, which play a much bigger role in how we think/act and may be even more helpful than just knowing someone's Enneagram number! Most of all, this book continued to challenge my own understanding of myself and how I show up in so many areas of my life, asking me to reflect more deeply on my vices and virtues.

Side note: I also appreciated the new perspective on how beautiful it is when we allow the people around us to influence us and find a unique "glow" altogether. So as a 9 who spends a lot of time with an 8 and several 5s, I've become a more 5-ish and 8-ish 9 than other 9s might be. 9s are usually criticized for merging, but this helped me to see the benefits of how we can lean into the strengths of the people around us!

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I absolutely loved this book! I'm someone who can relate the most to a topic if real-life examples are given. I was able to truly understand how the enneagram makes a marriage better because Christa included tons of real-life examples. The way she described her own relationship throughout the process of growing and glowing together made understanding the Enneagram that much simpler. I was also able to understand how differences in people doesn't make the relationship fail but in fact gives us a new perspective into who our partner truly is and vice versa. I highly recommend this book for anyone struggling in their marriage or relationship. It's a game changer!

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Christa provides an illustrative understanding of how the Enneagram plays out in real life with real people. It is presented as a collection of vivid stories but as useful (or perhaps more so) than any Enneagram primer I've came across, combining so much wisdom of couples counseling with the Enneagram.

Reading this book, I felt love emanating from the pages, an openness and understanding towards one another, and proactive love instead of reactive and defensive. There was emphasis on loving one another and less focus on self. Practicality, captivating storytelling, and wisdom from years of lived experience as a couple’s counselor culminated into an incredibly helpful work of art in the Enneagram community. For having virtually no marriage therapy experience and communication issues of my own, by the end of the book I truly felt like I had enough information to attempt working through a hurt with my spouse and the tools to help support them when navigating life's low times by using the models and structures for moving through the work and calls to actions in each chapter to get the conversation going. The book also helped me to assign words to feelings so I could in turn help my spouse understand me better also.

Christa's heart for God also flowed through the pages and touched my soul. The book discusses hurts and wounds but also beautifully weaves in hope in the form of God's promises to us and ways he is there to give support to us also. She uses the Enneagram to allow for deeper understanding and cultivation of empathy for one another, as an aid to help the spouse feel understood and heard, a safe ground to open up to intimate dialogue with each other. This book helped me to fall more in love with my spouse by pointing out their gifts and humanizing both of us, offering grace and love from God so we can in turn offer that to each other and ourselves, fully showing up to life.

Chapter 8 was incredibly special to me and so lovingly written. It was encouraging but realistic, reminding us of the big picture of marriage and of life. Life is indeed both hard AND beautiful, long, AND short, bitter, AND sweet. Something to be cherished most definitely.

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