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This Wretched Valley

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I was really looking forward to reading this book as I'm in my horror/Thriller era. This started off really well, I quickly got into the book and got to likenthe characters. Things started going south for then about a third into the book so it was quite quickly which was good. Every book is not for everyone, that's how I felt about this one. It just seemed to drag for the second half. I love the premise of the book and it did feel creepy. The horror/gore elements of the book were done really well. I didn't hate it by any means, I just didn't love it

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This is an adventure for those who love the outdoors
But you might not love it anymore after you read this book
This is the first scary book I’ve read about rock climbing, and they did a great job from the little I know about rock climbing.

The beginning starts with a little introduction to the area and throughout the book there is some history of the area where you go back in time in a couple chapters to see what happened during that time in this outdoor space

I got to say I would love a whole lot more with that back in time history of the outdoor scary space

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Thanks to Quirk for sending me a copy! This Wretched Valley begins with a fantastic opening sentence and doesn't let up from there. Dylan, her boyfriend, and two friends set out on a camping trip in the wilds of Kentucky so she can climb some new rock, and her friend Clay can finish his dissertation. They never come back.
I enjoy stories that lay out the aftermath at the beginning, and then you need to find out how everything ends up the way it does. It's such a great treatment for a lot of horror stories because the dread is baked in from the start, and Jenny does a brilliant job of telling you how bad things are going to get and still making you hope that somehow, things will turn out okay.
I think the disorientation of being lost in the woods is portrayed really well, and the creeping worry that transforms into real fear and panic oozes off the page. I enjoyed the way the story skips around in time to give a fuller picture of the setting, and each reveal amps up the suspense and seals each character's fate. This is a well-written horror novel that's truly horrific.
Not for the faint of heart, there are some moments of disgustingly realistic-sounding violence and body horror, so be forewarned.

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First of all, this cover, amazing!!! It is chilling and perfect for the story.

Now, from page one the reader is in for a wild ride. 4 people go into the woods to climb and document an undiscovered cliff face. No one comes out….

The truth is grisly and horrifying as you discover the surreal truth of what really happened to them; what’s been hidden in this forest and hungering for a looooong time.

Now, I always get worried when I see a doggo in the story, so my I had a hard time caring about the characters when a doggo was in danger! However, Luke was my favourite (dog dad). Dylan can eat dust for all I care, she is so self centred and lacks empathy. Honestly wanted to knock her out for how she treats Luke and Slade. 😡🤬😤

One thing I would’ve liked to see is maybe a little appendix or footnote about what the climber slang/routes mean. I am not experienced in bouldering or climbing so wasn’t sure what the levels and terminology that Dylan spouted off meant.

Also, maybe a little bit more info on the land, like how it came to be the way it is. Was it cursed or what?

I saw that this book was inspired by the author’s climbing experiences, and the mysterious Dyatlov Pass Incident. It also reminded me of Yellowjackets (amazing tv show), and it also gave me Briardark vibes (an awesome book by S.A. Harian). So this was definitely a book that was right up my alley!! You can’t go wrong with adding this to your reading list!

Thank you to NetGalley, the author, and Quirk Books for a copy!

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This was really twisty and full of horror. The plot and characters were all fine/good, but the story lost it's compelling nature sometimes because there were moments I just couldn't suspend my belief/was so taken out of the story by the over-the-top-ness of the scene. This is definitely a solid read, though, and I had fun reading it!

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This is probably closer to a 3.5, but I did enjoy my time reading, so 4 stars. The premise immediately interested me, and I really liked that the opening chapter gave future information. I felt like the mystery was well done. The author also obviously knows quite a bit about rock climbing.

I did like some of the characters more than others and I felt like one of the characters wasn’t fleshed out nearly as well as the other three, but overall I think they worked for the story.

There were some odd turns of phrasing, which was mostly fine, except during tense moments were a character was in danger and then it took me out of the moment. A character would be in a horrific situation and then something about that situation would be described in a kind of flowery way and I would think “Is not really the time?” This happened often enough I found it pretty noticeable.

Overall, I thought the book was interesting and I’m glad I read it. Also, this had no influence on my score, but the book has some pretty heavy gore, just a content note.

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I have been fascinated by the Dyatlov pass incident ever since reading about it earlier this year so as soon as I read the synopsis for This Wretched valley I had to have it!

I was hooked from the first page! I personally love when stories begin at the end and it was a perfect choice for this book as you finally started to figure out how the characters got into certain situations. It definitely isn’t for someone who is squeamish, this book is gory from the start and Kiefer doesn’t shy away from it.

The characters are well written and I enjoyed the alternate POVs but the main star of the show is the setting! Kiefer does a great job of slowly building tension and unease throughout the story until the climatic ending, it was the first horror book to genuinely creep me out.

Overall This Wretched Valley is a highly anticipated release that lives up to the expectations!

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Four climbers head off on an uncharted hike through a section of Kentucky wilderness never to be heard from again. Many months later, some of their bodies are discovered. But authorities aren’t sure what happened to the group. Flash back to the start of the hike with Clay, a student of geology, Dylan, an avid and newly sponsored climber, Dylan’s boyfriend Luke and Sylvia who is an expert on plant life and also research assistant to Clay. Fresh faced and excited to navigate this unknown location, the group has no idea the horrors that await them. This was a crazy, twisted and extremely horrific read. I enjoyed the novel, but have to admit that parts were a little over the top for me. I gave the novel 3.5 stars. This read is definitely not for the faint of heart.

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"This Wretched Valley" is both a quick and a slow read; quick because the prose goes down easily, and slow because it takes place over the course of only a few days, and so there's a lot of pagetime being filled with relatively little action. The book is clearly written with movies like "The Descent" and "The Ruins" in mind - a single location, small time frame, and a thinly-sketched cast of four - but this just demonstrates why this kind of storytelling works better on film than on paper. That being said, the book has a solidly pulpy vibe, and readers looking for found footage in book form will probably enjoy this title.

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I received this as a Netgalley arc and I’m glad I did. It was a nice change in mood; I especially enjoyed the parts when I was reading at night, in the dark, and had anxiety inducing elisodes of paranoia. Fun times.

From about a third of the way into this book, and on, I really enjoyed the pacing. I’m not saying the first third is bad - the author was just setting the scene so the pacing felt a lil thick. Super strong opening, put me right on edge 🤌🏻

Now, let me tell you two things about me. 1. I don’t hike a bunch, and 2. I know nothing about rock climbing- YET I could follow along just fine with this story. The descriptions and explanations of everything outdoorsy never felt overwhelming nor condescending. Love that!

My only irk per se with this book is that I have LOTS of questions, because I’m annoying. I assume this is a stand alone so I’m freaking out that i’ll never get answers. 1. How did this all start? 2. Who/what/why is this happening? 3. Why the dog? 4. What the hell was in the car? 5. Why were they all poisonous? just a few to start.

Overall this is a fantastic and relatively quick read.

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I really enjoyed This Wretched Valley by Jenny Kiefer.
I was really excited to read this as I fell in love with the cover as it looks amazing!
The premise of the book also sounded really good and it did not dissapoint!

I was hooked from the very beginning and I had to know what happened.
I was a little surprised with how gory this book was but it didn't bother me to much.
The characters were also quite unlikeable but I find that common in horror so that also didn't bother me at all.

The writing was really good and atmospheric.
I really do recommend this book of you are looking for your next great horror read!

Thank you so much for giving me the opportunity to read this book in exchange for an honest review.

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Absolutely loved this book! Combining such an intriguing mystery of the Dyatlov Pass Incident with a group of rock climbing kids in the backwoods of Kentucky was genius. Jenny was able to create her own version of the story, weaving in fictional history to an area that kept you so intrigued and wanting to know more. Adding in her elements of horror to the entire mystery was like the cherry on top. The horror elements reminded me of Haunting of Hill House (show version and bits of the actual book) as one of my favorites, it was an immediate love! While I’m not a rock climber, my youngest sister is, so hearing most of this terminology wasn’t new, but Jenny did a fantastic job describing equipment for this who have never climbed. Although now I’ll be paranoid every time my sister goes out on a climbing/camping trip, lol!

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Firstly this cover is amazing! So creepy and truly sets the scene for the story.

The graphic descriptions of the woods and the shadowy scenes within was incredible, they alone will haunt the reader. This is very gory and Kiefer doesn't mess around with easing the reader into it, she gets stuck in straight away. By doing this, she hooks the reader from the start and you'll want to learn how these bodies end up so mangled and destroyed.

This is a beautifully gory survival based ghost story that will keep you on your toes when reading through their journey in the Kentuckty wilderness. This features elements of slashers, supernatural, native culture and survival.

Overall it was truly an atmospheric experience written and paced very well throughout. I would recommend picking this up if you enjoy supernatural survivals such as yellowjackets and The Girl who loved Tom Gordon for example.

Thanks to Quirk and Netgalley for the ARC of this novel which will be publishing January 2024.

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I'm a sucker for isolated locations that our characters bumble around in and this book delivered. Our 4 heroes are off into the woods to work on a dissertation and discover new rock to climb. Things go wrong when one of the party is seriously injured and they come to discover just how messed up this hidden little valley really is!
The pace was okay- I found it lagged by times. It could use some paring down by a good editor but overall I enjoyed it.

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Overall, this was a good book. It kind of started out interesting in the first few chapters, and then it fell a little flat towards a good percentage of it. It cost me to have to read a few chapters over the course of a few days, so I didn’t completely DNF the book. Once it did start finally picking up though it was very interesting though I wish it expanded more of the backstory. I’m pretty sure I understood what happened in the backstory to make the ghost the way they are but I’m not positive.

The reason this book gets a three star is because it did fall flat towards the middle. Overall, it is a good book even though I wouldn’t read it again. I would still recommend it to someone if they were trying to find a book like this. I would also read another book from this author as well.

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4.5 ⭐️

Great horror novel. Makes you think twice about entering the woods.

Clay with three friends head into the woods to climb and document a wall. What they don’t know is in this woods they are never alone.

This book kept you entertain the whole time. I could not put it down. This book has gore without having it over the top. I was so drawn into the book. It was definitely a book concept that I have not read before. It was a unique storyline that kept you on your toes.

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I was immediately hooked by the premise of this book (and its cover), but I never really clicked with the writing or character development. It felt, as a few others have described it, clumsy, and even a bit hazy and not-fully-formed most of the time.

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This book was definitely creepy and 100% kept me hooked. The breakdown between the group members was intense and thinking about the valley as an omniscient thing that wanted to consume was spot on bizarre.

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for a chance to read this book.

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Thank you to Quirk Books and NetGalley for the digital ARC!

This Wretched Valley is a horror that follows 4 people - Clay, Sylvia, Dylan and Luke. Clay is doing his PhD and believes he's found a new, undiscovered climbing area that he wants to study for his research. Sylvia is a botanist who also wants to do research in this area. Dylan is an aspiring professional climber who wants to be the first to discover new routes, and Luke is her boyfriend.

If you're wondering why Luke doesn't have more to him, it's because he doesn't. He's basically there to make sure she doesn't fall and whine about his dog.

The area they go to is unusual because it looks exactly like another climbing area and has somehow never been discovered. What is different about this book is that it starts out in the present, with the police finding the remains of Luke, Sylvia and Clay in bizarre ways that they can't explain. Sylvia has no flesh or organs yet Clay and Luke look like they've only just been killed - this is months after they went missing.

Everything seems normal when they get to the climbing spot, but pretty quickly things start getting odd. Sylvia notes the prevalence of deadly plants and plants that don't even belong I Kentucky, Dylan has an almost preternatural urge to climb the rock and Luke is obsessing over his dog, who runs off. Why they don't listen to Slade when he's quite clearly unhappy? No idea.

The first half of the book is very slow, and felt like a slog to get through. Luke was annoying and whiny, and Clay was annoying and egotistical. Dylan was okay, but just too obsessed with climbing. Sylvia was...fine...though I don't get why she was so normal about the weird amount of deadly plants when she's a botanist but sure.

The second half is when things get spicy. They start seeing things in the forest, they can't get out, everything seems to be looped and they get progressively more paranoid.

Overall, this was okay but it didn't do it for me. It was too slow and I found myself not caring about the characters. I didn't care if any of them lived, I didn't care if they didn't. You get little flashbacks of events that have happened over the centuries in this area, and I feel this would make a good horror film. It was just a bit too slow for my liking.

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In the tradition of THE DESCENT and THE RUINS comes THIS WRETCHED VALLEY, a horror novel set in uncharted woods south of Kentucky's famed climbing and hiking paradise, Red River Gorge.

The graphic descriptions of both the woods and what they find there will haunt readers. Or gross them out. And Kiefer doesn't ease into it: The first few pages in particular are straight-up gore-core. Don't make the mistake I made and read this right before bed. And definitely don't take it with you on vacation to a cabin in the woods. Read it on the beach, in the bright sunlight!

The four friends whose POVs we cycle through make poor choice after poor choice. Whether it's not packing an extra gear in case something fails (rope, hello?!?) or not carrying flashlights on some of their jaunts, they're constantly putting themselves in jeopardy. Some of this can be chalked up to the valley messing with their heads; some of it is just college kids being dumb. I can't say I was sad to see any of them go! (Not a spoiler, as their fates are foretold in the first chapter.) If you're looking for an entirely likable character to root for...there's the dog, Slade.

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