Member Reviews

3.25 ⭐️

Holy plot twist, I did not expect that ending.

I love the magic system in this book, especially the fact that in order to cut a thread, she has to cut her own too. The whole vibe of the book is very dark, and you're never quite sure who to trust. The author does a great job at maintaining this throughout.

The plot is intense and steeped in death. You feel yourself getting frustrated at going round in circles as you realise they've followed the wrong lead once again. This is exactly what I'd expect from a book with mystery elements like this.

I really like Io, she's someone who has suffered through a lot but keeps going and I'm sure a lot of people will relate to that. I enjoyed reading about her relationships with her sister Ava and her friend Rosa.

I also like our male lead, Edei. Loyal to a fault and a great character for Io to bounce off. Sadly, I found the romance aspect slightly lacking. This is partially influenced by having to avoid a cheating storyline so we don't get many interactions that show how he feels. But I do think it's all been set up for book 2 to have a lot more in there.

The main reason for the 3.25 star rating is that it does feel a little info dumpy because of all the gods and the need to explain powers and the history of the silts, etc. Again, this is something I imagine won't affect book 2. I did think that the power explanations were backed up by displays of the powers in use, so it's not too much telling over showing.

I'm going straight into book 2 now, and I'm excited to see where it goes.
I received an advance review copy of this book, and this review represents my honest opinion. Thank you to netgalley, Kika Hatzopoulou, and the publisher for the opportunity to read this book.

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A big thank you to the author, the publishers and Netgalley for sending me a copy of this book to read and review.

I absolutely loved this. I can’t wait for the sequel to come out and this book is just stunning. This is centred around the fates and the threads at their control. I loved Io and Edie so much, tbh I loved all of the characters in this world. A definite must read!

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I thoroughly enjoyed this book (a copy gratefully received from NetGalley). The combination of abilities linked to the old gods, the futuristic setting and the relationships amongst the main characters had me hooked throughout. There was plenty of action to keep the plot moving and I’ll definitely be getting the next book in the series.

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Absolutely brilliant - this book is an excellent future dystopia addition to the classical reception tradition. The book uses the stories and legends passed down, mainly from Greek Myth though I hope the series will branch out further in the next book, to weave a complex story of family, divine descendants and the painful survival of civilisation in a ruined world.

This is the first book in some time that I just couldn't put down - it is so, so well written and the characters feel so real. The journey Io goes on as she investigates murders, wraiths and the violent past of her home came with so many horrors and revelations I was just fully happy to be along for the ride.

I also loved the way being other-born was written throughout this book. It pays homace to the mythical Canon without feeling the need to not build on it and play with it in complex, eye opening ways. The author uses and abuses Myth as fundamentally as the ancients did and she uses it to hold up a mirror, as intended.


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Threads that Bind is a new, inventive take on a well known genre – the Ancient Greeks – but this time it’s the Fates because our protagonist, Io, and her sisters, are their descendants, each have a different gift relating to the life threads but Io’s is that she can see and cut them. When working one night as a private detective, Io witnesses a murder, one that should have been impossible because the murderer had no life thread but was alive enough to kill. Working reluctantly with Edei of the Mob Queen Bianca, Io must discover what this new threat is to her city and how was this wraith even possible?

I really enjoyed the world building in this story, the fresh retelling of the Fates, the city itself and the magic system, it definitely feels like a new take on Greek goddesses and muses in an apocalyptic city full of murder, corruption, betrayal and deceit.(which is VERY Ancient Greek!). There is an element of romance in that it turns out Edei is who Io shares a fate-thread with and she resists it way too much thinking it’s not real, but they do have sweet chemistry together and I’m looking forward to seeing that progress. But to survive and uncover the right answers, Io must accept some truths and reveal some lies, at whatever cost to herself and the city.
Like I said, the world building was the main draw on this book for me, Hatzopoulou has a rich and colourful imagination and really brought it to life on the page. Io is definitely frustrating at times but grows as the story progresses and is supported by some brilliant writing. I’m looking forward to seeing where this story goes, especially after that ending!

Thank you NetGalley for the copy in exchange for an honest review.

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A myth inspired fantasy with a hint of romance that keeps you guessing and wondering right to the very end. I started off a little non-committal and ended up reading it at every opportunity as I got hooked.

A girl with power, fraught with fear, racked with guilt but trying her hardest to do the right thing – what IS the right thing anyway?

Io is the youngest of three sisters descended from ‘Fates’ with special skills. The sisters see other people’s connections to other people and objects they are attached to as threads, with each sister having a particular skill. Io uses her skills in her private investigator business. One job has her as a witness to a murder, but this is no ordinary murder. The perpetrator’s life thread is cut; they should be dead themselves.
People are being murdered in the Silts, a fairly lawless place anyway but these murders are different and as Io looks into it, she realises that someone or something in the background is manipulating the murderers.

Io is thrown together with Edei, key member of the violent Bianca Rossi gang who run the Silts to find out who is behind this. If being part of the gang is not enough of a challenge, Io realised that Edei is at the other end of her fate thread, Ie - he is her destiny. Flung into a sea of emotional uncertainty, should Io tell this boy who doesn’t want to be controlled by ‘destiny’ of their connection or simply cut the thread?
I was struck by how intelligent, capable and fierce Io is. As the youngest sister, the expectation was that she would be less independent, but as the story unwinds Io becomes more and more sure of herself, despite the internal turmoil and insecurities she still fights.
Her relationship with Edrei who is her ‘fate thread’ is painful (in a helpless reader kind of way) to witness as one understands her reticence but at the same time we readers want to shout to her to ‘just go for it’.

There is a dystopian edge to this in that the natural world has somewhat collapsed; a warning about climate change and the dangers of rising temperatures and the calamities this brings. Or is it simply a punishment from the Gods?
There is a definite ‘dig’ at how marginalised people are treated. E.g. lower wages, housing denied for no reason, the first to be suspected of any crimes. All this, despite the fact that these ‘other borns’ with special skills patched the world together again with their skill sets.

I appreciate that even though there is a second book continuing the overall story, we did get mysteries solved, culprits exposed and some closure from this first book. One is enthusiastic to read the second instalment, but not left on a cliff hanger with the first.
This is a marvellous first novel. Well done Kika Hatzopoulou and thanks for seeing this long project through. Looking forward now to Hearts That Cut that publishes in June 2024.

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I’m a bit late to the game but I absolutely loved that! It’s a brilliant little take on Greek Mythology

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this was such a brilliant book! i have been getting really interested in books that have an element of mythology in it and the mystery kept me hooked all the way through.

i loved io and i cannot wait to see where she goes next in book two (i literally cannot wait for it, i am so excited!!). this was such a captivating story and i don’t think i have read anything like this before. the magic system was so unique and it derives from gods which i LOVE. the worldbuilding was perfect too and i was just so impressed with everything in this novel. you can tell that the author put their absolute heart and soul into writing this.

the fact that this is a debut is just incredible to me. i honestly could not tell that it was until i looked more into the author’s work! the writing seemed so mature for a debut author and i was very impressed!

i will be looking out for book two!

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Please note that this book is not for me - I have read the book, However I had to DNF and because i do not like to give negative reviews I will not review this book fully - there is no specific reason for not liking this book. I found it a struggle to read and did not enjoy trying to force myself to read this book.

Apologies for any inconvenience caused and thank you for the opportunity to read this book

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I desperately wanted to enjoy this; Greek mythology usually always works for me and I thought this was a sure fire winner based on the premise. The issue mostly lies in the execution of the premise, in that the 63 pages I read were heaped full of new characters who all blended together, and information that was just dumped in. There was so much telling rather than showing, and oftentimes it was disruptive to the narrative - a conversation would take place, and a random word would be said, and suddenly the author felt the need to explain the word and the lore behind it, and we lose track of the conversation that was happening.

I wish I could persevere as so many people have loved this book, but it wasn’t my cup of tea and my tbr is way too long to stick with books that don’t take my fancy!

Thank you to NetGalley and the author for providing me with an ARC in exchange for an honest review. All thoughts and opinions expressed are my own.

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This is honestly one of the most interesting interpretations of Greek mythology I've ever seen. I was interested from when I first heard about it because the author herself is Greek and I'm pleased to say it didn't disappoint! The world she created was so fascinating and so fun to read.

I was especially interested in the fact that this was showing a different side to Greek mythology. I've not seen much fantasy that has been written about the children of the Fates before. I loved the creativity that went into how Io and her sisters viewed the threads. With that and the other powers that people had, it was just a really interesting world to explore.

I liked the characters and the plot was really tense. It was one of those books that has a lot of cliff hangers on the ends of chapters though, so be warned! You won't want to stop reading!

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Threads That Bind introduces Io, one of the Ora Sisters, each bestowed with a distinct gift as descendants of the Fates— one for weaving, one for drawing, and one for cutting threads that connect individuals to their loved ones and life itself. As a private investigator in Alante, Io stumbles upon a disturbing revelation in her latest case: women are being abducted, and their life threads are manipulated, turning them into wraiths wreaking havoc in the city.

Hired by the city's notorious mob queen to collaborate with her right-hand woman, Edei Rhuna, Io discovers a shared fate thread with Edei, marking them as soulmates. The plot takes a personal turn when Io's main suspect turns out to be her older sister's new fiancé. To prevent further chaos, Io must uncover the dark secrets of the city.

The book stands out with its original and unique concept, weaving together magic and world-building to create an engaging narrative. The plot, filled with twists and subplots that contribute to character development and world-building, is well-crafted and keeps readers gripped throughout.

This is a first for me by the author and one I enjoyed and I would read more of their work. The book cover is eye-catching and appealing and would spark my interest if in a bookshop. Thank you to the author, publisher and Netgalley for this ARC.

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I really enjoyed the beginning of this book, the world building was wonderful but I didn't like the characters. They felt really immature for their age. My interest was lost around a third of the way into the book and I put it down, I didn't feel the urge to return to it for 2 months.
The ending felt very predictable and I was left feeling a bit disappointed as the setting and concept was so interesting
Thank you NetGalley for providing me with a copy in exchange for an honest review

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Threads that bind already got me with the blurb : that teenager who inherited the powers of the Moira ? That's such a great idea. But I didn't expect that novel to be so good. It gave me vibes of the Hunger Games series, but in a greek retelling context.
Io was a great character. She is strong, independent, and in conflict with her elder sister : she is deep, complex, and yet totally human. I also like the romance : the fact that Io and Edei were linked by Fate is what I like about it.
No need to tell more, it was a very good book that I read in two days ! Can't wait for the sequel !

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I was sent an advance proof copy of Threads That Bind by Kika Hatzopoulou to read and review by NetGalley. This is a really well thought out Teen/YA fantasy novel with a very real sense of time and place with a whole host of believable characters. I loved the mystical, mythical, magical aspect of the story, which for me had just the right amount of this interwoven with ‘family life’ and relationships. There were lots of twists and turns and some very exciting episodes towards the latter half of the book. I believe that this is intended as the first of a series and I shall certainly be seeking out and reading the next one.

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Thank you to Netgalley and Penguin Random House for the Advance Reader copy of Threads That Bind for an honest review.

Threads That Bind follows Io one of the three Ora Sisters each descendents of the Fates and blessed with a different gift. One to weave, one to draw and one to cut the threads that connect people to things they love and to life itself.

Io is a private investigator in Alante and her latest job leads to an unpleasant discovery, women are being abducted and their life threads are being maimed turning them into wraiths wreaking havoc in the city.

She is hired by the city's famous mob queen to work alongside her right hand Edei Rhuna who she just so happens to share a fate thread linking them as soul mates.

However things get personal when Io's main suspect happens to be her older sisters new fiance. Io must unravel all the dark secrets of the city before it is too late.

Firstly I found this book to be such an original idea and concept. The whole magic and world building was quite unique and original and that drew me into wanting to read the book.

The story had me gripped throughout with the twists and turns that the plot takes. There were so many subplots running alongside the main plot that added to the world building and gave us an insight into the main characters development. I felt this stories wove together really well and that the plot was well crafted.

Io was an interesting character to follow and her growth in self confidence was well written throughout the plot.

The ending left us with such a cliffhanger after a big reveal and I guess now I will have to wait to get my hands on book two.

A really well written enjoyable read!

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After a reading slump this is just what the doctor ordered!

It’s an awesome blend of urban and mythology. It also explored sibling and familial relationships so well, do we still listen and love them even when it’s toxic? Additionally the fate thread was actually well done, due to her naivety the author did a great job of showing her feelings while also mixing in her lack of experience or knowledge.

Lastly, I guessed where it was going, but there were enough twists I didn’t see coming that it was still enjoyable and a bit of a surprise.

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"one soul in three bodies"

This fantasy mystery is a carefully crafted story of resilience, power, and love. Within the fantasy world, Hatzopoulou effortlessly brings mythology into modernity.

Character creation is the strongest element of this novel, for me, giving readers an impactful introduction to the series. The sisters relationship is a complex and intriguing centre on which the story revolves. However, I found the fate thread story often took a back seat to be forgotten. With the complexities of every relationship in the novel, and the number of characters (all of which were excellently developed) there had to be certain story arcs that were lost at times. For me, the mystery overwhelmed the fate thread.

I look forward to the next installment to see where the story takes us next.

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A young adult Murder mystery fantasy set in an ominous, murky city where gang leaders have the power.

We follow Io who is one of 3 sisters who has the powers of a weaver, cutter, and drawer, these powers mean they can see the life threads of people, Io Is a cutter and can see the life threads and cut them which she uses to do investigation work helping people by cutting their threads from things that harm them such as addiction, or following the thread to find what they’re hiding.

Io was hired to help find out about a cheating partner which unfortunately went awry and instead introduced Io an impossibly strange person whose Life-thread was cut yet was still alive, starting the beginning of a reign of murders throughout Alante, the city- which Io was then hired to investigate who was behind them and why, alongside her new friends under the protection of Bianca, the powerful mob queen.

The city was a gorgeous , mysterious and dark atmosphere that would suffer from downpour and floods, this world building deeply reminded me of the video game Dishonored and somewhat like Assassins creed- look up images of dishonored and that’s exactly how I personally picture this world.

The magic was incredible I found it to be unique and complex system of magic where our characters are descend from Greek mythology gods which gives them different powers.
Whilst I did really love the way the magic worked in this world and reading about Io’s powers I found most the other magic to be really confusing without us having much time to actually digest how they worked.
We received a pretty confusing info dump explaining the different magic depending on which god they were descendants of, then we had muses with their own magic and then we had furies who were different from the horae/moira/Phobos born and it felt like i didn’t actually know why they were different, by the time we met a new character with different powers I don’t think many would be able remember from the beginning info dump.

Other than Io most the characters were a bit simple, they all had different personalities c ambitions and reactions but I didn’t feel like they had much depth to stand out. They were still enjoyable to read about and weren’t obnoxious or irritating with their actions in an unrealistic and fictional way.

The plot was engaging and filled with twists that kept my hooked but at times it Felt like putting together a jigsaw puzzle but you don’t know the picture of until the end, causing you to feel confused throughout most the book until the ending and then you managed to see the picture as a whole and how it connects, I guess that’s how the mystery part is but it’s hard to follow along when you are confused and basically reacting to most the twists and turns with “wait… what??.”

Overall I really enjoyed the book and the ending left on quite an explosion to the story that I’m eager to read the second book and see what’s up.
I’d recommend for a light, fun and quick read.

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I absolutely loved the writing style (reminded me of Patrick Ness), and was instantly absorbed into the world, with the dystopian backdrop and everything that went with it. Really great world building, absorbing storytelling, and interesting characters - I can’t wait until the next in the series!

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