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Love Quest

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I would like to thank netgalley and Boldwood Books for a free copy of the book in exchange for an honest review.

An entertaining romp.

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Thank you to Net Galley and the publisher for this arc.
This was a great, sweet opposite attracts romantic read.

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ARC🌞 3.5/5

"If Indiana Jones was a romcom." - me

Glad I pushed through and gave this one a chance! the cartoony cover and cringy start made me doubt, but it got way better once they got into the jungle.

The closed doors scenes were a huuuge disappointment because the tension was just SO good, I felt cheated on this front and definitely expected more😔

I didn't really like any of the side characters except for Tucker (not sure that was his name), he was really sweet and simple. I wish the next book was about him and not Archie the chatty/slutty viking.

Anyway, I said some pretty negative things so far but the TENSION and the MCs personalities carried this book and made it worth my time. Also, I can't express how nice it feels to read a romcom with a truly original plot and setting.

Tropes: one bed, low intensity enemies to lovers, life and death situation (don't know if that's a trope but it should be)

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3.5 stars. This was fun! Great adventure and enemies to lovers romance. Winter and Logan are a great match and I can't wait to read Archie's story! Thanks to NetGalley for a digital copy

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This was a cute little book and I definitely enjoyed the romance part of it. I thought Winter was really sweet main character and I liked that she was really competent and tough. I did have some issues with Logan's attitude but overall I liked him as well.

I will say that I did not enjoye the jungle part as it was too cliché and I figured out from the second the "bad guys" were introduced that they would be up to no good. It would have been more fun if that did not happen, the author could have added a more fun and surprising twist to it.

I also felt that some parts of the book were a bit underdeveloped, but for a rom-com it was very entertaining.

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Travel photographer Winter is about to experience the adventure of a lifetime when she join's Dr. Logan Spencer's trek to a lost Thai city. Unfortunately, Logan's isn't thrilled to have Winter on his team, but as he sees all she can do, his feelings start to change.

I thought the rom-com adventure part of the book was fun, but I couldn't get over Logan's bad attitude towards having a woman on his team at the beginning of the book. It felt misogynistic and there was never an explanation given for any other reason he acted that way. I also found it kind of jarring that one of the side characters gave Winter the nickname "snowflake".

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This was cute! Questing through the jungle for buried treasure, longing glances over scorpions and jungle diseases. Kinda into it. Plus a good danger bang is always a fun time. I liked the treasure hunting element, and the escape. I did not like the epilogue, getting engaged so fast. That didn’t work for me

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Logan Spencer is on the expedition of a lifetime, searching for a legendary lost city of gold in the jungle. The last thing he needs is sassy and beautiful travel photographer Winter Knowles distracting his men. They get off on the wrong foot immediately but when they're forced together, in danger, and have to rely on each other for their lives, they give in to their attraction. But what happens in real life when they're out of the jungle?
I loved this adventure story, the snarky banter between all the guys on the expedition, and especially the sparks between Logan and Winter. I'm looking forward to the next book in the series!
I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own

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Dr Logan, an archaeologist, and Winter, a photographer, are an unlikely pair put together to uncover the Lost City of Gold in Thailand. While the two share a mutual dislike for one another it won’t be long before dangerous situations throw the two together and opinions will change.

Isley gives us a storyline full of adventure with characters you will grow to like. I wasn’t too keen on Logan at the beginning and wanted to kick him for his reasoning of disliking Winter, but the other characters made up for this Logan does turn himself around.
Because there is a lot happening in this novel it could be seen as a little rushed but this didn’t put me off and I am still enjoying everything this author brings and look forward to reading more by them.

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Love Quest follows archaeologist, Dr Logan Spencer, and travel photographer, Winter Knowles, on an expedition to uncover the lost city of gold in Thailand. For Winter and Logan, it's hate at first-sight, but when forced together in unexpected circumstances, will tenderness grow?

First up, I've got to mention that this is book five in Camilla Isley's 'First Comes Love' series. If this bothers you then you can start the series at the beginning, but as they're interlinking standalones you're all good to start in the middle. Although this is only my second read in this series, it absolutely won't be my last (The Love Proposal, here I come).

For a romance book, and a short one at that, this storyline was PACKED. We had lost cities, we had jungle treks, we had captive situations - it was a wild ride, and one I was so happy to be witness to.

Alongside the thrilling storyline, we also had time to fall in love with all of the characters. Although Logan and Winter were our main characters, I genuinely think Archie was my favourite - he was just so sweet and wholesome, and the way he called Winter 'Snowflake' made me smile everytime :3

Overall, I loved everything about this book. But this wasn't surprising after how much I loved everything about The Love Theorem. The fact that some of the characters I knew and loved made an appearance also made me extra happy. So, basically, what I want to say is...go read this book. And The Love Theorem. And Camilla's other work. Do it. Do it now!

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Rating: 3 stars

Thank you to Boldwood Books and Camilla Isley for allowing me to be part of the book tour. All opinions are my own.

Winter is the photographer on an expedition led by Logan to find the lost city of gold. They get off on the wrong foot, but when faced with danger they are forced to get along. The book takes place in the jungle of Thailand and includes several amazing side characters, my favorite being Archie. This book was really fun and fast paced with a ton of adventure. The banter between Logan and Winter was to die for, and had me laughing out loud at times. I especially loved that Winter was a strong female main character. She carried her own weight throughout the whole book and held her own in an expedition of only men.

My biggest gripe with this book was that the enemies to lovers set up was done with Logan being misogynistic. For most of the book he is incredibly unlikeable and states his only reason for not liking Winter is that she is a woman.

The second problem I had with the book was pacing. There was a lot of set up and getting to know the characters in the first half of the book. I thought the pacing in this half was done nicely and allowed us to get to know the characters and the setting quite well. The second half of the book had a lot happening all at once. Things got pretty chaotic and the ending felt really rushed. I wish there was more time spent developing the relationship between Winter and Logan. It felt as though they hated each other one minute and then were together the next. The third act conflict made this even more difficult to grasp since they hadn't been together for very long before getting in an argument. I appreciated that the resolution came quickly, though I think we could have done without it at all.

Overall, I enjoyed the book and loved the expedition plot line. I am excited to see what Camilla Isley writes in the future.

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Thank you to the publisher and NetGalley for a copy of this book. All opinions are 100% my own.

This was my first camilla Isley book, and it’s convinced me to read the rest of the series as I enjoyed this short, easy lighthearted read.

I wasn’t a huge fan of the progression of Winter and Logan’s relationship. They went from being enemies, who were secretly obsessed with each others bodies, to randomly hooking up in a jungle after being trapped. The chemistry wasn’t built up enough for this sudden change to seem realistic and their attraction to each other seemed to be solely motivated by one of their colleagues comments.

I did really enjoy the adventure aspect of this book and the hunt for the hidden city.

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Rounded up to 3.5⭐️. First of all, this author has the most fun and colorful cover art! I just love that. While I didn’t love this book, I did like it. It felt like I was reading an adventure movie, but honestly there were quite a few times that it felt a bit too caricature-ish for me. I felt pretty annoyed multiple times at the FMC, since she was supposed to be a seasoned photographer on expeditions such as this, but there were so many times she seemed wholly inexperienced. Her character read immature for someone who should be so experienced, I think. Overall, this was a fun read though. It was fast paced and full of plot.

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One of the highlights of "Love Quest" is the chemistry between Winter and Logan. Their banter and interactions are filled with tension, passion, and undeniable attraction, creating a compelling love-hate dynamic that keeps readers engaged. The author skillfully develops their relationship amidst the dangers of the jungle, forcing them to rely on each other and confront their feelings.

The exotic setting of the Thai jungle adds an element of adventure to the story. Camilla Isley's vivid descriptions bring the lush environment to life, immersing readers in the sights, sounds, and challenges faced by the characters. The sense of danger and the race against time to uncover the lost city of gold provide a thrilling backdrop to the burgeoning romance.

At times this story reminded me of "Indian Jones" meets "Romancing the Stone" with dangerous hired mercenaries who I waited at every turn to screw them over and wasn't surprised when it happened but very happily surprised with how Winter jumps into the strong and capable heroine instead of a damsel in distress.

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Thank you NetGalley and Boldwood and Rachel's Random Resource for sending this book for review consideration. All opinions are my own.

Pub Date 08 Jul 2023
Publisher: Boldwood Books

Winter is such a fun and witty characters. Lana her best friend.

I love the connection all these characters have The Love Therom.

Logan It took me a hit to shine to his character. He's a grumpy but sexy one.

The story flows extremely well and is a fantastic read

I love the dual pov it really works to get to know Winter and Logan and thier friends/campnions
Logan has placed his reputation on the idea that the spot X in the jungles is where the fabled golden metropolis is thought to be. Archie, Logan's best buddy, a cook, Thai guides, and a three-person ex-military protection group join them. When three former military personnel seek to take over the expedition and transform it into a for-profit operation, Winter and Logan will need to work together to save their comrades as well as their own lives. Winter doesn't take his attitude well and gives as good as she gets. As they struggle to survive, they come to understand that there is more attraction between them than hatred. This novel idea really caught my attention, and the writing style made for a really enjoyable read.

The pacing is well done and I loved the characters.
Camilla is my go to author for that feel good laugh out loud book.

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I received this ARC thanks to Netgalley. Opinions expressed in this review are my own.

This book was a surprise! I was expecting
This is to be a basic rom com, and I was so very wrong. The action was fun, and the heroin was strong and interesting.
It was a great book and perfect for those of us who like a bit of sustenance without romance

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After finishing The Love Theorem, I knew I had to read the rest of the series. I loved that Winter was the heroine in this one. This was a very quick and engrossing read. There's danger! Witty banter! Archeological discovery! I thoroughly enjoyed this one, and am looking forward to reading the next book in the series. Those who enjoyed the movie The Lost City will love this book.

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dnf @ 15%

I really dont like the male lead. The writing was good and the plot looked promising, but I cant go on with the book because of the protagonist.

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Fast and cute read. It definitely gave me Indiana Jones vibes. It’s a closed-door romance which was surprising because of the innuendos in the story. It didn’t take away from the it but I would have preferred a bit more spice. Overall, a fun book to read on a lazy chill day.

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I received this ARC from the publisher in exchange for an honest review.

This book cover is giving me serious Tarzan & Jane vibes, anyone else?.

I just had to request this when I saw the words Meet-Cute & Enemies-To-Lovers, who else loves seeing those words describing a book?.

I adored the first book in this series and that’s also when we met Winter, she’s Lana’s best friend and now we get Winters love story.

Winter is on a work trip for 3 weeks in the jungle she’s a travel photographer but she’s on an archeological expedition with an agency she’s never worked with before so she’s a little wary but what she didn’t expect was grumpy Dr Logan Spencer.

This was so easy to read and I raced through it , Dr Logan was so grumpy and rude at the start but that’s only because he was so passionate about the expedition but then he began to thaw and that’s when the chemistry between him and Winter began to ramp up.

Winter is an absolute dream I loved her character and just everything about her she’s so fierce.

What I wasn’t expecting was how much danger and peril that the two main characters would be in, I loved that unexpected twist.

I’m excited to read the next book in yeh series which is all about Summer and Archie.

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