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The Love Proposal

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A great read, the story of Archie and Summer, who we met in the previous book. This is a great series, looking forward to more from this author.

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The Love Proposal is the sixth book in the first comes love series, I haven’t read all the others but I can therefore tell you this can easily be as a standalone book. I wasn’t lost at all, and I didn’t feel like I was missing out on anything. If you think you shouldn’t read this because it’s the six in a series that you will be missing out on a great read.

Camilla Isley has written such a fun and entertaining story, it’s so engaging I really couldn’t put it down once I opened the pages, I found it quite hard to put it down when I need to go and do things, part of the reasons it was so easy to read, were probably the fantastic characters, they were so entertaining, our leading couple had wonderful chemistry and the banter, I was laughing so much.

I do have to admit, I’m not really keen on cheating in a book, I know it’s just a plot device, but I’m really not keen, and it makes it hard to empathise with our FMC, someone who betrayed her best friends trust. However, after saying this, I guess it’s a credit to Camilla’s wonderful writing that Summer eventually won me round, she grew on me and showed remorse, even accepting what she did was wrong and wasn’t asking for forgiveness, which I really liked, it shows such growth.

I really enjoyed this and I’m definitely going back to the previous books to catch up on what I’ve missed out on and see if Camilla can convert feelings on other bugbears 😁 definitely recommended as this is a great summer read.

I received an advance review copy for free, and I am leaving this review voluntarily.

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I received an ARC of this book from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

This was a really fun book. I enjoyed it a lot!

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Summer is attending the wedding of her twin, Winter. They’ve always been very close until Summer made some bad choices. Summer is not looking forward to be at the wedding. She can already imagine the way people will look at her and gossip about her behind her back. As the evil-twin, the way she’s been referred to, she still has an obligation towards her sister. So Summer pulls up her big girl pants and goes to Napa Valley.

Archie is a player all the way. There never has been a woman who could hold his attention for very long. He likes it just the way it is and enjoys his free bird way of living. When he meets Summer he knows he’s in for trouble. What starts as a friends with benefits kind of week turns into something more. Will Summer and Archie be able to lay all of their cards out on the table?

The Love Proposal is about love, wrong choices and redemption. It takes a brave person to reflect
on their actions and act on them to be a better individual. I’ve read multiple stories written by Camilla Isley. What I love about her is that she’s always able to put fun and humour into her stories. She’s brilliant in writing light-hearted romantic stories which will warm your heart.

The Love Proposal can be read as a standalone but my advise is to read Love Quest first.

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Summer is seen as the evil twin, and spending a week-long celebration for her sister’s wedding with a group of people who are ex-friends, and family who do not like her is the last thing she would rather be doing. But swearing herself off of men is also going to the one the right one comes along.

Originally Summer was not a character I liked in a previous novel, however I feel Isley does this on purpose allowing us to grow to like the character as we read their story.

This is written from a dual point of view and makes it more enjoyable coming from the two main characters. I felt this storyline flowed well and liked the pacing of the week of celebrations.

Another great novel by Isley.

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I knew this one is goings to be difficult to read but damn. What is the point in making him a player and their arrangement all about spice if you are not going to include it.
Had a feeling it might happen but still had hope it won't. Dnf at 45 %

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An enjoyable fun read catching up with characters from previous books. I found this book light hearted and easy to read, amusing in parts and the two main characters developing as I’d hoped! Would recommended for a fun summer read even if you haven’t read the previous one x

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I’m glad that I’m finally reading Summer’s story and her POV as to what happened in The Love Theorem .

In The Love Theorem, she was an outcast and even I was out for a pound of her flesh. But in The Love Proposal I saw her as human- someone unable to move on from the mistakes of her past.

Told from a dual POV, we are privy to both Summer and Archie’s thoughts about their circumstances and their ‘relationship’ and their future.

At some point, I wanted to rattle Summer. She was beginning to get on my nerves with her attitude.

I enjoyed how the author used the wedding week to set the pace for this story. It was fun catching up with the characters.

The writing is very good and she has a compelling way of making you pay attention to the plot and characters.

I look forward to reading Tucker and Penny’s story and indeed more works from the author.

If you love rom com, a bit of STEM and friends with benefit then this is for you.

I received a copy of this book and the review is entirely mine.

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Summer Knowles hates being the "evil" twin who let everyone down
She's sure everyone at the wedding at her will frown.
The Mistake has cost her friends and so much more
She no longer want a relationship to explore.

Summer can't believe she's a bridesmaid as her sister weds
She wishes it was a day event, not a whole week instead.
How will she cope with the folks who were friends before
No way will they agree The Mistake to ignore!

The best man has all the commitment phobe vibes she knows
But the attraction of a week together just grows.
Can they keep their relationship away from the bride?
Can they be together but from the others hide?

A story to keep you smiling as things unfold,
Can these two find romance if only they're bold?
But there are deal breaker problems to be faced as well
Including the bride and groom who they don't want to tell!

One mistake but such a major one that she fears
She'll still be paying for it for years and years.
Can Archie help her cope with the wedding furore?
And help her the naysayers to ignore?

With yoga, wine tasting, bike rides and spa days
Can these two say goodbye and go separate ways?
Or will they overcome their fears
And be together for years?

For my complementary copy of this book, I say thank you,
As I share with you this, my honest review.

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I flew through this easy read romance! The storyline was good and moved along quickly but gave the right amount of back story.

The characters of Summer and Archie were well written and I was really rooting for them.

The cover is great and the spiciness level was spot on for me.


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If you've been following this book series or my reviews of Camilla Isley's books, you'll already be acquainted with Summer Knowles—the infamous woman who played a significant role in Lana and Christian's love story in "The Love Hypothesis." In "The Love Proposal," she takes center stage as the main character.

As the so-called evil twin, Summer has to endure a weeklong celebration of her sister's wedding with Logan, surrounded by ex-friends and family members who openly disapprove of her past mistake. Enter Archibald Hill—Logan's best friend, commitment-phobic, and a known womanizer. Summer and Archie agree to stick together through the week to make it more bearable.

Initially, Summer wasn't a character I liked, but "The Love Proposal" has quickly become one of my favorite books. It's perfect for an easy summer read, filled with fun moments, self-realizations, angst, and redemption. Unlike the first two books in the series, this installment brings sexual tension to the forefront, which becomes the main conflict of the story between Summer and Archie.

I enjoyed reading about the main characters trying to keep their wedding hook-up discreet, although some characters eventually find out about it. The moment Archie realizes that Summer is the real deal for him, and that he has never felt this way before, was truly touching. Camilla Isley skillfully chose the perfect moment for Archie's realization of being head-over-heels in love with Summer.

Additionally, I appreciate how Camilla portrayed the consequences of Summer's past mistake, highlighting the repercussions of cheating and the reality of karma's bite. However, the book also showcases the potential for change and genuine remorse for past actions. Moreover, it beautifully portrays how people can choose to forgive and forget or forgive without forgetting—a slice of real life depicted in "The Love Proposal."

Once again, Camilla's storytelling skills and engaging plotlines have amazed me. This book, along with the first two in the series, has earned a spot in my list of top books to recommend.

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I loved reading Summer and Archie’s fake dating turn into real dating! They had great banter and steam and it kept me on the edge of my seat waiting for them to commit. I also loved hearing about Winter’s wedding and all the things surrounding it. I recommend this book to anyone!

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My Review: I found this to be an enjoyable, light read, that follows the perspectives of Summer and Archie. Summer's identical twin Winter is having a destination wedding. We also meet her fiancé Logan and a string of other characters that bring their elements to the story. Single Summer has also had their viable eggs frozen. It's a funny, charming, friendships, enjoyable read with family/ home truths. A recommended summer read.

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"The Love Proposal" by Camilla Isley is a fun and lighthearted romantic comedy that perfectly fits the friends-with-benefits, wedding date trope. The story follows Summer Knowles, who has sworn off relationships, and Archie Hill, a die-hard bachelor with commitment issues. As they find themselves as the bridesmaid and best man at Summer's sister's wedding, they decide to make the most of their week together with a friends-with-benefits arrangement.

Despite their initial agreement to keep things casual, Summer and Archie can't help but be drawn to each other during the wedding festivities. As wedding fever takes hold, they find themselves learning more about each other and developing a deeper connection. But with their no-strings-attached rule, they must navigate their feelings and the fear of falling for each other.

Filled with witty banter, charming moments, and a dose of wedding romance, "The Love Proposal" is a heartwarming and humorous read that explores the journey of two people who never expected to find love at a wedding. As they discover the joys of being together, readers will be rooting for Summer and Archie to find their happy-ever-after amidst the wedding celebrations.

If you enjoy rom-coms that blend love, humor, and the excitement of a wedding, "The Love Proposal" is the perfect book for you. It will leave you with a smile on your face and a warm feeling in your heart as you follow the delightful and entertaining love story of Summer and Archie.

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Camilla Isley's "The Love Proposal" is a fun and steamy romance that centers around Summer and Archie, an unlikely couple who meet at Summer's sister Winter's wedding. Summer is dreading the wedding after her past mistake of sleeping with her best friend's boyfriend has made her a pariah among the wedding guests. Archie is the best man and local playboy. The two find comfort in each other and their arrangement for a no strings attached, weeklong fling during the wedding festivities. Of course, they eventually catch feelings for each other and that fling blossoms into real feelings.
I absolutely loved the banter, humor, and chemistry between Summer and Archie. I laughed out loud reading this book and fell in love with the characters. Its the perfect feel good romance to read this summer and I highly recommend picking it up!!

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It’s my turn on the blog tour today for this amazing book that I absolutely loved.

What a great rom com which had me laughing all throughout. The one liners and banter between the characters was next level funny.

Winter and Summer are twins and Winter is getting married. After a mistake by Summer it’s caused some issues to which she is dreading the week long wedding party.

Whilst Winter is getting ready to marry her love, Summer has an arrangement of friends with benefits with one of the best men and we all know how that works out!!

The sexual chemistry between Summer and Archie was insane and so cute. This is exactly the type of book I love reading. Where the chemistry is so powerful you feel the connection through the pages being so strong. I loved the texts between them too.

Being a twin, I love a story based on twins and reading about twin bonds.

This had a great storyline to it and I enjoyed going on their journey with them.

I devoured this book and would highly recommend reading it if you love a good mix of romance, chemistry, humour and spice!

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This was fun but not great. The falling in love and making a commitment after knowing each other for one week felt forced. And the yoga, all the damn yoga--more details than I ever need in a fiction book. Archie is an adorable hottie and he's my favorite thing about the book. Lana is a great character as well. Thanks so much to NetGalley for a digital copy.

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The Love Proposal was a cute, romantic and feel-good read. I wondered how the author provided a redemptive arc for Summer, given her past and her decisions, but as the pages turned, I grew fond of her. Camilla Isley does a beautiful job of shedding light on the protagonist's vulnerability, and slowly but surely, I was rooting for Summer to get her happy ending. Archie was one of my favourite characters, and I was curious to see how he would get over his allergy to commitment and settling down. Summer and Archie complement one another exceptionally well, and their banter, flirting, and steaminess are well-presented. It was wonderful to be reunited with the previous characters of the series, and I know I will miss them immensely! I loved the refreshing take on happily ever after, and the epilogue tugged my heartstrings. I cannot wait to read more books from this author!

Thank you, NetGalley & Boldwood Books, for inviting me to this e-ARC. This honest review is left voluntarily.

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I've been obsessed with this series! I was actually looking forward to Summer's story and how on
Earth would she ever get over the past. I didn't like that much in previous books, but within a few pages, I felt for her. She is such a sweet, with a hard exterior.
Summer's life exploded when she was caught cheating with one of her best friend's boyfriends. Her private life was all out for everyone to see and she lost everyone. Even though the friend she wronged forgave her, most of the others didn't.

Even her twin needed some time. Now her twin, Winter is getting married and Summer is very nervous to attend the wedding. The people she avoided, that look down on her, will all be there.

But there is someone there to make it all better. Archie Hill was on the last adventure with the bride and the groom, he is their friend and a horrible flirt but might be just what she needs. They make a deal. During the week of the wedding, they have fun, no obligation, no strings.

There is sizzling chemistry between them and they connect on many different levels than just physical.

It's such a cute and romantic, friend-with-benefits wedding story. Highly recommend it!

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The Love Proposal

by Camilla Isley

Thank Rachel Random Resource and Boldwood Books, and NetGalley for doing the copy. 

This time we are following Summer, the one we love to hate, Winter's twin,  whilst we join her on Summer Weddings. I enjoy getting to know Summer; seeing how she wrapped to Archie has made me laugh out loud. 

It's funny to see the playboy Archie play for Summers's affection, and those scenes are so fun to read with those two. 

I love how all these books have the main characters' pov and always flow well. This is a lovely fast, paced romance, and I love how Archie and Summer confront their pasts. This book was beautiful down to the HFN.

#TheLoveProposal #NetGalley

@rararesources @BoldWoodBook

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