Member Reviews

Karen Schaler is pretty much known as the Christmas Queen, with many of her Christmas books being turned into movies. While this one wasn't my favourite of hers, it still had all of her usual Christmas charm. Hallmark movie fan? This is a book for you!

It was also inspired by A Christmas Carol - a true Christmas classic and one of my faves - so this was my reason for liking this story so much. It did make it very predictable but I still found it enjoyable to read. A money hungry, wealthy business manager needs to learn the error of her ways and needs to learn to love again. She does so with the help of some Christmas magic and in true Schaler fashion, this one ended with a merry, happily ever after.

If you've enjoyed the author's other books, love the Hallmark channel and enjoy A Christmas Carol, you'll like this one!

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Alexis Taylor is a workaholic; she hates Christmas. She owns her own investment firms and demands high standards from her employees. She always breaks up with her boyfriends before the holidays. She doesn't have any family; so, she spends all her time working.
She has some great people working for her and she needs to open her eyes to what is really important in life.
She gets a visitor from her past that is trying to open her eyes to how she is living her life before it's too late.
Well written Christmas story held my interest.

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Karen Schaler makes every day feel like Christmas! She is the queen of Christmas. This beautiful story will give you all of the Holiday feels and get you into the Christmas spirit! I definitely recommend it if you are looking for a heartwarming read any time of year!

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I was super confused seeing this is a new release but based on a movie from 2018... but the author explains that it was exclusively a movie that she adapted to a novel, 5 years later. I loved it, Alexis was abhorrent until she was visited by her long dead parents and reminded the true meaning of Christmas... and life. I wish I hadn't seen that the movie stars Toni Braxton- as it hindered my minds' eye of how I pictured Alexis. Definitely a must read for the holidays

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I didn't see Every Day is Christmas by Karen Schaler was a movie first, but I guessed so before I learned about it from the afterword.

If you like cute, and quote predictable Hallmark Christmas movies, this book will also be for you!

While I usually hate predictability in my books, in a cosy romance like this, I actually enjoy it. It's not so much wondering about what will happen in the end, but more about the how do we get there. There's just some extra layer of comfort in knowing you'll get a happy end.

A Christmas Carol is one of my favourite stories, so a retelling is always something I'm curious about. Some books manage to make the well loved story their own and give a new twist to it - I didn't really feel this here though. It's quite the typical romance tropes, just with a little bit of Christmas past, Christmas present and Christmas future added on top.

The romance itself didn't really hook me at all, Sonos say this is more a book about finding yourself and dealing with your past, than a "romance". Yes there is a little bit of "who will she end up with", and the obligatory happy end scene.
However to me it felt a bit unsatisfactory, and more like an add on than an integral part of the story. I think it was meant to feel like quite a twist, but it didn't feel surprising, but rather predictable and just a bit shallow to me.

As I did enjoyed the Christmas Carol lean, and the tone and voice of the main character worked well for me, it was still a good read that I devoured in one go! I'd just not recommend it for the romance parts, but for the "be true to yourself and be brave" bits!

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Thank you Netgalley for the ARC. I love Karen Schaler Christmas novels. They truly are some of my favorites. But this one fell short for me. And I'm not sure if it's because I didn't really love the Lifetime movie made from the story or if it was the story itself.

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This was a creative retelling of A Christmas Carol. But instead of Scrooge being a wizened old man, she's a jaded young woman who has shut her heart off from Christmas because of a tragedy that happened years earlier.

As Alexis grouses about everyone wanting time off around the holidays, even though they didn't meet their year-end goals for her company, she pushes herself harder than ever to avoid anything remotely like Christmas cheer, unless it will make her money.

The last Christmas she celebrated was the one when her parents both died, and she's never trusted anyone enough not to break her heart again. So it's better not to let anyone in than to risk the pain of loss.

But those who love her regardless have other ideas for her, and what lies ahead put a unique spin on the Christmas ghosts that visited Scrooge.

Thank you to Karen Schaler, HawkTale Publishing and NetGalley for an advance review copy.

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Set in a bustling American city, this is a ‘Christmas Carol’ story that is also a television movie. Alexis is successful, but whilst achieving her success, she has run away from the men in her life. She is a workaholic and a closed book; nobody can get past those walls.
Sacrificing her personal life for work again this Christmas, Alexis stands to ruin her employees Christmas’s too. Surprise visitors on Christmas Eve night encourage her to take a closer look at her life and the effect that her actions have on those around her. Can she allow herself to open her heart, be able to relive warm and happy memories and remember how to love?
I found this an easy and enjoyable read. It was easy to imagine the character and picture the story as I got into it. It reminded me that it is never too late to change things.
Many thanks to Netgalley and Karen Schaler for giving me the opportunity to read and review this book.

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Overall, Every Day is Christmas was a cute Christmas story. I was expecting to like it as much as Schaler's previous Christmas novels, but something was missing for me. I do feel like this would make a great movie though!

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Everyday is Christmas is a heartfelt Christmas story with a do-over for the main character, Alexis. She is a successful workaholic money manager who hates Christmas and usually breaks up with her boyfriends right before Christmas. This year is no different but on Christmas Eve, she receives a wake-up call in terms of a scenario which is very similar to the lines of  Charles Dickenson's famous "A Christmas Carol". This experience makes Alexis change her point of view and makes her fall in love with Christmas all over again. I really enjoyed reading this one. Bonus Includes exclusive Christmas recipes and holiday activities.

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The Queen of Christmas did it again! If you’re looking for an uplifting holiday read, this is it. There are recipes and exclusive photos from the movie included!

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Every Day is Christmas, by Karen Schaler, is the story of money manager Alexis Taylor and how she rediscovers herself and her Christmas joy. On Christmas Eve 20 years ago, Alexis lost both of her parents in a tragic accident. Her life also lost all stability as creditors dismantled her family home and parents’ savings to clear their debt. Promising herself to never be so hurt or so poor ever again, Alexis has created one of the top money management firms, Taylor Investments. Located in the top floor of her high rise building, Alexis has maximized income. She has also maximized publicity with her high end Christmas decor and large gold tree by the building, which families have made an annual ritual to have pictures taken under.

When Alexis becomes distraught that her company did not meet their earnings goals, she cancels holiday vacations and year end bonuses. Even though the company profits were up 12%, her goal had been 20%, perhaps an unrealistic goal. With the stress Alexis is feeling, she begins seeing unusual things. A stored picture from her parents last Thanksgiving is somehow delivered to her work. Alexis is seeing her mother’s face on angels. And then, Alexis begins having a full out Christmas Eve experience in the mode of Christmas Carol or It’s a Wonderful Life.

This is a delightful, heartwarming tale of a woman who has disconnected herself from emotions and through her unbelievable experiences of this evening, and the assistance of someone who has actually been by her side for years, is able to free herself from her self imposed bondage. I very much enjoyed this book and I do recommend it!

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This was a bid of a modern day twist on a christmas carol, it was light hearted and came together in the end,

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A modern day twist of a Christmas Carol and what a lovely book has been written. 4 stars

Thanks to Netgalley, author and publisher for this ARC

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There is little I love more than remakes of The Christmas Carol! This workaholic Scrooge in a way you’ve never read before. And it’s a Lifetime movie I now can’t wait to watch! I will be reading this fun book Christmas after Christmas!

Thank you so much NetGalley and the publisher for the ARC.

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My thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for letting me read and review an advanced copy of this book, Every Day is Christmas.

I love the book, ‘A Christmas Carol’, so almost any version of the story grabs my interest. When Karen Schaler was tasked to write a Lifetime Network movie based on the story of Scrooge, the story was written, and now she has turned it into her latest Christmas novel.

This is the story of Alexis, the Scrooge character, who runs her namesake investment firm. She has risen to the top with hard work, no distractions, an iron fist, and no time for love. When the team doesn’t make her yearly outrageous goals, on Christmas Eve she cancels the yearly bonuses, tells everyone to report back to work on Christmas morning, and also cancels their normal week off. When Alexis goes home to an undecorated penthouse apartment, little did she know her life would be dramatically changed when she gets a visit from someone totally unexpected.

I really enjoyed how the story was altered just enough to keep me interested. Even though I could guess the ending (it was a Lifetime Christmas movie), I liked how Alexis was transformed from her original Scrooge-like persona to a loving, caring individual.

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Alexis Taylor has built her business from the ground up and has all the money she could ever want as a result. She works day and night, unrealistically expecting that everyone working for her should also be available at all hours. There is one thing she doesn’t like—Christmas. She once again follows the trend of breaking up with her current man right before the holidays.

To Alexis, Christmas is just another day. That is, until she receives a visit from her deceased mother who decides to show Alexis her past, present, and future. The future her mother shows her is a lonely one and forces her to reevaluate her life, meaning that she may have to open her heart in the process.

I love watching Christmas movies and reading Christmas-themed books and this one did not disappoint. Using the Dickensian character in a modern-day book was a great idea and allows us to see how we can sometimes get caught up in life and don’t take the time to look at what is really important. I will definitely recommend this book to my Christmas-loving friends!

I can’t wait to try out the recipes during the upcoming holiday season.
Thank you to NetGalley and HawkTale Publishing for allowing me to read an ARC of this novel. #NetGalley #EveryDayIsChristmas

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Here's a truly feel-good holiday story modeled after Dickens' A Christmas Carol featuring Alexis as a "Scrooge" type CEO. Money is her thought of happiness and hard-work, total devotion and deception to work is what she values. She doesn't understand why others don't see that. We learn that her aversion to Christmas is due to a traumatic event in her life during the holiday time when she lost her parents. She has no qualms about calling employees or business contacts on Christmas, not understanding they are celebrating Christmas. She is alone, always breaking up with whatever boyfriend she has just before Christmas. But she has one devoted employee, her driver Justin, who is secretly in love with her. However, Justin is more than he seems which she will later come to find out. When one Christmas Eve, Alexis wakes to find her mother in her room wearing a red coat, her life is set to change forever. Alexis guides her through a whimsical look at the past, future, and present to view her life. Can Alexis wake up and realize that life is more than money? This is the perfect holiday story of redemption and second chances and finding love during the magic of Christmas. It's the perfect holiday read. Many thanks to #netgalley #karenschaler #everydayischristmas for the opportunity to read and review this book.

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love Karen Schaler books, this one is based on a Christmas carol, with a modern setting. loved the characters and the story.

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The book is based on the script that the author wrote for a Christmas movie. Based on a Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens. Alexis starts the novel as a Scrooge like character. She hates Christmas. She is the boss of a top finance company who we see stop her staff from exchanging Christmas gifts on Christmas Eve. Her only Christmas tradition is to break up with whoever she is dating on Christmas Eve. I suppose it does save the expense of a present. But this Christmas will be different. Like Scrooge, she sees what her life was, is now and what it will be unless something (herself) changes. An ok read as modern take on the Dickens novel.

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