Member Reviews

Thank you Guppy Books and NetGalley for providing me with this arc in exchange for my honest review!
If you are looking for a completely absurd and hilarious story, full of fun doodles (I loved copying them!) and just an amazing quirky friend group with their hearts in the right place, going on a crazy adventure and all of this in a very original world with no respect for things like gravity, look no further. You have no idea what you are about to start reading though and I mean that in the very best way!!
This was such an incredibly fun, easy, imaginative and engaging read! I can only go and read the whole series now. I’m so happy there’s more!!!
It’s hard to talk about the actual story without spoiling anything, I really want you to discover and be amazed by (and probably laugh like a crazy person with) everything in this book (maybe best not read this at a place where you’re not supposed to laugh like something is very wrong with you xd). I feel like the authors really let their imagination run wild with this one and succeeded in creating a perfectly coherent story (it truly deserves a medal).
There’s basically a modest young hero who is forced to go back to school but it’s actually a fun school if you don’t think about the pressure of having to learn everything quick because the world needs saving pronto! And then the world saving bit, which doesn’t go easy because you know.. it’s saving the world.
Now imagine this all with a castle defying natural laws, evil rulers who look like vegetables or round snowy things and a robot horse in space and a strange cube from the future and throw in a toast and bean obsession, a singing sword and a flying tennis racket and.. Hard to do isn’t it? I still can’t believe these brilliant authors made it all make sense. Or maybe I’m just as crazy as them? And I love Sharon!

One of the more exuberant entrants on the shelf of quickly-read, very pictorial but full-length novels for the young and/or reluctant readers, and that’s saying something. Something else to say is that this is pretty much adult-proof, as I was a good way through and not finding much to laugh at at all. Sure I knew this was supposed to be silly, that was supposed to be funny, and here is a hyper-inflated knight in a spherical shape needing to burp until he gets back to normal dimensions, but none of that really managed to engage with my tastes. I liked the way the story was interrupted by visuals way beyond the usual cartoons – we have snatches of dialogue in comic book form, of course, but also full-spread illustrations and more polished graphics like Top Trumps cards, so this is not your average hyper-visual effort. But I found comparisons with Mr Gum to be so wide of the mark the mark might not even exist, and the whole thing definitely not the all-family-friendly book a classic, in my mind, is. And things like the Greek chorus of chatty types interrupting things, and the bonkers chapter naming approach were just not as beneficial as they think they were. That said, it’s three stars as I know many a reader will find this much more able to float their boat, and so even when I floundered in the shallows with this it is not worth dismissing outright straight away.

📱E-Book Review📱
Knight Sir Louis and the Sinister Snowball
The Brothers McLeod
This book was hilarious!! I loved it!!
However, my one complaint is that this is a book 5 in the Knight Sir Louis series and this is the first I've heard about it!! Where have I been!?
I only realised it was a book 5 when I came to post my review - so this shows that this works so well as a standalone read. However, now that I know there are more books, I'd love to read back and see how the friends all met and became a group.
In this book Knight Sir Louis and his friends take on a mission to save the world from the evil Splint, his family and the ice golems who want to freeze the world over and rule the new frozen land.
This storyline and plot was brilliant and I loved all the intricacies of the plan, the journey and the final battle.
But much more than this were all the little additions throughout that made this such a fun read.
Think Merlin meets Harry Potter.
The book was packed with little drawings to add to bring the story to life but I adored the little group of villagers who popped up every now and again to debate what had just happened in the story.
There was just so much to keep any reader immersed and focussed right to the end. The perfect book for personal reading at home or before bed, but also a great addition to any school library too.
I can't wait to read back and also to see what adventures await Knight Sir Louis next.....
💕Thank you to the author, publisher and NetGalley for my ARC copy - this is my honest review 💕

Review to come October 23rd on blog//other places.
I received this book from the publisher + Netgalley in exchange of an honest review.
The newest book for this series and it seems I missed a couple of books in the middle, haha, I guess I got something to read. And I guess I will do so in English given that the Dutch translation stopped after book 2. But that didn't matter for this book. I was a bit worried about that but I just stepped into the story and I was back into that strange world again.
In this book something ominous is happening again, it is getting colder and colder! Something strange is coming from the north. Are those snowball with eyes? I was invested! I needed to know what or who The Sinister Snowball is (and yes, he is really a snowball a very big one even) and what his plans were (sinister plans of course, but what was he planning for the planet/home of Knight Sir Louis). I loved reading about the various towns and parts of the world before it came close to Knight Sir Louis home/castle of King Burt. There are still so many places to explore and I hope we do so in next books (and maybe did in the previous books, I guess I got to get reading, haha).
But before Knight Sir Louis can defeat the snowball he is summoned to a school near a volcano (because hey, why not) and there he learns that these people are time travels. From a time where the plans of the giant snowball succeeded. They are desperate to fix this timeline and their timeline and it seems that Knight Sir Louis is just the hero needed! I had a laugh when he was sorted into houses and that there was a guy who was just so Malfoy. I know that we live in a time that HP stuff isn't really cool anymore, but I just loved this parody on it. I loved meeting various people and see Knight Sir Louis make a friend and get to training so he would be fully ready!
And there are plenty of other things happening. Like with a certain wizentor (was that the word) and what the Sinister Snowball is planning, or how King Burt goes a bit loopy in the head (even more than normal). Oh and Sharon! Hi Sharon! There are songs for walruses and a flying robot horse.
And then when things really get in motion? That was just oodles of fun and I was rooting for everyone! There were some plot stuff that I didn't expect and that had me go OMG YES! That is brilliant! The ending was just fabulous and it was all I wanted + more!
The little bits in between with the villagers was fun! At times I just wanted to continue so they were a bit of a distraction, but for most I liked them.
I loved the chapters and the little chapters in between when something happened that was worth mentioning. Like the chapter in which things go really bad. Or a chapter from the POV of the snowball.
I would highly recommend this one! I finished this one in one go, I just couldn't stop!

I have to be very honest and say that I am not sure if I understand the story completely. It is absolutely bonkers. But I have a feeling that my students would love this one. The illustration is cute and funny. The story as I said earlier is a bit baffling to adults like me.
I think this will be a sure-fire hit among my students.
This review is just about as baffling as the book is to me.

This book was so adorable, I loved everything about it, the illustrations were so well done, they suited the book perfectly, the story was amazing as well, even thought is very short I could really connect with the characters. I’m sure the kids are going to be just as enthralled with this amazing book as I was. I will definitely recommend! Thank you netgalley and the publisher for this early copy