Member Reviews

Congrats to the author for a great debut.

A few years ago people talked about being tired of prophecy fantasy, as it is very much the same all the time.
I'm glad to say that the author took those classic tropes and owned it.
Yes, it felt kind of streamlined at times, but it had a reason and it felt actually important to the characters and the story, as well showed the struggles the characters faced with being a part of a big prophecy.

It was a well written, easy read with great characters and relationships (an actual good male/female friendship), not to mention cool setting and epic moments.

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An amazing debut by Esmie Jikiemi-Pearson! I love a space opera when done right. And this one certainly was. Great working building, interesting characters and well written. Would definitely pick up another book from this author!

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Thank you to the publisher and NetGalley for the review copy. This is a brilliant debut. The world building is great, and I love how we get a little bit of mythology at the start of each chapter, and slowly start to understand how it relates to the story. The pacing is good, very easy to lose time as I did not want to put it down. I did guess a couple of the reveals but that did not detract from the experience in any way, and I am very much looking forward to the next instalment.

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Totally different to what I would usually read-a mixture of star wars meets Dr who in an epic spacey Sci fi fantasy saga.

I found the descriptions in this book so brilliant and so mesmerising. I often found myself detached from the present and sucked into a world where Earth as we know it had been destroyed and instead I was surrounded by alien life forms that looked at me, a human, as nothing more than live stock.
It was utterly brilliant to be so within those moments and entranced by the characters of the book.
I love that we have two MCs. A female and a male. Both on very different journeys and paths in life but ultimately, connected.
Our FMC, Asha, is on a journey to save her mother and a sister she knew nothing about until the day her world turned upside down.
And our male Mc, Obi, a boy who's lost his eye, arm and more persusing his main goal of finding his father. But he is also desperate to keep the love of the boy he can't seem to stop losing through time. When a hologram appears and pulls him away from George once more and into ashas drama, he feels bound to help her and hope he finds what he's looking for along the way.
They travel in time and space together, discovering themselves and the path they are meant to be on, meeting a whole cast of new friends and new enemies along with lost relatives.

Fantastic and captivating

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