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Their Last Resort

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RS Grey is constantly my go to author! I love her writing style and this book did not disappoint. I enjoyed the banter and enemies to lover plot. Thank you NetGalley!

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I love the setting of the book- resort on an island! It has some of my favourite tropes: grumpyxsunshine, workplaces romance. I loved the banter between Cole & Paige! They are both very likeable characters. The inner thoughts of R.S Grey's main characters is the cherry on top!

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“Because every moment of my day is spent the same way. Hour after hour. Minute after minute. I want you, always.”

This was a nice, sweet and cute read. It's about two resort employees who are rivals (according to her) but he has always secretly liked her. A disaster strikes and they are pushed to stay together and it leads to them discovering hidden feelings. So, I liked Cole, he was sensible, smart and sweet and I could feel the chemistry between him and Paige. He really cared about her and always had her best interest at heart. Paige, I felt was somewhere annoying and immature. In the beginning, she was pinning after the wrong guy all while knowing deep inside that she has a soft corner for Cole, and I'm glad that the situation didn't go on for long. Though immediately after that, Cole & Paige were confined in a room and it's like at one minute she was mad at him and the next, they admitted their feelings. The love confession was so sudden and everything after that moved in fast-forward due to which I felt like the book lacked a solid plot and depth tbh. But overall, it was a lighthearted and quick read. The romance was cute but the last part fell flat. So, it was a 3.25 star read at it's best for me.

Thank you Montlake and Netgalley for providing me the ARC in exchange of an honest review

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I enjoyed this one but didn’t love it. I didn’t really understand the enemies bit. They seem like the just annoyed each other. The forced proximity was very weird too. Overall it was fun but the story was a bit disjointed

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R.S. Grey is my go to for romcoms and one of the only authors who I will read that writes in first person POV, she just does it so well that I am able to immerse myself in the characters. This book is full of tension and banter and made me actually laugh on many occasions. Fun book to get you out of a reading slump.

Thank you to Montlake Publishing and NetGalley for an eARC in exchange for an honest review.

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The most funniest book RS Grey has written to date. I’ve never had more fun than reading these characters, the atmosphere of the resort was captured brilliantly, and the funny encounters with customers and staff was amazing.

However I have one complaint, there was an Isis joke in this book- one that I did not find funny nor appropriate in a romantic comedy book especially coming from a white author, and as a Muslim reader this made me feel uncomfortable and ruined the rest of the reading experience. Hence why my rating is 3 stars, otherwise it would be higher. I truly urge the author and publishers to remove this joke prior to release, and get some sensitivity readers before it makes it to bookstores.

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RS Grey has been my go to romance authors for years and every release proves why. Cole and Paige had such great banter. Their scenes were so witty and I loved their connection. I was happy with the fact that their romance did have slow burn aspects to it. The reason why this book is being given 3 stars is because of an inappropriate joke made about Syrians and those who are “heavier”. It was very unnecessary and uncalled for.

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This is a light rom-com read that just makes you smile. Paige and Cole work at a resort in the Caribbean. Paige is in charge of the excursions and Cole is assistant director of operations and these two tend to always push the other one’s buttons without really trying. They have some really fun banter that you know has to add so much fire to their spirit. Paige is feisty and lets those around her know what she is thinking, especially Cole. While Cole has that laid back nature to him that you know just makes Paige angrier. Honestly, I just like these two and I really liked them together. I love how Cole wants to make things right when he finds out about plans to make some big changes at the resort. As he sets things into action it is just fun to watch it all unfold at the same time these two find themselves working closer together and falling in love. This is one of those books that you can enjoy when you need to just cuddle up, laugh a little and smile a whole lot.

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Their Last Resort tells the story of two resort workers-Cole and Paige, and their enemies to lovers story of finding love amongst a storm.

While this story has banter and wit, making me laugh here and there... It also felt quite disjointed. It didn't flow well or develop with any depth. Paige came off as immature. And Cole felt like this gentle giant. I just struggle a little with their connection, being so different. Their whole lead up to I love you felt so quick too. One minute they are enemies, then BAM! They are in love. It progresses so quickly, but it's a SLOW burn in terms of intimacy. With just a little steam in the end.

This is a great storyline idea, I just didn't feel like it was executed well. I also noticed some mentions of weight often that just rubbed me the wrong way. This is my first read by the author and it didn't really work for me. So far the early reviews seem to be out of character for the author though. So I will definitely try one of her more loved reads in the future.

*I received an ARC from Montlake Publishing via Netgalley in exchange for my honest review. All opinions are my own and given freely.

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If there’s one thing this book has it’s an abundance of chemistry. Give me a guy that falls first and everytime I will be weak in the knees. Cole is broody yet endearing. Never one to show all his cards, but given the opportunity will always fight for you.

Though I enjoyed Cole and Paige together, I did have a hard time connecting with Paige. She felt more like a cartoon rather than the independent woman I am used to seeing this author write. I wish she had a bit more depth to her instead of this bubbly girl who lacked complexity to her character.

As a long time fan of RS Grey, this book fell a smidge flat for me. It had the light heart tone that I have come to love about her romcoms, but I craved more depth to the story. This book is perfect for those looking for a quick, laugh out loud read that allows the reader to get lost in a fun story.

Thank you to NetGalley and Montlake for the ARC

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The start of this book was really great, I love the setting, I loved the banter and grumpy sunshine vibes. As the book continued it just felt rushed, I wished I could have seen more of Paige and Cole navigating their feelings (the I love you came really quick). I still enjoyed this story I just wish there was more exploration of feelings.

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Their Last Resort by R.S. Grey was a quick read. I feel like R.S. Grey writes great enemies to lovers and I liked the banter between Paige and Cole. I'm used to her heroes being really gruff, but Cole was the opposite - he was so smitten with Paige. I do feel like this was very much a character driven book, and the plot suffered a bit. Overall, Their Last Resort was a quick and fun spicy read!

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This was a fun, quick, lighthearted read that I really enjoyed.

Paige and Cole work together at a Turks & Caicos resort and could not be more opposite. Paige leads adventurous excursions for resort guests while Cole is a number-crunching director. The two are often at odds with each other, but a little forced proximity thanks to a hurricane has them opening up about their true feelings.

I loved a good “he falls first” man, and Cole is that. He’s got hidden hearts in his eyes that he covers with his stoic demeanor as he stays cool and collected anytime he and Paige are arguing. The banter between them is very clearly their way of flirting to anyone paying attention. It’s fun and never too harsh. Paige wants Cole’s attention but doesn’t want to admit it to herself, so she seeks him out to push his buttons. I loved that it was dual POV so we got to know just how deep Cole was in his feelings for Paige. It made it entertaining to see what would make him break during their interactions. Once their feelings were revealed to each other it pretty much went from zero to 100 when it came to declarations so that was a little fast for me, though it doesn’t come until later in the book. They had physical chemistry once the spice hit too without overwhelming the plot once it came into play.

If you’re looking for a low-stakes, minimal angst, quick rom-com read, this was a great choice for that.

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This book was a quick, fun read. I thought that some of the pacing was a little off at times, and I would have liked more balance between the POVs. Some of the backstory didn't seem fully developed, and I don't think the story would have suffered at all if it had been cut (thinking specifically of his history with his parents, which felt not fully formed, and didn't really contribute much to who he was as a character.) Overall though, I love a story where everyone knows that the protagonists are in love except one or both of them. And I appreciate conflict that is somewhat external, like it was in this book.

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RS Grey has been my go-to author when I am in the mood for something light and fun. Her books are guaranteed to make me laugh out loud and are just overall great, quick reads. Their Last Resort is no different. I loved the fun banter between the main characters and the chemistry between the two that radiated from each page. RS Grey will forever be one of my favorites!

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Paige and Cole both work in paradise, but she is carefree and breezy whilst he is serious and straight laced - a combination that doesn't seem to go well, until a natural disaster hits the Island.

This is such a cute, fun and quick romance. It's full of tropes I adored every one! Perfect for anybody looking for a sweet and easy read on holiday!

I received a copy from the publisher in exchange for an honest review

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I'm all about a book that cures a case of wanderlust for me. When I saw that this book was set in Turks and Caicos, I jumped at the opportunity to read an early copy! I've read a few books by R.S. Grey in the past and I've really enjoyed most of them. Though I'm not as well versed in her books as some other people are, I felt that this book had a different feel to it. It just felt like your average romance, not a book sprinkled with R.S. Grey's humor and wit. I also felt like the story was very basic. It felt like more of a story was begging to be told, where so much was just skimmed over. I did really love the resort setting and I think I would have loved the story a lot more if there was just a little more substance to the story. It was a short read and I think there was absolutely room for more.

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I was excited to read this but it fell short for me. The premise and the book had so much potential. I just could not connect with Cole and Paige. For as old as they were, they acted immature, it felt like it could have been a YA book. In no means was it a bad book, I adore R.S. Grey's work and her rom coms hit just right but unfortunately this one was not it for me.

Thanks to Netgalley for providing arc in exchange for an honest review.

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I really loved this book! I loved the main character Paige. She was so fun and relatable. Who hadn’t experienced unrequited love or feels they aren’t sure about. This is a fun summer read set in a tropical island! Definitely worth the time!

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Such an exciting surprise for me to see a R.S. Grey book being published by Montlake and up for reviews. I have supported her self published work for years and I was so interested to see if this would have her same style. This was just as good and I am very excited for the potential of this being on library shelves and gettin more readers interested in her extensive backlog.

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