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The Lifeline

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Member Reviews

There was something utterly compelling about this, it was such a heartbreaking journey for both characters and I loved the way the story was split between the different time lines. It was a really emotional read, and I loved the relatability of Annie and Will, both of their stories had depth and warmth. Definitely a must read on a day when you need a literary hug.

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I was very engaged immediately by this story- by why two people who clearly liked each other in all the right ways somehow failed to meet back up, when and where they had arranged to, on a Paris bridge.

Finding out this back story while exploring the lives that both Will and Annie have settled for several years later was intriguing. Both characters had grief (and guilt or anger )pulling them down and making their worlds smaller than they should have been. I was so pleased to see them break free of some of that burden by the end.

I loved the helpline, and the stories that were pulled out of it. This was a lovely book- and I’m grateful to the publisher and NetGalley for the ARC in exchange for my thoughts. A very solid 4* from me. I’ll certainly look out for more of Tom Ellen’s books!

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The Lifeline is a romcom that touches on some serious issues, perfect! I found it a bit slow at the start but then the pace picked up and I became so engrossed I was rationing myself as I didn't want it to end. Thoroughly recommend.

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Loved this book.
A book that makes me remember that we never can fully know what is going on for any other person, and how quick we are to make judgements and assumptions about others.
Pia and Jack are not who they say they are, but their stories are so linked from the past.
Really recommend this story

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Initially this was a very sad story but as the story unfolded it got better and better. Some really good characters and a brilliant storyline. I was in peices towards the end but it finished on a crescendo!

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I enjoyed The Lifeline, both the main characters were likeable. The story focuses on the issues the characters faced in their past, and their journey through this. I liked the focus on mental health, and it was a journey rather than one day there are issues and the next they are fine.

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Gripping reading - I wanted to finish it in one sitting. Okay so some of the plot pushes believability, and I had to work hard to believe the coincidences, but the characters are deeply drawn, lovable and flawed, and I cheered them on. The novel tackles deep topics with grace. Recommended.

Four out of five stars

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Thank you Netgalley & HQ for access to this title in exchange for an honest review. 🤍

The Lifeline is a story that follows Annie and Will on their separate journeys of navigating life after grief. Haunted by the past, Will volunteers at a charity lifeline where people can anonymously call, and one day aspiring journalist Annie stumbles across the number while researching for an article and calls in. They go by Jack and Pia on their calls to remain anonymous but what happens when they find out they know each other from one day in Paris?

This was such a gut-wrenching book and I sobbed the entirety of the last 30%. It discusses, grief, family problems, loneliness, and much more. The interconnecting yet separate stories of Will and Annie came together beautifully and I really enjoyed this book.

I feel like this book really emphasises the importance of checking in on those you love as well as the importance of being able to move on.

Overall, I loved this story. A good story always makes me cry, and this one did just that.

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This is the first book I have read by this author and I loved it. His writing style draws you in to the story immediately.

A tale of two people, Annie and Will , who have never met but have made a connection over the telephone. They are two lonely people who deserve so much more. I could not put this book down!

You go through a gamut of emotions as it deals with grief and loneliness with such compassion. It has many uplifting parts too and ticks every box for me.

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Another great book by Tom Ellen. Annie & Will are both at a low point in their lives, Will works in an electrical shop which is not doing well, Annie writes for a website which is also not doing great. They met 5 years ago but haven't seen each other since. Both are affected by grief when they connect via a crisis helpline , though they are not aware of their identities.
Emotions such as guilt, grief and loneliness form a large part of this book and although that sounds negative, they are dealt with so sensitively and believably that the book gives you solutions for dealing with self destructive behaviour and finding positivity. This isn't a book where everything does an about turn, but where little chinks of light appear to gradually turn things around. I laughed and I cried when reading this book. The characters are well portrayed, not only the main characters, but also others and the relationships between friends and colleagues is so well described that you come to understand how small some social worlds can become and how problems arise within relationships. But there is also positivity because sharing a drink , a cup of tea, a laugh at work can make a difference. The powerful message in this book.
Thanks to Net Galley for a great read

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Unexpectedly page turning, this story about 2 people who meet in Paris He, a singer in a band and she, a new journalist. They like each other but fate steps in and changes the course of their relationship and you have to read on to find out what happened, then fate brings them back together much later on, only it’s on the phone and they don’t recognise each other... Interesting characters and relatable life stories. I really wanted to keep reading to find out what happens to them both and I wasn’t disappointed.

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A book with a message which made me laugh and made me cry. Thought provoking. Thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for letting me review this book.

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Gorgeous book! It should be predictable and possibly a little cliche… but it IS NOT. I wanted to dislike Alex but just wanted to look after him. Annie is complex but entirely loveable. I can’t wait to see what the author writes next. Loved, loved LOVED this romance.

Thank you to Netgalley for the ARC in return for a fair and honest review.

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A little gem of a read. I was drawn in to the lives of Will and Annie from the start and found myself rooting for both of them, The story feels so real, dealing as it does with grief, loneliness and relationships. It’s something that we can all relate to on one level or another and portrayed by the author so well. It shows how cathartic it can be to talk to people about your feelings, rather than bottling it all up, Whether it’s with friends, family or a support helpline, like Green Shoots, it doesn’t matter. There’s also humour and love, and a good ending..

Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for the opportunity to read and review this book.

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This is such a wonderful, feel good story which I couldn't put down. Will is in band that Annie has been sent to.interview in Paris. She and Will click, spending the day together and arranging to meet up after the band's gig. Unknown to Annie something drastic has happened and Will stands her up. Furious, she returns to London and in her anger doesn't treat Will kindly in her review.
Fast forward five years and Annie is once again tasked to interview the now disbanded group, but struggles to find any of them. She is unhappy in her job, her father has died and she has issues with her sister and mother because of it. Her life is definitely not where she wants it to be and lives with a partner who she realises is Mr Right now not Mr Right. On the spur of the moment she calls Green Shoots, a helpline,using her middle name. She gels with the callhandler, Will, neither of them realising who the other is. A story that is not only a romance but also the sadness of loneliness and depression that helplines deal with on a daily basis.
Definitely a five star book.

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I absolutely adored this book!

This is a perfect example of a fun romance with a heartwarming message behind it. This book took a tour on all my emotions. I was laughing, I was smiling. And at one point I was close to tears over just how much this truly warmed my heart.

This was so perfectly paced as well. Not rushed but not too slow that it lost my attention or got boring. I thought the 2 main characters were so cute as well.

Another thing that’s important to me in romance books is that they aren’t cringey. And this was not cringey at any point. I loved the fact it contained real life issues and the characters were so relatable.

If you’re looking for a cute romance story that is realistic and uplifting. Read this 💘.

*Thank you to NetGalley for providing me with an E-arch in exchange for an honest review*

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This book is a difficult read but well worth it. It was a little slow and dragged out in places but covered the myriad of emotions attached to grieving the loss of a loved one and the slow, difficult path to acceptance.
The lifeline is a fantastic title and the book doesn't disappoint, highlighting the need for services like this in real life. Very emotional.

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This book was absolutely wonderful. One of the best books I’ve read in ages! It was funny, heartbreaking and thought provoking and written so beautifully. This was a powerful and well crafted story about trauma, growth, love and friendship with dual POV.

If you’re even considering picking this book up and giving it a try, do it.

Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for the ARC in exchange for my opinion.

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Read and reviewed in exchange for a free copy from NetGalley. I loved 'All About Us' so was delighted to be offered an ARC of Ellen's latest offering. 'The Lifeline' did not disappoint. The dual narratives were written well and I cared about the characters and their stories. Ellen handed sensitive themes carefully and the story was paced well. The supporting characters were also great. A fantastic read.

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An enjoyable read set against a background of love, loss with several different facets along the way. Set in two timelines, present day in London and five years previously in Paris told by two different voices Will and Annie. Written very sensitively and with great character depiction that the reader is taken on a rollercoaster to the depths of despair, loss, hopelessness and loneliness to highs of love, friendships and even some fun. A lot of resolutions which make the reader think a little how other people maybe struggling, especially with grief in a deeper way than a lot of people and how it is good and essential to talk. The Green Shoots Helpline was a stroke of genius to pull the strands together even with the reader knowing the various parties involved.

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