Cover Image: The Nightmare in Him

The Nightmare in Him

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Suzanne Wright does it again. What an amazing ride from start to finish. I love Cain and Wynter together not only are they steamy but also just perfectly imperfect for each other.. I love that I want to research the biblical characters and stories because of the book. I can’t wait for the next one. I was given this book as an ARC for a review

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This is the second installment of the Devil's Cradle series, and I absolutely LOVED it!!! I really enjoyed the first one, but this one had me hooked from the beginning. The second book we get to see how the relationship between Wynter and Cain has developed more and do I love their storyline! We also get to see a little more into the personalities of those closest to them. The Nightmare in Him picks up after the battle between the Aeons and the Ancients. Wynter and Cain both have some very big secrets, but they don't let that get in the way of their bond growing, and boy do they have an amazing bond! I love how they just get each other and love the other for who they are no matter what. Throw in some revenge seekers, big secrets being revealed, some good plot twists, and you won't be able to put this one down! I can't wait to see what happens in the third book of the series!

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This is the second installment in the series and while you could read this book as a stand alone, the storyline is definitely enriched by having read the first book. As mentioned there is no cliff hanger at the end of the book but you will definitely be ready to preorder the next book the minute it’s available. Suzanne Wright creates such enjoyable worlds to read about. Her characters are well developed and by the time you finish reading about them, you want to read more and you wish they were actual people because you think you want to know them. If you’re wondering if you should pick up this book, the answer is a resounding yes and I would tell you to pick up the first book in the series as well. (And then go look at this author’s entire library of books because her writing is that enjoyable).

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5 ‘Soul Deep’ Stars

My oh my, she has done it again! I thought Dark In You series would always be all time fav PNR, but can’t just say that now, because Devils’ Cradle is now up there at the very TOP too! OMG, Cain and Wynter OWN my heart and soul! Their just keep getting better and better, and I can’t deal! Its BRILLIANT!!!

I already knew Suzanne Wright was a masterful romance writer, but The Nightmare In Him just proves she keeps outdoing herself. I DEVOURED this book, and just as Cain and Wynter I’m completely ADDICTED to these two, and their own gang of ‘misfits’.

Not only is the Romance and sexy times, on – boiling- point, the dark seduction, the tantalizing mystery, and the SOUL deep connection I felt in my very bones, makes their love story one I crave and am fully engaged in. The amazing and kickass subplot just takes it to a whole other level of awesomeness! The interesting secondary characters that have the ROFL just leave me more curious for their own story, and when we aren’t even finished with Cain and Wynter’s love (actually love seems too tame of a word for it) story I’m already begging for more. Yep, completely and utterly ADDICTED and OBSESSED indeed!!! I need the next book NOW!!

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One thing I love and is the reason why I believe Suzanne Wright possesses a mini superpower is her ability to create lovable main characters. I mean, seriously, it's a rare talent to make BOTH protagonists so likable. In every book she writes, I find myself adoring both of her main characters and this one is no exception. I absolutely adore the fact that she makes both of her main characters strong and that is constant throughout the book. Wynter being a strong fmc doesn’t weaken or lessen how strong Cain is - vice versa. Her characters are flawed beings and they aren’t automatically fixed at the end. It adds a touch of realism to this fantastical world. Speaking of which, Wright has created an intriguing world that had me hooked from the very first sentence. The pacing of the story is simply chef's kiss, keeping my attention throughout. The world-building strikes the perfect balance, providing enough detail to create vivid imagery without overwhelming the reader.

Once again, I loved reading about Wynter and her Coven. They are an absolutely hilarious bunch with their quirks, silly debates, and overall messiness - I couldn't get enough! And of course, the dynamic between Wynter and Cain is captivating. Despite their many secrets, their relationship never felt toxic to me. I loved how much time they spent together, and the author didn't just tell us about their connection, but allowed us to experience it on the page. It's a joy to witness their bond growing stronger.

There were some surprising revelations in this book. Secrets are unveiled, and let me tell you, they kept me on the edge of my seat. There's one secret in particular that I've been dying to know since the first book, and finally, it's revealed here. I am holding on tight, because I know there are more secrets to be uncovered in book 3. I, for one, am eagerly awaiting its release. Seriously, I need that next book now! Please and thank you.

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I was really unsure about reading this book until the next one comes out as I hate the feeling of a book not being "finished" but I have to say that I loved it. I wasn't sold on Wynter and Cain as a couple in the beginning but they really grew on me in this book. I love how unashamedly possessive and unwilling to lose each other they are.

Finding out what Cain is and the history between the Aeons and the Ancients was a great surprise that made sense but wasn't predictable. The secondary characters of Wynter's coven are amazing and so funny and I can't wait to read their stories.

This is a great addition to Suzanne's books,

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This book was everything
hooked from the very beginning
this book ... this series has me in a chokehold
early awaiting the next
will 10000% recommend to all other readers

The characters are just captivating
The writing is phenomenal
The plot is AMAZING!

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I received a Netgalley ARC of this book and as always Suzanne wrote a great story. Wynter and Cain’s relationship becomes deeper and closer in this installment. There’s no angst or miscommunications between them that plague some books so that’s a big plus with Suzanne’s writing. Cain definitely doesn’t leave Wynter wondering about there relationship here and I love the dedication he shows to their relationship throughout the story.
This book continues to expand on the story of the ancients and contains plenty of action, magic, zany coven members and sexy moments. Also some characters who seriously need a punch in the tit (men and women alike).
The plot definitely wasn’t anything I was anticipating, so if you think you guessed what’s gonna be revealed, think again.
There were times when I felt like the story dragged a bit and I had to set it down and come back to it later (which never happens with Suzanne’s other series for me, as I usually binge read them). I feel like that happened with book one of this series for me too but I ended up loving it anyway, so maybe it’s just how different these characters are from her other stories that throws me off. In any case, it stretched out the reading for me and I enjoyed it anyway so I still very much recommend it.
I will say that much of the action and all of the reveals happen towards the end so don’t expect answers right away. That’s when it got gripping for me though.

Definitely more to come for this series so if you’re like me you will be awaiting the next installment as soon as you finish The Nightmare in Him.

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I feel like I’ve been obsessed with this series since we first learned about it and meeting Cain in Ms. Wright’s The Deep in Your Veins series just made me more excited to dive into a new Suzanne Wright World and what a World it is! I was completely taken and enchanted with everything about The Wicked in Me from the characters and storyline to the lore and the romance, of course. I only fell in deeper with The Nightmare in Him — I just loved this book so much! It’s such a fascinating, interesting idea for a story and I can’t wait to see where it goes next.

I had considered waiting to read The Nightmare in Him after I finished the book I had already started before I got it and I was actually going to wait if only to have more time with Cain and Wynter before I have to wait a year to get the last bit of their story, but when it came down to it, I just couldn’t do it, I had to start it. I did not read it nonstop though, so I did get to spend a longer time with them anyway and what a time it was! I won’t say that I didn’t clock some of the reveals in this book because I did, but there was still plenty that I didn’t know about and that did not lessen my enjoyment at all. It just made me even more hyped and eager to find out everything.

There’s a mystery running throughout this series and man, it does not disappoint with every little bit of answers that we get. Just putting that aside, I love Cain and Wynter so much and I love Wynter’s coven just as much too! They’re just so rich in personality, I can’t not be taken with them and with Cain and Wynter too. They’re so strong and devoted to each other and independent baddies, I can’t get enough of them on their own and as a couple! Their romance is top tier and while I’m hoping, praying, and wishing that Ms. Wright continues writing in this series and giving the coven and other Ancients books of their own whether they’re paired together or not, I’m still going to love and miss Cain and Wynter’s dynamic.

Well, I don’t know what more to say, I know this was a rambling mess, but my excitement and love for this series just cannot be contained! The Nightmare in Him was amazing, wonderful, and fabulous and I can’t wait to read the next and hopefully not the last book!

~ Sonja, 5 Stars

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Suzanne Wright is definitely one of those authors that I will one click the book without even reading the blurb to it. Since this latest one is part of a continuation I was chomping at the bit to read it. In The Nightmare in Him, we continue on with Cain and Wynter’s journey. We actually learn more about Cain and his background and it was absolutely fascinating!

The battle between the Ancients and Aeons heats up, as does the attempts on Wynter’s life. We get some epic battle scenes and verbal and non-verbal takedowns from Wynter and antics from the coven had me cackling throughout. And the spice between Cain and Wynter is as steamy as ever. I just had an overall great time reading this book. There are definitely more secrets to uncover and I can’t wait to find out more!

Thank you so much to Netgalley and Little, Brown Book Group UK for giving me the opportunity to read and review this book. All opinions are my own.

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The second installment of Wynter and Cain’s story was every bit as outstanding as the first. As more of Cain’s back story is revealed, some questions are answered but more arise, as it’s clear Kali ( the goddess that protects Wynter) has a plan and plenty more surprises up her sleeve for the future. I found the mythological themes fascinating and am, as ever, in awe of the author’s imagination and talent at world building. There is lots of action, some (pretty gory!) battles but it’s all mixed in with the authors trademark sarcasm, dry humour and endearingly outrageous characters. I was engrossed in the story right from the start and spent the entire day reading it as I didn’t want to leave Devil’s Cradle and its wonderful band of characters!

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Thank you NetGalley and Piatkus for an ARC of this book.

I really don't know how I last a whole year before I could read The Nightmare in Him, and now I don't know what I'm going to do while I wait for the next book. This series and Suzanne Wright's writing are just too addictive.

In book 1, they defeated one of their enemies, but there are still three more to go. While Wynter and Cain think on a way to free the ancients and protect the people close to them, their relationship develops more and more. It's clear they are made for each other, and something (or someone) wants them together. I'm not sure if it's the goddess backing Wynter or maybe what's sleeping under Cain's castle, but I can't wait to find out. I feel like every time a mystery is unravelled, two more pop up. I need to know everything about Wynter and her 'monster'!

At least we find out more about Cain and the secret he's hiding. It makes so much sense, and I love how it involves mythology. I wish for him to kick Adam's backside once and for all, but I know he'll be getting there.

This story is full of action, laughs and steamy scenes (trust me you don't want to miss it), and now I need to start counting down the days until book 3 releases.

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I enjoyed this second book in the Devil's Cradle series as much as I did the first one. The two main characters, Cain and Wynter, are purrr-fect for each other. And the secondary characters, including Wynter's Coven and the other Ancients, really round out the story. There's plenty of magic, mystery, twists and turns, secrets revealed, and lots and lots of finger-scorching-as-you-swipe-the-pages smexy-times. I cannot wait to see what happens in book three!!!

Many thanks to Piatkus and NetGalley for an advance of this book. My thoughts and opinions are my own and without bias or favor or expectation.

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This book was just as good as the first book, if not better. I needed more Alpha Cain and Winter is a kick ass MFC. She isn’t “stupid” or silly like some FC can be but she could also let Cain take lead when needed which I loved. I needed more from this book in that I need them to longer. I always devour Ms Wrights books and this one didn’t disappoint at all. I do hate how long we have to wait between books though. Even the secondary characters make you feel as if they aren’t just extra people in the story even though we don’t get a lot about them they’re entwined in the story in a way that makes them great secondary characters and definitely has given me a few laughs and eye rolls. Another great one from Suzanne and I’m not patiently waiting for the next one. I need a new book from her asap!!

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Suzanne Wright is an automatic read for me. She has never disappointed me, and I highly doubt she ever will. The Nightmare in Him is a terrific book, but, what it isn't is a standalone. You should absolutely read the first book in this series or you will be totally lost. This continues Cain and Wynter's story as they are the lead characters. Thank goodness for this as we definitely need to know so much more of these 2 characters. I felt we got a much deeper dive into who Cain and Wynter are and some of the secrets they keep. No, we did not learn everything, but we now know so much more of what makes these 2 tick.

The world building is phenomenal! We learn even more about the Ancients and the Aeons, and even get to meet a few more of the Aeons. Their history and the conflicts they lived through are somewhat explained and you get a more thorough picture of who they are and were.

The secondary characters run rampant - the Bloodrose Coven is totally crazy and wonderful. I sincerely hope most of these characters get their own books, cause that will be a wild ride. A totally fascinating and fun novel with Suzanne Wright's trademark sarcasm and wit.

Thank you to Netgalley and Piatkus for the opportunity to review this ARC.

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As the second book in the trilogy, readers might benefit from having read the first. I had not, but now I am definitely going to! I typically enjoy all of Suzanne Wrights books and this one is no different. Jumping in at the second book of the trilogy there were lots of characters to assimilate (but I managed it) and they were are quite fascinating. Biblical names abound and their back story as the book unfolded is imaginative. I loved how steadfast the relationship between Cain and Wynter is - both intensely committed to each other. The humour between Cain and Wynter and between members of the coven was entertaining and a welcome source of relief from the turmoil and angst. The next instalment has been set up so I'm looking forward to that one.
Thanks to the publisher and NetGalley for providing this book for review consideration. .All opinions are my own.

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A great second book to one of my favorite series. The wicked in me was one of my favorite reads of 2023 and I’ve been highly anticipating this book ever since. It did not disappoint. We get to follow Cane and Wynter in their journey. We also get to catch up with all of our favorite Members of the blood rose coven. We do get to learn a few more secrets in this book. However, there is still much we do not know. I really enjoyed the humor, the action in the evolving relationship between Cane and Wynter. The only thing I didn’t like was the fact that it ended, and I have to wait another year for the next book.

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Arc received via NetGalley

The 2nd book in the Devil’s cradle series. Yes, I did scream when I received the arc.

The books starts off strong straight away reminding us that Aeons are still after Wynter. We are introduced finally to Eve (Cain’s mother) and other family members. We learn the truth about the Cain’s monster and are not surprised by Wynters reaction. I love the humour in Suzanne Wright’s books (did cackle with laughter at Hattie a few times) and the characters. The chemistry between Cain and Wynter is almost too hot at times and even with secrets there is a fierce loyalty between them. I cannot wait to find out more in the next book. I adore the coven and hope there is a spin off as I love Anabel and Delilah (Karma potions are the best).

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So I have been waiting for this book since book 1.
It did not disappoint.
I love how Wynter & Cain’s relationship developed and what they wanted from each other.
Cain was very open with Wynter in this book about his past etc etc. (that’s all I’m saying on that matter)
You need to read this book to find out more.
I need book 3 now !
I can’t wait to read more about the Coven 😏

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Absolutely brilliant as always. Suzanne wright manages to bring to life an alternative version of Adam and eve in a fresh and entertaining way without it taking over the overall story. Cain and winters relationship is developed without feeling forced and Winters Coven are once again their entertaining self making me wish I was a member. The story is told in a way that nothing is given away too soon and keeps you wanting more without the dreaded cliffhanger. I can't wait for the third installment.

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