Member Reviews

I cannot praise this book enough. This is hands down, the best story/most well written piece of literature that I have read in such a long time. Please please please, if you come across this book, pick it up! It deserves all the accolades.

Unfortunate I did not finish this ebook before it expired in the NetGalley app so I will need to come back and review throughly once I obtain a paper copy but for now I can say that I’m grateful I was given the opportunity to review it, and that what I did read, I enjoyed.

this truly is an unbelievable true story of romance, sacrifice, loss, and resilience.
the title immediately grabbed my attention, as I am really interested and fascinated by history of this time period, particularly how much humanity has endured and come through. this was a beautiful, although hard to read love story that explored so many themes. I am so honoured to have read this story, and get more a glimpse into a love story from this time in history.
thank you NetGalley, Ebury Publishing & Penguin Random House for this ARC!

This book was okay. I usually love reading this historical fiction based on a true story but I found it hard to get into this one and didn't really enjoy it much. I felt like it had a slow build up and the story didn't develop as much as I'd hoped for.

This book was truly remarkable. At first I thought it was going to be another one of these corny romanticised accounts of people surviving 'against all odds'. How wrong I was. This was meticulously researched, a genuinely authentic account of two people who met briefly at Auschwitz Birkenau and shared a brief respite from the horror surrounding them.
The reader learns of the lives Zippi and David were leading, two completely different individuals, before ending up together in the death camps. They both manage to escape the camps but do not meet up again until more than seven decades later.
I loved learning about their lives and experiences. How strong they both were to survive and forge their own lives. Uncomfortable reading, but it should be, these accounts should be essential reading for schools today. We must learn from history.

This title stuck out to me right away due to its incredible moment in history as well as a beautiful love story that came out of it. I am so honored to share my thoughts and acquire it to bring to readers and will be sharing my full thoughts upon completion. Thank you