Member Reviews

Seriously, who needs therapy when you can just read poetry? I really enjoyed this short collection. It touched on so many topics that we encounter every day, it felt like I was reading the author's diary.

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2.5 stars

This feels like a bit of a half arsed job (sorry). A few of the poems were lovely but the rest didn’t roll off the tongue very easily. The poems ‘Ancestors’ and ‘Every Day is a Good Day’ with their repetition felt a tad jarring and to be honest I have written shopping lists with more emotion.
And then there were a few ‘poems’ with just one line, which were really unnecessary, a bit boring, hollow.

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This had some thought-provoking and beautiful poems. The writing was elegant and swirled together perfectly, strong in everything the author was telling us.

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Poetry is very subjective. I find that it can sometimes be difficult to rate or review because it's like judging another person's personal feelings and experiences. With that being said, I'm not rating or reviewing the author's feelings and experiences, I'm just using my feelings from reading this to create a review. 
I thought this was a good poetry book. A lot of the poems weren't necessarily ones I'd typically read. A few of them were so powerful and strong and actually got me emotional reading them. That itself is something I look for in any kind of writing. If a writer or author can bring out an emotional response through their words, they are doing it right. That definitely happened here. There were also a few that I didn't understand. I either couldn't understand the message behind it for whatever reason or I just couldn't connect to it, so the message just didn't appear clear to me. 
Overall, I thought this was a really nice poetry book.

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I would personally refer to ‘Will We Still Be Here Tomorrow’ as a series of observations and life advice rather than a collection of poetry. In my humble personal opinion, there was no real depth to this collection - ‘Instapoetry’ is the word I would use. Still, I see this as a a quick & enjoyable read for many people, just not me.

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Thank You to Netgalley and Sunrise Press for the ARC.
Reading these poems reads like I'm looking into a persons private diary and thoughts, their prayers to God, and their deepest fears when they lay awake at night.
There is a lot of hopefulness in these poems, but also a lot of pain and reflection on deaths of others and of the eventual self.
A short, reflective read, however the addition of a contents page or list of themes may be useful, as to not look for something lighthearted or spiritual to wind up reading about child death or nuclear destruction.

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I loved reading this collection of poetry! Especially the poems about parenthood! They were so relatable and in some ways heartbreaking. I'll definitely be recommending this to friends.

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In dieser Gedichtsammlung werden wunderschöne Gedichte zu vielen verschiedenen Bereichen des Lebens vereint; bspw. zur eigenen Lebensgestaltung und zum Glücklichsein, zur Liebe zu anderen Personen, zum Innehalten und Wertschätzen von kleinen Momenten, zur persönlichen Freiheit und zum Tod. Die Gedichte haben mich teilweise zum Nachdenken angeregt und teilweise poetische Worte für Weisheiten gefunden, die uns zwar bewusst sind, im Alltag aber oft in Vergessenheit geraten. Ich habe mich sehr gut unterhalten gefühlt und hatte nach dem Lesen ein sehr positives, bestärkendes Gefühl. Ich kann diese Gedichtsammlung sehr empfehlen.

In English:

This collection of poems brings together beautiful poems about many different areas of life; for example, about shaping your own life and being happy, about loving other people, about pausing and appreciating small moments, about personal freedom and about death. The poems partly were thought provoking and partly found poetic words for wisdom that we are aware of but are often forgotten in everyday life. I felt very entertained and had a very positive, empowering feeling after reading it. I can highly recommend this collection of poems.

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This book offers a compelling exploration of human experience through its poetic lens. While not every poem may resonate equally, the collection as a whole provides a thought-provoking journey for those who appreciate introspective literature. Enjoy reading this book, because I know I did.

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Poems are always a personal thing to read that will affect everyone in their own way, whether that’s good or bad. Turrell’s poetry resonated with me really well. Specifically some of the poems surrounding mass shootings. I grew up in the generation that had school shooting drills from as long as I can remember and although my school was never involved in a school shooting, there were a few neighboring schools that were so the ramifications were felt throughout the community. Turrell really nailed a lot of the feelings and phrases repeated following a shooting as well as the almost casual “moving on”.

I haven’t ever been through a period of profound depression and some of the poems related to that experience weren’t as effective to me as the others but I really enjoyed them and felt that they were beautiful in their own way.

Ultimately, I really enjoyed this collection. Both the poems I had a strong personal connection to and the ones I didn’t, they all flowed lyrically (makes sense with Turrell’s background) and they were nice to read.

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I’ve wanted to get back into reading poetry for a while and this was great. I loved the variation here, no set theme and I loved how in-depth some of them were and then others are so short. My favourites were; When Lost, Resolutions, Rest Here, Float, Your Own Mind, What is the meaning of life and Comparison. Lovely book that I’ll continue to come back to!

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This was unfortunately not for me. It’s in no way a bad book, I just didn’t connect to the poems. I’m sure this will find the right readers.

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This book is not so poetry-y with flowery words and lots of hidden meaning, but..It is very real and the sentences break my heart at some (ok many) points. I can somehow relate to a lot of the topics of the poems maybe because I'm a parent too (like the writer). Quite nice poems 🫶Thank you NetGalley for providing this book!

#WillWeStillBeHereTomorrow #NetGalley

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It is so hard to rate a collection of a writer's personal thoughts. This collection of poems reads like the author's journal. The reader has been given a peek into the heart of the journaler.

My favorite was "November Sabbath";

The oatmeal burps on the stove
The sparrows chatter in the hedge
The slanted autumn light
Spills onto the floor.

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A very lovely and interesting collection of poems. Some of them I didn’t fully understand but they were written well, will definitely read more by this author!

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Powerful prose. These poems will really stick with me for awhile. I received an ARC in exchange for an honest review, however I will be purchasing a physical copy for my home bookshelf.
I really appreciated the rawness, vulnerability and reality of Ford Turrell's words. Each piece really dyg into me. I will say I hope to see more work from this author in the future, Very talented and well done!

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Solid book of poetry! I found it to be pleasant.
Terrell does a good job of weaving simple questions that have simple answers along with more complex, deeper topics together to make something of a great variety of poetry.
Normally I am not a fan of more “contemporary” “insta-style” poetry, (just not my cup of tea,) but I found the sheer variety of styles and mix of topics delightful, as that is something I’ve yet to find in more modern/contemporary poetry.
Overall, I felt that the message these poems brought to the table was: What a simple thing it is to love yourself. The world will be undyingly cruel, but we don’t have to follow that, internalize it. We can still be kind.
I do wish there was more of the complex, highly descriptive poetry, as I feel those are his strongest!

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I received an advance review copy for free, and I am leaving this review voluntarily. This poetry collection is so diverse it manages to keep you feeling with every poem without starting to think that it was becoming more of the same. The poems on school shootings and Hiroshima and Nagasaki were especially emotive and those on self-acceptance and struggling with your mind also rang surprisingly close to me.

Favourite Quote:
"Valentines Day. Another school shooting. 3 dead. 7 critically wounded. But probably not really big a deal because it was at a college, and all the victims and wounded were almost adults Their blood, and cries, and screams for help are probably worth a little less because of that."

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Normally poetry books are so hard to categorize and rate but I really enjoyed this. Enjoyed the subject of growth, faith and hope - the prose wasn't always what I expected and not the easiest to get through.

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Spoiler: poetry is therapy.
Thank you to NetGalley and the publishers for providing me with a free copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

I really enjoyed this short collection. It touched on so many topics that we encounter every day, it felt like I was reading the author's diary. It clearly came from an intimate place, and it is always a privilege to be able to read that.
It contains poems about grief and self-love and life and death.
Some of the poems were really strong and put together nicely, but some felt a bit unfinished, like a cake that is still a bit raw. There were times when the poem would start very simple, then overly complicate and become very dense.

Still, overall, it was a nice collection.

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