Member Reviews

I really enjoyed this and it wasn't at all what I was expecting. It was very original and keeps you engaged right to the very end.

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Loved this book.
Moving through different times lines, a captivating love story unfolds that has you gripped from the outset. Jenn and Robbie are soul mates but despite a beautiful union the story reveals a rollercoaster of emotional struggles, secrets and the nuances of different personalities that only a life changing event makes them reconsider....
If you like The traveller's wife you will love this.

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this was a beautifully written book that had me hooked, i’m going to be honest i had no idea what was happening and it had me guessing, was one of them dead? was one a ghost? were they dreaming?
i actually didn’t care because i was enjoying it too much.
a great read

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A wonderful easy to follow read, I enjoyed the characters and writing style. I recommend this book and author. A good afternoon read.

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A really interesting premise. I liked watching the history of the relationship unfold. Recommended for those who like this genre.

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Oh my, this story was beautiful on so many levels yet heartbreaking as you follow the tale of Robbie and Jenn and flashback through their lives together

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i found the timelines in this book pretty confusing, and that made it drag for me. i usually love a sentimental romance but this felt flat and i really struggled to get through it.

i found parts of it really emotional and heartbreaking though, and i have recommended it to some of my friends who all loved it - it just wasn’t really for me.

thank you so much to netgalley, the publisher and the author for the arc 🫶🏻

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I quite enjoyed this but I don't think I can put it any higher than that. It's fundamentally a very sentimental love story, which I'm not against. However, the story is (necessarily, given the central premise of the book, which I won't give away) structured in a way that makes it very repetitive, and fairly slow moving and frustrating. The ending, on the other hand, is brilliant, and packs a big emotional punch - but I'm just not sure that's enough on its own to make it worth the slog to get there.

Thanks to the author, publisher and NetGalley for the ARC.

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The ending saved the book for me but took its time. One this that massively bothered me was the timelines, there was just too many, and sometimes I would forget and couldn’t keep track. I wanted to love it but it just to hard to keep up.

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An interesting, original and moving love story which is full of incredible drama and tension. Robbie and Jenn have just reconciled after an eight month break when they get into a car accident. During the moments right up to the collision, Robbie sees Jenn’s life flashing before his eyes, giving him new insights into their relationship and what tore them apart.

A very memorable and compelling book which I do not hesitate to recommend.

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Such an intriguing way to tell a love story. Robbie finds himself able to observe his partner Jenn at various points in her life and begins to become aware of his own failings. You are kept wondering what is going to happen right until the end.

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After eight long months apart, Jenn and Robbie have finally reunited, reigniting the spark that had always drawn them together. As they drive through the twilight on the evening of their reunion, they find themselves wrapped in a conversation about their future, envisioning the possibilities ahead. The car hums along the road, and for a moment, everything feels perfect.

Suddenly, their hopes and dreams are brutally interrupted when they find themselves staring down the headlights of an oncoming truck.

In that life-altering instant, time seems to freeze.

Jenn's life flashes before her eyes, a rapid montage of memories and emotions, but what's even more astonishing is that Robbie can see it too.

Robbie is thrust into Jenn's past, experiencing her memories as if they were his own. He relives her childhood, feeling the innocence and wonder of her early years. He walks through the moments they shared, the laughter, the intimacy, the small gestures that defined their love. He even endures the pain of their eventual breakup, feeling the heartache and confusion that had once driven them apart.

Emma Steele weaves a rich tapestry of love, family, friendship, growth, heartbreak, and healing through these vivid and poignant glimpses into the past. Each memory adds depth to Jenn's character and their relationship, painting a comprehensive picture of the life they've built and the challenges they've faced. The story becomes a beautiful exploration of human connection, showing how the past shapes the present and influences the future.

The narrative is not just about reliving memories but also about understanding and growth. Through Robbie's journey into Jenn's past, both characters find a deeper appreciation for each other and their bond. The author’s skilful storytelling ensures that every page is imbued with emotion, making The Echoes of Us a compelling and unforgettable read.

A huge thank you to the author - Emma Steele as well as Isabelle at Headline Books for running this book tour!

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Interesting concept to this debut book, in a similar vein to the Time Traveller’s wife

A relationship that appears to have everything going for it isn’t all it seems. The author uncovers memories from Jenn and Robbie’s past leading up to a crucial event in both their lives. It’s a cleverly written novel detailing the minutiae of life and Robbie’s realisation that his actions have had major consequences and emotional repercussions in Jenn’s life and he attempts to make amends. He begins to mature as a person and see how unhappy his life is and the effects his conduct has had on other people.

Thanks to Netgalley the author and publishers for an ARC in return for an honest review.

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It took me a little while to settle into this title, but once I did I inhaled in just a few sittings. An emotional and beautifully written story that gave me lots of One Day vibes.

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Robbie and Jenn are meant to be. They've finally reconciled after eight months spent apart and both know that, this time, it's forever. They were good together for a while, but then things started to go wrong, Jennie ended their relationship and disappeared for 8 months. Robbie never really understood why she ran away. They finally reunite at a wedding, rekindle their romance and eventually get into a car together which is about to lead to a devastating end.

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An inconventional and unique romantic love story that will stay with me for a long time, just beautiful! My thanks to netgalley and the publishers for my copy of The Echoes of Us which I totally recommend.

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I was eager to read this book as I felt as though I was going to really enjoy it based on the blurb and the cover. However I found this book to be REALLY hard to get into, when typically I usually really enjoy books that change perspective and time frames. Because of this, I probably wouldn't read any more of this authors work or recommend to anyone else.

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This book has such a unique and clever hook, I knew I would love it from the blurb alone. But the entire novel did not disappoint. The emotional pull of it really stood out for me. It was a very special read and one I will be recommending. Anyone who enjoyed David Nicholls' One Day will fall for this, for sure!

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A heartwrenching book exploring the theory of shared memories at the end of life. Robbie is seeing pinnacle moments from Jenn's life following their involvement in a collision with a truck. He tries to make sense of why she is showing him glimpses of life and what this all means.

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Oh my days...I absolutely loved this book.

Robbie and Jenn get together after being separated for 8 months and are heading back in the car when the unthinkable happens.
Robbie then enters into Jenn's memories and tries to make things right as the lorry hurtles towards their car. Can he save her??

A brilliant concept of a story...a fantastic read.

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