Member Reviews

There’s nothing like the warm, comforting feeling of coming home to Driftwood Bay! And that’s just what reading the next in this series from Kim Nash feels like: being wrapped in the comforting embrace of one of your favourite blankets! It’s only book number three, but it feels like we’ve known these characters for so much longer and they’ve become familiar friends.

Kim Nash never disappoints! Her creation of the Driftwood Bay community is similar to a painting – something like a vision of where we’d all like to see ourselves. I know that for me, it most definitely sounds like the type of place I’d love to find myself living in, surrounded by people who look out for each other, who are a bit quirky at times, who all have their ‘stuff’, but who find ways to work through it and who support each other during the ups and downs of life.

This book (which can be read as a standalone), focuses on Lydia, who’s come to live in Driftwood Bay to be closer to her daughter Meredith. She wants to make up for the many years she’s lost during which they were estranged. I had to remind myself many times that Lydia is in her early seventies! She is certainly a sprightly, energetic go-getter, with so much positivity about her life and the connections she can make with others, despite having five failed marriages behind her and knowing that many of her earlier choices weren’t exactly the right ones. But she’s determined to put that all behind her and put everything into the here and now, which she does with gusto, determined to do whatever she can to do good wherever and whenever she can.

There’s so much we can learn from every single character in this book, and the way they interact with each other. I thought of their synergy like a well-choreographed dance: they know their steps, they’re familiar with their roles, but sometimes someone might falter and need help to find their footing again and there’s always a guiding hand to help them with that.

I loved how the author gently dealt with the various characters navigating the different life stages they were going through: a new baby; the (often dreaded) change of life; an unexpected later life relationship; the mother-daughter relationship. Even looking back and reminiscing on past memories can be difficult, especially when you know that they led to choices that created sadness and loss, but it’s all handled in a way that makes you feel such empathy and understanding that you want to reach out and hug these people who feel like your friends! And none of it feels overwhelming, even though it might sound like there are a lot of people going through so much, all at the same time! But that’s life, isn’t it?

I can’t wait for the next instalment of the Driftwood Baby series. I’m so invested in the lives of everyone in this community (probably a lot more than I should be!)

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I liked the story of Lydia and her daughter Meredith, as they healed their relationship with each other.

Of course, this is a romantic novel, so it also delves into the romantic lives of both women. Meredith's father-in-law Martin likes to tinker with things and that dovetails nicely with Lydia's interests as well. However, Lydia has been married an incredible five times in the past, so she is not in any hurry to think about romance. Martin is a good friend, and they also try to help and support others in their orbit.

A gentle book, good for a read around the pool during the Northern summer, I think! I am in Australia and it is cold and pouring with rain right now, lol.

I liked the story and that it is realistic without being all about everyone doing the horizontal hokey-pokey at every opportunity ;)

4 stars from me.

Thank you to NetGalley and Boldwood Books.

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This was a simple, fun, easy and quick read. The perfect type of book for your holiday, beach, pool kind of read. This is a first for me by the author and one I enjoyed and I would read more of their work. The book cover is eye-catching and appealing and would spark my interest if in a bookshop. Thank you very much to the author, publisher and Netgalley for this ARC.


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In the Cornish Cove series’ latest installment, readers visit Lydia and Meredith’s new lives in Driftwood Bay in Cornwall. Seeing the move as a fresh start and a new beginning to Lydia’s post-marriage life (especially since she has married five times and had her heart broken each time), Lydia rediscovers her old habits and the things that brought her joy all those years ago: dancing. When another inhabitant of Driftwood Bay, widower and antiques restorer Martin, informs Lydia about a dance competition, Lydia sees this as her chance to live her life for herself and maybe find new happiness. With a charming and quietly cozy coastal setting and a cast of funny, lively, and unique characters, Nash’s novel is a perfect summer read for fans of romance and fiction novels with older protagonists. Matching the slower pace of life in Driftwood Bay, the pacing of this book is leisurely, but the adventures of the characters are not, as they live full lives within the pages of this novel. The characters star as the heart of the novel, and the relationships between Lydia and Meredith, Lydia and Martin, and many of the other characters in the novel are absolutely heartwarming and enjoyable to follow.

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Thank you for allowing me to review this Fantastic book.

Making memories at the Cornish Cove.

Having been estranged from her daughter Meridith , Lydia is. trying to rebuild her shattered relationship after settling in Driftwood Bay.

An accident happens which makes helps Lydia see that there is a strong bond there, she also creates a budding friendship with Martin.

This is a fantastic addition to the series, I really hope we revisit so we can see how the story progresses.

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This is the third book in the Cornish Cove series and this one is full of laughter and love with a few poignant moments, too.
I enjoyed this uplifting tale with its relatable blend of happy and sad and the overriding message that there is always the chance for another adventure. I like the characters, the sense of community and the celebration of life.

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My Review: I enjoyed this book very much. Kim is a talented author and knows just how to place all the different teasers in the right place to keep you engaged. As an advocate for Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder, I was pleased to see the Menopause written about in an understanding and open way.
The main character Lydia settles in Driftwood Bay and reconnects with her daughter Meredith. Being there opens up her later years in life to fun, dance, laughter, and a true and real connection to her daughter. Even serious topics are laced with the ease and light hearted style of the author. Recommended.

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First of all I’d like to thank Kim Nash for making me laugh so much and just putting a smile back on my face with this adorable gem! Having recently moved house I have spent the last 8 weeks decorating every free moment I’ve had. I got to the stage where I thought I’d never get it finished. So not having time to read ( I did start reading this) I brought myself an audio copy. From that moment on my decorating was no more a ball ache it became enjoyable and I looked forward to coming home from work and painting my new home all because I wanted to carry on listening to this beautiful story.

Set in the beautiful Cornish coast It is filled with wonderful realistic characters who I could relate to. I especially loved Vi she is hilarious. There are plenty of one liners that made me LOL Even my son asked me what I was laughing at!

A big shout out to the narrator for bringing the characters to life. She has done a truly amazing job .

This book reminded me that life is what you make it. Which is a saying I live by. I’ve been wrapped up with the decorating that I forgot about ME. Until this book. Life is without a doubt about making memories and enjoying yourself…’re never to old!

Honestly this story is so uplifting it melted my heart. I could talk about it all day long. Even though it is book 3 in the series and can easily be ready as a standalone. This book is absolutely perfect and a new favourite for me.

Thank you to Rachel for the blog tour invite and to Boldwood Books for a digital copy.

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This series has become one of the ones that I really look forward to with each new instalment. It has gone from strength to strength as well meet more of the characters of Driftwood Bay

Lydia is the focus of this latest book and I found myself really warming to her. She’s rebuilding her relationship with Meredith and making new friends in Driftwood Bay. She’s older than the lead characters in the past two novels but so young at heart and she really shows that at any age we should embrace life and enjoy it.

This book is pure reading pleasure. I found myself completely wrapped up in it. Heartwarming and thought-provoking, it’s a beautiful, life-affirming story.

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I too didn't realize that this was a series and the 5th book at that.
Lots of wonderful characters that I really liked and the storyline was well written.
The cover of the book is gorgeous! I wanted to pop in it and stay there!
Good sense of community too. I loved it when everyone stepped in to help whenever it was needed.

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If you’re looking for a fun, quick read you won’t go wrong with Making Memories at the Cornish Cove!

Set in the fictional Driftwood Bay, where I have already moved to in my head, themes of the past, living your dream, found family and taking that leap all come into play.

Kim’s books are pure escapism and each novel in this series can be read as a standalone as the focus is always on a different character. There’s a little adventure, wise words and romance and I adored the way everything is brought together.

What I also enjoyed was trying to figure out who would be the MC in the next one, and I have to admit I’m not sure this time – it could be two people in my mind. But I am excited to find out.
Learning a little of Lydia’s background in this novel made me want more so I hope her story isn’t completely finished as I definitely think we’ve only touched the surface.

Would I recommend this book? In a heartbeat! This was an instant pick-me-up you can read in a day. You’ll remember all those thing you’d wished you had done and get hyped to go and to them, because it really is never too late! If it’s sass, excitement, love and a happily-ever-after you’re keen on, add Making Memories at the Cornish Cove to your TBR today!

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This book confirmed that I really must read everything Kim has ever written or will ever write!

I loved reading Lydia's story. I felt with it being told first person that I really liked Lydia and despite my original ideas of her when reading her daughter Meredith's story (book 1), I ended up loving Lydia.
I thought it was great that the mature characters Lydia and Martin are really living life to the fullest, making the most of it, despite some set backs and Vi was back again and she really is a special old lady! She cracked me up more than once.

Overall this was a heartwarming story about second chances, motherhood, getting older and friendships and it made me wish I could live in the Cove with them.

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What a fabulous feel good community based story!
I always enjoy Kim’s style of writing, her characters are honest and so relatable. It was refreshing to have a main character who was older and had lots of life experience behind her.
Lydia has come to Driftwood Cove to build some bridges with her daughter Meredith, and to find a new life for herself. It was interesting seeing her build a relationship with her daughter and embracing new friendships along the way.
Of course nothing runs completely smoothly and obstacles are put in her path which kept this story exciting.
Loved the dancing theme and the repair shop activities.
Such a wonderful heartwarming story with some amusing moments too (thanks to Vi!)
Always a pleasure to spend time at Driftwood Cove with Kim’s charming and adorable characters.

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Returning to Driftwood Bay was a pleasure and this time, the story focuses on Meredith's mother, Lydia, who has moved to be near her daughter and to rebuild their relationship. It was interesting to this from both sides, Lydia and Meredith and to see that often, Lydia anticipated Meredith's reactions and got it wrong. Meredith is her main motivation, but Lydia also feels that there may be other aspects to her life to explore. She wants to be a nurturer, to have people to care for and look out for.

Friendship and family are so important and there are plenty going on in the community to fill the story with some amusing moments, especially where Vi was concerned. Lydia's growing friendship with Martin allows you to glimpse the younger Lydia as she reconnects with dancing. Lydia is a character with a lot of baggage but she proves to have a kind and caring heart.

In short: a warm, uplifting tale

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Making Memories at the Cornish Cove is another fantastic addition to the wonderful series by Kim Nash, set in the lovely village of Driftwood Bay and very much a firm favourite of mine. I love that this series focuses on a different character each time and in this book we learn more about Lydia who is Meredith’s mum. We learn a little bit about the slightly strained relationship in Meredith’s story so it was nice to focus and go back to why and how this came about.

Lydia has recently moved to Driftwood Bay following the divorce from her fifth husband and was previously living in America. When Meredith announced that she had purchased a lighthouse, Lydia thought it would be the perfect opportunity to build bridges with her daughter, not realising how much Driftwood Bay and being close to Meredith again would affect her. Now settled into village life, she is closer to Meredith than ever and enjoying her own company for a change and blossoming friendships with next door neighbour Celia (her sister Dianne – with 2 ‘n’s) and Martin, who is Clem’s father.

When a box of her belongings arrive from her ex-husband in America, it takes Lydia back to a different part of her life where her main concern was rehearsing as a dancer (Strictly style!) and how it all came to an abrupt end when she found out she was expecting Meredith. As a scared teenager, the dancing had to go on the back burner and Lydia never really found the courage to go back to it. However, fate (and Martin) have a change in store for Lydia and when Martin sees a flyer for a dance competition, they realise it is just what they both need! Martin unfortunately, is more Ed Balls than Giovanni Pernice but that doesn’t matter – Lydia is loving finding her dancing feet again and Martin is happy to have a focus following the death of his wife some years earlier.

It was lovely to be reacquainted with the other members of the community and see how they are doing. They feel like your friends so I always enjoy little mentions of them, even potty mouth Vi, who has no filter. The thing I love about Kim’s books is just how relatable to real life that they are. Things aren’t perfect and a lot of the characters are going though changes that aren’t just brushed under the carpet. Meredith is going through issues with menopause that make her question her relationship with Clem but I though this was handled really well and not glossed over with as though it was a small change. Vi is struggling with mobility and too proud to ask for help which is where this wonderful village pulls together.

It is always an absolute pleasure to read a new book by Kim Nash and I can’t wait for the next one!

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Review for 'Making Memories At The Cornish Cove' by Kim Nash.

Read and reviewed for Kim Nash, Boldwood Books, Book And Tomic and Rachel's Random Resources Tours.

Publication date 17th April 2024.

This is the third book I have read by this author. It is also the third book in the 'Cornish Cove' series but can be read as a standalone. I have also read 'Hopeful Hearts At The Cornish Cove' (book 1 in this series) and 'Finding Family At The Cornish Cove' (book 2 in this series). I would highly recommend reading them all!!

This novel consists of 42 chapters. The chapters are short to medium in length so easy to read 'just one more chapter' before bed...OK, I know yeah right, but still just in case! It also contains a beautiful dedication to Kim's recently past Aunty Beryl, I'm so sorry for your loss Kim.

Yet another absolutely stunning page turner from the extremely talented Kim!! Well done Kim on an absolutely beautiful and perfect read!! This is the ideal beach read where you could sit there and turn around and just imagine the town coming to life around you.

This book is extremely well written with beautiful descriptions that completely drew me in. The synopsis and the cover match the storyline perfectly!!

I was absolutely landed to get stuck into this book after falling in love with Driftwood Bay in the first and second books in this beautiful series. I just knew this one was going to be just as stunning and I was not let down!!! The storyline itself completely swept me away. I absolutely adored the storyline and getting to know the lives of so many different people, seeing their relationships and friendships change and see how they react to secrets, heartache, changes, romance and everything else that goes on in this absolutely fantastic read!! Coming back to Driftwood Bay genuinely feels like returning to a much loved holiday destination where I cannot wait to meet up with old friends and make new ones discovering more about them each and every time. I had been to holiday in Cornwall in March last year where I fell in love with it and missed it before I read this book but OMG Kim has made me want to jump in the car and go straight back now!!! Thankfully I am returning to St Ives again in May so I don't have long to wait to return even though after this book it really does feel like I have this second returned after leaving there!!! Kim's evocative writing skills ensures the readers are absolutely sucked into the stunning storyline with the atmosphere and characters coming to life all around them.. I absolutely fell in love venturing back into Cornwall and Kim portrays life in a small town absolutely perfectly I became so invested in this book that it actually felt like going on a holiday and I absolutely dreaded coming to the end where I had to unpack my suitcase and get back to reality. It was an absolutely compelling and addictive heart lifting read that kept me turning the pages until late at night. I loved discovering the pasts and histories of the characters and the town and I was absolutely swept away in the story line. The town came to life around me and I cannot wait to return in the next book in this absolutely stunning series. This book really was an emotional rollercoaster ride that left my heartbreaking for Lydia, spitting my tea out while I laughed so much with some of the absolutely hilarious things Vi came out with, rooting for Lydia and Martin and much more. I can honestly say that at times I was laughing out loud at so many of the things the characters came out with and I ended up spitting out my tea on so many occasions I gave up attempting to drink while reading it at all!!! I have had an absolute week from hell and this book is exactly what the doctor ordered and it's made me feel so much happier and lighter so thank you so much Kim!!! This book is escapism at its best and is a perfect way to disappear into an amazing world for a while. It is one of those books that I just could not put down and drive everyone mad by walking around reading it every chance I got and ended up devouring it in one sitting!! This book would make an absolutely gorgeous movie which I would absolutely love to see!!

An absolutely gorgeous, page turning and addictive addition to a stunning series!! Don't even peek into this book until you've cleared your schedules as you won't

be able to put it down!!

Although this is the third book in the series I had would have had absolutely no problems reading it without the others. Any details or events that have previously happened are mentioned in just the right amount of detail to let a new reader know what has happened and yet not too much to bore a previous reader.

I was completely invested in the characters, along with the storyline, who were all, well almost all, absolutely fantastic with their own individual personalities and quirks. Every one of the characters had a part to play and they were all completely unforgettable. I absolutely loved meeting some of the characters from the first two books in this series 'Hopeful Hearts At The Cornish Cove' and 'Finding Family At The Cornish Cove' along with some amazing new characters!!!
Each and every one of the unique characters I had previously met had already become like friends to me and it was lovely to add some more!!! I felt like I was leaving amazing people and friends and feel quite sad about that but am happy in the knowledge that this book is just the second book in this stunning series and I just can't wait to get stuck into more of these gorgeous books. I loved watching how so many characters and personalities from Driftwood develop and go from strength to strength from the first page to the last. I loved watching relationships change and develop and seeing how close knit many of them are. My heart completely went out to Lydia who seemed to go from one bad situation to another especially when she was already feeling so awful about the time she missed out with her daughter Meredith. Meredith is also going through her own problems struggling with the menopause and having relationship difficulties. I absolutely loved Martin who is Clem's father (Clem is Meredith's partner) who is such a sweet, kind gentleman who helps them both brighten up and feel better. It was amazing getting to know Dianne who had moved next door to Lydia while Celia (Dianne , with 2 n's sister) is off on a round the world adventure and it was lovely seeing her and Lydia get to know each other. Vi, make sure you haven't got any liquids near you (or need the toilet if your of a certain age) whenever Vi is about!!
I had previously met Lydia, Meredith, Martin, Clem, Vi and many of the other characters in this fantastic book including Gemma, Lucy, Occy and many more and I could keep meeting them time and time again and never get bored. I just absolutely adore this amazing community!! There are just so many wonderful characters that I could go on and on but this review is long enough!!! They all made me laugh, swoon, angry, cry, joyous and much more!!! All of these characters work absolutely perfectly together to make this a stunning page turner and I cannot wait to return to Driftwood to meet them again!!

Congratulations Kim on yet absolutely gorgeous success!!! I'm definitely looking forward to my next holiday to Cornwall and cannot wait for the next book in this series!!! This is the exact reason you are in my favourite author club and here is to your next success 🥂 !!!

Make sure you read to the very end of the book to read the first chapter of Kim's 'Hopeful Hearts At The Cornish Cove' which is the first book in this series and one I have already read and if you enjoyed this book then I can guarantee you will love that one too. I would highly recommend reading it!!!

Overall this is a perfect, stunning, page turning beach or fireplace read with an amazing gang of characters that will sweep you away to the gorgeous town of Driftwood from the very first page to the end!

271 pages.

This book is just £2.99 to purchase on kindle, free with Kindle Unlimited and £9.99 in paperback, at time of review, via Amazon which I think is an absolute bargain for this book!!!

Rated 5 /5 (I LOVED it ) on Goodreads, Instagram, Amazon UK and Amazon US and on over 30 Facebook pages plus my blog on Facebook.

Feel free to add me on Goodreads or follow me on my website or Facebook for more reviews

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Kim Nash's third novel in the Cornish Cove series, Making Memories at the Cornish Cove, follows Lydia's journey.

After five marriages, she is focused on reconnecting with her daughter, Meredith, without the complexities of a partner. However, something feels amiss, leaving a gap to be discovered.

The novel tells us more of the delightful cast of characters, including the incorrigible Vi who is sure to make you laugh out loud. Kim's storytelling prowess keeps you captivated from the beginning.

Don't hesitate; grab your copy now!

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I was excited to read this book, as I loved the first book in the series (Hopeful Hearts at the Cornish Cove) where we meet Meredith, who makes a new start in life by buying a lighthouse on impulse. This book (book three) features Meredith’s mum, Lydia and her story. Meredith is in there too, of course, so we get a chance to catch up on other characters and see how they are doing.
Lydia, lives at Bay View Cottage and is 71. I love older characters and Lydia is fab! She is divorced from Peter, her fifth husband.
The community of Driftwood Bay is wonderful. I love finding out who everyone is, how they get on and what they do. There’s such a great cast of characters here, but a few need special mention.
There’s Martin whose job reminds me of The Repair Shop on TV and I enjoyed finding out about the projects he was working on and their stories. He suggests him and Lydia enter the local dance competition and this brings forth a load of memories from Lydia’s past.
Lydia’s next door neighbour Celia is a similar age to Lydia and has a wonderful array of animals - two horses, four goats, chickens and a dog called Hobson. Her sister Dianne is moving in to look after the house and animals while Celia is away. We find out about her in this story.
Finally, special mention to the brilliant Vi. I love her, she’s hilarious! (Just don’t give her a letter to post!)
I can really relate to Kim’s writing, especially her authentic characters, wit and humour. I was already laughing along at page 2 at a situation I could relate to with delivery drivers. Her writing is an absolute joy to read, the warmth comes off the pages and you can tell she adores her characters. She tackles some serious subjects too, but everything is handled beautifully. Plus there’s the gorgeous setting. I think even I could be persuaded to do some early morning beach yoga if I lived there!
Another absolutely brilliant read from Kim Nash! Highly recommended.

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Well, from the dedication right to the very end,
This was a great read in which time to spend.
So much resonated with what's happening in my life right now
It seemed especially pertinent somehow.
No, not relationship wise I'm pleased to say,
But some of what happens to Lydia along the way!

The community at Driftwood Bay has welcomed her there
Giving her time with her daughter to share.
There are also friendships developing, too,
And so many things she's starting to do.
There's also the chance to join in a competitive dance
If only she dare give herself the chance!

Introspection to acknowledge what brought joy in her life
And memories rekindled from times of strife.
A box full of mementoes, a journal and more
Help her to the past re explore.
Whilst Martin shares memories of his grief
Helps bring them both some relief

With anecdotes bringing laughter and a smile to my face
- especially the new post box that's such a disgrace -
Accidents, health scares, new schemes and more
Make this a fab read you shouldn't ignore!
I really enjoyed it and hope you'll soon try it to see
If you like it too and agree with me!

For my copy of this book I say a huge thank you
As I share with you this, my honest review!

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People regularly ask about books that don’t have twenty and thirty- something year olds as the protagonist and a lot of the time I struggle, especially because I hate recommendations of the typical ones, where inevitably it’s less feel good than not, and also more arty.

Enter this gorgeous book, where our lead, Lydia, is very much thinking over her life and has moved to be closer to her daughter. I started this book saying ‘oh’ at the beautiful dedication and somehow chuckling (out loud on a bus no less!) at the first page which says so much about the skill of the author. A fab feel good book, with thoughtful moments that make you stop, some giggles and buckets of feel good.So recommended.

Thanks to the publisher for the book in return for an honest review.

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