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Immorality Act

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Review for 'Immorality Act' by Berend Mets.

Read and reviewed for Netgalley, Berend Mets, Matador, Troubador, Book Guild and Zooloo's Book Tours.

Publication dates: Kindle: 25th February 2024. Paperback: 12th February 2024.

This is the first book I have read by this author.

This novel consists of a prologue, 33 chapters and an epilogue and is set over 3 Acts. The chapters are medium to long in length.

'Immorality Act' discusses some topics that may upset some readers or may not be suitable for others. I like to point this out ahead of time in my reviews so you can judge if this book is for you or not. In this book Berend discusses racism, discrimination, cruelty, apartheid and colonialism.

This book is a fascinating and thought provoking historical read that grips your attention from the first sentence all the way to the fantastic epilogue!! I must admit that this is not my usual type of book but when I seen it I thought I would give it a try and I am extremely glad that I did as I really enjoyed it!!! If this isn't the sort of book you would pick up then don't let that out you off, expand your literature genres and you will not regret it!!! This book, although a challenging read at times in regards to the brutality and suffering it contains is also filled with hope, love and determination. It is a unique read which is hard to come across when you have read hundreds of books over different genres and I was fascinated throughout gaining knowledge and facts about history that I never knew anything about previously. It tells us the story of Willem who is a Dutch doctor, Promise who is a Xhosa nurse and Marja who is a Marja prostitute. Their story is very cleverly told and weaved together using 'tape recordings, newspaper clips, court reports and more from police officer John Terreblanche. Not only is the storyline unique but the way that Berend tells the story is and he weaves the storylines of all three of the main characters as well as that of the storyteller John together absolutely perfectly to create a smooth read. It is an extremely powerful and emotive book that is filled with history, romance, tragedy, punishment, love, apartheid, racism, emotions and just everything you could ask for in a though provoking, chilling and realistic historical fiction. I was completely invested in all of the characters and was intrigued watching them grow and develop individually, together and separated. It is extremely character orientated and Berend has done a fantastic job creating characters that you connect with and get attached to very quickly. His fantastic evocative writing skills captivated my attention and dragged me into the storylines so I felt I was standing next to each of the characters feeling their emotions and tension. This is the type of book that really makes the reader appreciate how far we have come along in time and how much cruelty, racism and injustice we have left behind. However, that is not to say we haven't got a long way to go as there are many places in the world where this vile behaviour still happens. This book contains racism, cruelty, apartheid and colonialism as previously mentioned and Berend has clearly done his research on these topics so a huge well done!! It is a huge annoyance when authors do not do any or enough research into a topic they have chosen to write about as it can then create silly mistakes that can spoil what could be a good storyline. Berend has not only avoided doing this but also uses these topics to educate readers on the injustices caused in history in a skillful way without sugar coating the facts but while also celebrating hope and resilience that shines through his very well developed characters. This is one of those books that I would recommend is placed in every educational establishment and would recommend to anyone and everyone. It is such a powerful and thought provoking book and one that will stay with me for a very long time. It may be a heart breaking emotive read that angered me through the injustice caused but it is also one that filled me with knowledge of a subject that I must admit I knew next to nothing about and it has made me want to look into it more and read more books and stories about people from this era. It certainly makes me realise how lucky we are to live in a different time but it also shows that love is about what is inside and not out. I am looking forward to reading more of Berend's books and seeing what other subjects he has written about!!

Overall an absolutely chilling, captivating, thought provoking and powerful historical novel that will stay with me for a long time.

342 pages.

This book is just £4.99 to purchase on kindle and £8.73 in paperback at time of review via Amazon which I think is an absolute bargain for this book!!!

Rated 4/5 (I enjoyed it ) on Goodreads, Instagram, Amazon UK and Amazon US and on over 30 Facebook pages plus my blog on Facebook.

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