Member Reviews

As Beverly Diamond navigates the cutthroat world of politics and her own tumultuous marriage, she finds herself drawn to Michael Landau, a man who may be her ally, her rival, or something more. With her sharp wit and determination, she takes on the challenge of turning his campaign around, all while proving to herself and others that she’s more than just a wronged wife.

I loved the bones of this one. I loved the idea of a woman fighting to be seen, to be considered, to matter. As a woman in 2024, I am often reminded of how little our voice matters to some.

While this wasn’t my favorite book from this author, I did enjoy my time within the pages of “Behind Every Good Man”. I also think this makes a great read during an election year in the U.S.

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I really enjoyed this book! It felt new and refreshing, centered around politics without being political, and had a great romance storyline. It makes me want to go back and read the author’s other work!

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i find this book super cool, the protagonist, Bev, was so interesting and smart and I loved watching her story go by. tysm for the arc

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Everyone better look out for Beverly Diamond! She is here to make a difference! This book was written during one of the most interesting times in American history and politics, JFK. If you think you can’t change the world l, think again. I love Sara Goodman Confino’s writing style. Thank you to NetGalley for an advanced copy.

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I absolutely loved this book! This was my favourite read for August. It was so interesting that I couldn’t stop reading. The chapters are short and it makes reading easier. The book is fun, smart, and leaves you happy and light hearted. I am looking forward to reading more of her works. This book may appeal to people who love politics, humour and romance.

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Sara Goodman Confino writes some of the absolute best books! This story just sucks you in and you feel a part of it. Behind Every Good Man has so many good one-liners and also life lessons. I found myself rooting so hard for Beverly, and I also loved her mother! Definitely did not want this one to end but I loved how it all wrapped up.

4.5, rounded up to 5

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This was such a refreshing read and Beverly is a FMC you will definitely want to root for. I love how the author wrote a book about strong empowered women who don't fold at the first sign of adversity, but instead rise to the occasion and make one hell of a lemonade when life throws them lemons, because seriously, who run the world? Girls, we run this motha!

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Behind Every Good Man was a quick, fun read with heart. I loved Beverly and her strength. I also really appreciated the depiction of strong female friendships and women supporting each other. This was my first time reading a novel by Sara Goodman Confino, but it won’t be my last!

Special thanks to Lake Union Publishing for the ARC via NetGalley.

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This author has quickly turned into a must read for me and this book was no different. Her grasp on character development and writing characters that you can’t help but cheer for is so refreshing. Plus I thought this book release was perfectly timed given the current election cycle

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I really enjoyed this book! I love books with strong female leads and this did not disappoint! I love how we see Beverly grow her confidence - she is strong and feisty! I liked the 1960’s setting as well as the great side characters. Great read!

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This was the 3rd or 4th book I have read by Sara and I just love them all. I adored the characters in Behind Every Good Man, but I think I loved the time period even more. Politics during the Kennedy era, just perfect!

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Thank you to netgalley for the arc in advance for my honest review. I did not get to this one before it came out so I ended up listening to it on audible with my amazon unlimited subscription. Then narrator was excellent and I highly recommend listening to her. This book is about a jewish woman with two small children who one days walks in on her husband having an affair with his secretary. She decides to leave him and get a job in politics: this story is set in the 50s so divorce wasnt easy to come by. She only got her job because her father was a senator. She works on this guys campaign and of course they fall in love. Simple book, easy to read, light story. Four stars.

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I could write a novel for how good this book is. Do you have the time? I flew through this incredible read that is so empowering for women. As a mom of three girls, its everything that I want them to know about I am woman hear me roar while it being respectful and tied in with the time period. Sara truly is a talent!! The ending took a beautiful twist that I didn't see coming, but I love how it tied it up with a beautiful bow filled with empowerment! BRAVOOOOO!

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Sara Goodman Confino is an auto buy author for me. I absolutely love her style of writing, and love her novels.

Behind Every Good Man is a story of a wife who goes head to head with her cheating husband where she knows she can beat him - at his own job. Why - because he learned everything there is to being a campaign manager from her family. Beverly Diamond finds her husband Larry having too much fun at his office with his secretary…. From that day on, Beverly decides to hit him where it hurts. She goes to the opposition and basically begs for a job while promising the underdog (Michael) she can win him the campaign.

Beverly is a strong mama, dedicated to her children and to winning and SGC’s storytelling gets you looped in from the beginning. Sara’s writing will leave you cheering Beverly on hoping for the winning outcome (in work and in life).

I absolutely loved Behind Every Good Man, and I am so excited that writing is now Sara’s full time career so we can expect more fabulous novels!!

Thank you so much to the publishers Lake Union Publishing, and the author for this ARC - all opinions are my own!

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In this fascinating 1960s historical fiction novel, readers follow Beverly Diamond, a DC suburban wife with a former congressman father and a campaign manager husband, as her marriage falls apart with the discovery of her husband’s affair. With no job experience or real-world skills, Beverly does know politics incredibly well and takes her skills to Michael Landau’s campaign (the challenger to the Maryland senatorial incumbent whose campaign her husband Larry runs). If Michael really wants to win the race, he and his campaign manager Stuart need to listen to her, but luckily Beverly and Michael get along in more ways than one. With more than just a Senate seat on the line, Beverly is all in on this campaign to get back at Larry and follow her own dreams. Beverly is a feisty, capable, and wickedly brilliant protagonist, and her journey to independence and personal fulfillment is absolutely fascinating to follow. With her challenges to 1960s conventions, she is a world-shaker for many in her circle, and readers will absolutely be invested in her passion for politics and her righteous anger with Larry. A brilliant, complex, and exciting 1960s historical fiction novel, fans of strong women and political intrigue will love this book and root for Beverly’s campaign for independence.

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If you haven’t read a Sara Goodman Confino book before what are you waiting for? Confino knows how to write dynamic women who are so relatable that you see parts of yourself in them.

As a mom who recently went back to work (not because I was in Bev’s situation) I can really relate to Bev’s desire to do something for herself that matters and to show her kids that she can. After walking in on her husband in a compromising position with his secretary, Bev knew instantly her life was about to change but she didn’t know how exactly but she knew she wasn’t going down without a fight.

Sure, Bev’s initial reason for going to work for her soon to be ex husband’s candidate’s opponent was revenge, it turned into a real eye opener and sparked a new direction for her life. She found her confidence in herself and saw how she could make the future she wanted for her kids and herself a real reality. She empowered other women around her to take action and become part of the change and she was able to really see how other women moved through life in various stages.

Another thing that Confino does so well is write awesome side characters. Nancy is Bev’s best friend and everyone needs a woman like her in their lives. Bev’s mom was challenging at times but her heart was in the right place and she was there for her daughter without question. But probably the best side character was Stuart, Michael’s campaign manager, he tried to go toe to toe with Bev with every campaign decision but he quickly realized she was an asset not a threat and changed his tune but not without a few grumbles.

Thank you publishers and netgalley for this eARC in exchange for my honest feedback

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this was a cute story of a women who became more than what she thought she was, after finding her husband in a situation let's just say she decided to get proactive, this was a cute story with alot of fun side characters her mom was definitely funny, the book gave good retro sixties vibes,

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So many things I loved about this book. I loved the characters; their strong personalities, their hard working driven selves, the women running the world. I loved so much of this book. If you want something that will make you laugh, feel strong girl power, and give some historical reference, this one’s for you!

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Behind Every Good Man by Sara Goodman Confino was SUCH a good book. Had so much fun diving into the world of Beverly Diamond, who decides to get a job after she leaves her cheating husband. The catch - she's working on the campaign of the candidate who's running against the senator her soon-to-be ex-husband works for. This book was fun and kept me reading late into the night. Would highly recommend!

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When Beverly catches her husband with his secretary (ala The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel), she embarks on a new life as a political strategist. But it's 1962 and that's a bit unheard of. Beverly was raised by a Senator and is at home in the world of national politics and finds a candidate she can believe in and help win.

I loved this historical fiction/ women's fiction book. I've also loved two of Confino's previous books, but this one was my favorite. I loved all the characters (even the ones I loved to hate), and just thought this was a lovely, engaging story and perfect for fall reading as it's set in the world of politics, but not political in nature. I cannot wait to have all my friends read this. Confino is now on my must-read list of authors.

Thank you to Netgalley for the advance copy for review.

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