Cover Image: High Tea at the Beach House Hotel

High Tea at the Beach House Hotel

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Member Reviews

I thoroughly enjoyed High Tea at the Beach House Hotel! I didn't realize until I started reading it that it's #8 in a series but I was able to follow the story without reading the others (although I have started reading the books prior to this one).

Two best friends, Annie and Rhonda started a hotel and after having it for awhile, multiple guests return and also recommend it to their friends. Guests and employees are treated like family which is why everyone loves to go there. Romance, friendship, family relationships and even a bit of mystery of stolen items are thrown in for a wonderful story telling. I highly recommend not just this book but the series. The characters are all very likeable and relatable which makes it a very nice flow.

Thank you to NetGalley, Wild Quail Publishing and Judith Keim for the ARC. I thoroughly enjoyed it and loving the rest of the series as well.

All opinions expressed are of my own accord.

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As usual I got into the middle of the series. I did not know that this was book 8 but I feel that it could still be read as a stand alone.
What a wonderful story! I was drawn in from the beginning until end. I did not want to let go of this wonderful hotel and it's community.
I laughed and cried throughout this novel and I also had fun with it.
The cover is certainly gorgeous and the story goes well with it in my opinion.
I finished this sweet novel in one evening because it was so very good.
I'm giving this novel 5 stars. I highly recommend.
My thanks for a copy of this book. I was NOT required to write a positive review. All opinions expressed are mine.

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This book was very entertaining. I loved the characters so much I had to go read the rest of the series. Well worth the effort. I have also read several other books by this author and enjoyed them all.

#judithKeim #WildQuailPublishing #Rhonda #Ann #BeachHouseHotel #Florida

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A light and fun read, this seventh book in the Beach House Hotel series was a romance and a mystery. The characters are well developed and the setting is delightful. I have grown to like (at least most of) the characters and the relationships they share. Though part of a series, you could still enjoy reading the book as a standalone. I do think there is a little too much sappy romance for my taste. But the storyline itself is interesting and I love the twist at the end when you find out a little bit about some of the guests at the Beach House Hotel.

Thank you to NetGalley and Wild Quail Publishing for my advanced review copy. All opinions and thoughts are my own.

For more reviews, please visit my blog at: Over 1000 reviews posted!

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Ann and Rhonda manage The Beach House Hotel, known for its excellent service and privacy, while also helping family and friends. They assist Sydney and her NFL player boyfriend, Bobby, find their new home as they transition into the next phase of their lives.

The hotel hosts Hilda Hassel, a wealthy heiress with royal ties, but Ann and Rhonda grow suspicious when strange men frequently visit her private suite. They must balance the hotel's discretion with monitoring the odd behavior. Meanwhile, an older couple who visit yearly arrives early, but the hotel is fully booked. Ann invites them into her home, strengthening family bonds as they become honorary grandparents to her son.

The story connects with previous books, creating a familiar backdrop. However, a mystery element emerges when items go missing, leading Ann and Rhonda to investigate if it's linked to Hilda's suspicious activities. With a mix of warmth and intrigue, the narrative keeps readers engaged as they uncover the truth.

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I enjoyed reading High Tea at the Beach House Hotel by Judith Keim. You will fall in love with all the characters. I received a free copy of this book via NetGalley and the publisher. This is my honest and personal review. Happy Reading!

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I liked the cover and the blurb. The plot made me smile and loved the characters
CAn't wait to read other books in this series
Many thanks to the publisher for this ARC, all opinions are mine

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High Tea at the Beach House Hotel is book #8 in The Beach House Hotel series by Judith Keim.

This is the first book that I’ve read in this series and I had no trouble reading it as a stand-alone story. The characters were well-developed and interesting. I liked the setting and the royalty staying at the hotel made it quite interesting. I definitely plan to catch up on the earlier books.

Thank you to the author, Wild Quail Publishing, and NetGalley for the Advanced Reader Copy (ARC) copy of this book and I am voluntarily leaving an honest review.

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I am so proud of Judith Keim and her ability to write amazing books.
High Tea at the Beach House Hotel got me back with Rhonda and Ann and all the familiar friendly fun adventures they have going on in their lives.
I always feel like I am right with everyone when I read a book a book in the series Beach House Hotel.
Thank you NetGalley and Judith Keim for the copy of the book. This is my personal review.

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Interesting story, really need to read the previous books in the series to get the full affect if the story. Thank you netgalley for the advanced copy

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High Tea at the Beach House Hotel is the 8th book in the series, and when reading one of this authors books you feel like you are reunited with old family friends. As always I enjoyed the beautiful setting of the location. I certainly would recommend this book to everyone.

I received an ARC from NetGalley and the publisher, I am leaving my review voluntarily.

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In my opinion Author Judith Keim has nailed it with this series.
Lighthearted, fun antics, sometimes there’s mystery involved, definitely romance, enduring friendships and a fly on the wall view into the world of celebrity.
Love it and always look forward to the next one coming out!
I was so happy to have been given the opportunity to read this ARC!
Highly recommend this entire series!!

Thankyou yo author Judith Keim, Wild Quail Publishing and Netgalley for the opportunity to read this book!
Charlene 📚🤗🌸 @lastnownext

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I just reviewed High Tea at the Beach House Hotel by Judith Keim. #HighTeaattheBeachHouseHotel #NetGalley. I was excited to get this book ahead of the release. I am a fan of Judith Keim and the Beach House Hotel. I was excited to see what type of guest Anne and Rhonda had this time. Can wait to read the next story about them.

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I've read all the books in this series. They are light reading and fun. The circle of friends and family continues to grow. This book celebrates the holidays with Annie and Rhonda and the development of a High Tea feature, as requested by a royal guest. As owners of the Beach House Hotel, Ann and Rhonda a justly suspicious of their royal guest.

This book can be read and enjoyed by teens and up.

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Ann and Rhoda continue their work at The Beach House Hotel striving to make it the best on the Gulf Coast of Florida. When they receive a request from Hilda Hassel a member of the Barvarian royal family for a two week stay at the hotel in January demanding the best room and high tea every afternoon. Ann has her doubts but Rhonda convinces Ann having a royal guest could increase important European business so Ann agrees. Later after Hilda arrives with her nephew strange things begin to happen. This book celebrates love and families strong women meeting challenges and a touch of romance mixed in. A great read with a touch of humor satisfying twists and happy endings I would recommend it to everyone.

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I really like this series. Rhonda and Ann own the Beach House Hotel. They have had many adventures and difficulties, but they are very successful in making the hotel a place that even those in the public eye can expect privacy. When they get a request from a "royal" to have high tea daily they are a bit skeptical. Hilda is a member of the Bavarian Royal family, but things don't look quite right. When Hilda arrives with her "nephew" Ann and Rhonda realize that they need to do something to stop Hilda and protect the reputation of the hotel.

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I received this book as an ARC from NetGalley.

The next book in The Beach House Hotel series continues the story of Ann & Rhonda - 2 women of a certain age who are determined to run a high-end, but reasonable resort.

Hilda Hassel, a Bavarian royal, has requested the Presidential Suite for 2 weeks in January. While Ann is apprehensive, Rhonda is all in for this reservation. Hilda has a request - High Tea daily. Ann & Rhonda do not currently offer this service, but thinks it could be something they should offer. They start the service in December and have small teas so they can practice on friends and family.

Once Hilda arrives, then things start getting interesting and Ann realizes, she should listen to her gut more.

I love this series!!!!! Looking forward to the next one later this year.

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The fabulous setting couldn’t save the lackluster plot or the horrible dialogue. I really wanted to like this book but it was impossible.

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The beginning grabbed me, being from Florida where the Beach House Hotel is located and loving the Tampa Bay Bucs was another plus. I also was in the hospitality industry so also could relate to the main characters. This was the first I read in this series and truly there seems to be a cast of hundreds. It was confusing with all the characters and I was lost in parts due to stories from the previous books. I definitely suggest reading it in order from the beginning would make this a more enjoyable read.
Thank you NetGalley for this eARC. I am voluntarily posting an honest review after reading an Advance Reader Copy of this story. #NetGalley #HighTeaattheBeachHouseHotel

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I love the Beach House hotel series, It is like visiting a favorite family member. Love all the characters and the setting.

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