Member Reviews

This was an exceptionally emotional and interesting read. It tells the story of a woman who has spent her entire life preparing for breast cancer. Her mother died from it and she traces it back generations.

The writing is emotional but it is also funny in a way that only a woman writing about being sick can be. I loved seeing her thoughts and feelings reflected, how she went from being too young to lose her mum, to being a second mother to her siblings, to being a mother of her own with the fear of cancer hanging over her head. She delves into the treatment options her mother tried, how her community reacted (she is Jewish) and the memories she both treasures and regrets. I shouldn't have read this in public, it spoke on grief, death and life and the sheer mortality of human beings. The author spoke about how bad the treatment options were when her mother died, and how pride kept her mother from the one operation that could have saved her life. She mourns her mother, blames her and blames herself. Emotion and nostalgia was woven into this book. It was very lyrically written for the subject matter, the sentences flowing into each other, the prose more like longform poetry. I hugely enjoyed the style and love to see it in memoirs.

4 stars.

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Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for this ARC in exchange for an honest review!

This was a moving and wonderfully written memoir, definitely a must read.

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I wasn't sure how I would feel about this book but the description felt very relatable as someone who has also lost both parents. Gila does a greta job of putting into words how I also feel. It's a lovely read.

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As someone who was also diagnosed with cancer at a young age, I thank Gila for her courage and determination to put pen to paper and create such an amazing book.

What starts as a showcase of grief and navigating life post losing a parent, develops into a story of strength and resilience in light of a diagnosis and what measures one will go through in prevention.

As someone who has gone through similar circumstances, I found this story relatable and a way to show what many keep hidden inside. I have been menopausal since my surgery when I was 25 and understand the complexity that comes with being so young when this occurs.

Whether your are a survivor, are undergoing treatment, have lost someone to cancer or have an interest in this topic I would highly recommend.

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Thank you, Net Galley, for the opportunity to review this book for a review. Being a motherless daughter since I was ten years old motivated me to want to dive into this memoir. It is not a club we ask to join. I fully expected there would be tears as the author shared the dark and dirty of grief. What surprised me was how she shared it with such raw honesty and humour. Thank you for sharing your story and making this reader feel less lonely. I highly recommend this book to anyone who has lost or has been a caregiver in some capacity. You might catch yourself laughing while crying too.

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Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for this ARC in exchange for an honest review!

This was a moving and wonderfully written memoir, definitely a must read.

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This was a powerful true story, told in the first person, regarding Gila Pfeffer's journey with breast cancer. From her mother to herself to other family members, she had to overcome her own and beliefs to 'save her own life'. Clearly she survives, as she has written this book, but what a tortuous path she had to follow. The writing is clear and often light hearted, which can't be easy given the serious nature of her illness, but the story often led to tears - hers and my own. Clear throughout is her strong faith and family connections and I'm convinced she couldn't have done it without that community. I understood very well most of her references to Judaism, but other readers might struggle with her constant references to rituals. Perhaps an appendix on the various beliefs and rituals would help others navigate this story. On the whole, however, I think a casual reader could find their way through her struggles successfully.

This ARC was provided by the publishe and NetGalley, the opinions expressed herein are strictly my own.

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Funny yet moving. Sad yet uplifting in places. Very relatable to me as I lost a parent to cancer and have had my own diagnosis.

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Gila Pfeffer tells her story—of loss, grief, family/motherhood, and cancer—with so much courage and humor. I would recommend this memoir to anyone, but especially to people at higher risk of breast cancer or with a family history of cancer.

Gila’s approach to prevention, self-advocacy, and personal boundaries was inspiring. She knew what she needed, chose her support system accordingly, and opted to protect her children from knowledge of her illness until they were older. She took charge of her health and wellness and controlled what she could, and she ended up saving her own life. I’m grateful that she decided to share her story.

Thank you, The Experiment, for providing this book for review consideration via NetGalley. All opinions are my own.

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As someone who also lost both of my parents way too early in life and then also went through a (fortunately, non-cancerous) surgery shortly thereafter, Gila’s story resonated deeply with me. I appreciate her sense of humor, and her willingness to talk about loss, grief and navigating faith & faith traditions amidst it all. The book is a good reminder that sometimes our greatest tragedies and struggles in this life reveal our very purpose.

My thanks to Netgalley, Gila Pfeffer & The Experiment for the digital ARC.

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There were a lot of things that we had in common even when we got treatments a few years apart.
I was able to connect with a lot of the things the author went thru - dx, chemo, hair loss, keeping it really pg for my daughter, having a strong partner. It is a must read memoir.

What I did not like was having to read this only on the netgalley shelf-unable to increase font size, highlight or make notes.

I received a complimentary copy of this book. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.
A big thank you to NetGalley and the Experiment for the ARC of this book in exchange for my honest review.

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Gila has such sharp witt and is funny and filled with hope. I loved this book. She has such perseverance through everything. I am high risk for cancer also with family history, and I have considered having a double mastectomy. She holds nothing back and gives it to you straight, while also sharing her fears, but also her joys. And how she found the strength to move forward.
I am excited to get a copy of this and give it to others in my family to read.

Thank you NetGalley for this ARC!

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A must read memoir. I cannot say enough about it. A must read about family, parenting, love, loss and perseverance through a preventive cancer surgery and subsequent diagnosis and treatment. The writing is raw, funny, vulnerable and just incredible.

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