Member Reviews

DNF @20% but I plan on revisiting this book at a different time.

Thank you NetGalley for the ARC.

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This was everything I wanted it to be. I adored the fact that we had a MMC who was not a love interest, and that our FMC actually had some flaws but was able to save herself and everyone else. The characters, the world, the magic, the family bonds and friendships??? All of it was perfect.

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Didn't realise this was the sequel but the premise sounded so so good. I've now bought the first one and will be reading immediately!
Thank you for the eARC and I apologise for my mistake!

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Thank you to NetGalley and to the publisher for the digital ARC, it has not affected my honest review.

The Scarlet Alchemist was one of the most original and interesting books I read in 2023 but The Blood Orchid just didn't work for me in the same way. It felt like a series of interconnected adventures rather than a sequel, especially after the epic ending of book 1.

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This book leads on perfectly from where book one ends. If you liked (or loved in my case) book one then this will be a definite winner for you. The book has great banter between its characters which i loved in the first book and it takes you on my twists and turns within the story line. Im really happy with how this book duology finished and it was an enjoyable read all round!

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The second book to the fantastic Scarlet Alchemist, this picks up where the first book left off. There was more bloodthirstiness from the characters, more action and more romance! I enjoyed the writing and the pacing of the story. I found the plot to be quite fast paced and I love my main character who just got stronger and her voice really shone through the pages. I just love this world a lot and the decisions were done so well!

Thanks to Netgalley and the publishers for the e-arc!! I have no words!

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Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for this ARC.

Having really enjoyed The Scarlet Alchemist, I was looking forward to reading this. And while I don't think it packed exactly the same punch, I still enjoyed it. Baker has created a truly unique magical universe and it was interesting to see more of it. This book also explored the class system a bit more which was good, and I think the ending tied things up pretty well. A satisfying duology.

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The story continues right after the events of book 1 and I’m so happy that book 2 is just as exciting as book 1. The story is fun and engaging with its twists and turns that I could not put this book down until I was finished. This is easily one of my favourite reads of this year.

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I’m loving the rise in popularity of duologies and this is a fine example of one. This book didn’t catch me in the same way that The Scarlet Alchemist did, but it was still really good. I was happy with the way it wrapped up. It felt right in the end.

I would like to reprimand the author for how much she mistreated the poor alchemy duck. Durian was dropped, thrown around, tossed off horses and generally put in danger at every turn. I love him so much and was very stressed out over his fate. I really hope she keeps the cute animals in less peril in any future books she writes.

Seriously though, this book is so good. The rules of alchemy and the balance of the world were really well thought out and it made for a read that was intriguing, action packed and with some interesting philosophical points.

Definitely looking out for more from the author. I need to read her other books.

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The Scarlet Alchemist was a highlight of my 2023 reading, and the follow-up one of my most anticipated releases of 24. While I found myself missing the more court-politics-forward plot of the first volume a little (this one takes more of a 'quest fantasy/road trip' shape) I nevertheless loved this sequel just as much--all Kylie Lee Baker's strengths are once again on full display. Just like in TSA she straddles the line of darkness, optimism and humour beautifully, with the warmth and fun of the character dynamics softening the edges of the often very brutal events of the plot. I particularly enjoyed how in this volume the central on-page relationships were platonic (despite loving the romance both in the previous book and as it appeared here). KLB's banter and bickering are second to none--legitimately clever and funny in a way very few current books manage--and Zilan's dynamic with both her brother and [redacted for spoilers] were the highlight of my read.

Overall it was a confident and satisfying second half of the duology, and I'm super excited to see what KLB brings to the YA space next--her writing is a real breath of fresh air in the genre.

Many thanks to Hodderscape and NetGalley for the eARC in exchange for my review!

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Back with the Scarlet Alchemist, aka Zilan, the queen of resurrection, and after the events of the last book, I couldn't wait to see what happened next!

Her brother, Wenshu is back....sort of, but Hong is.....gone.

Durian is also back....and I was happy - love that evil alchemy duck and now his eggs!

So we're on a quest to get to Penglai island to do a bit more resurrection!!!

This book was full of family vibes (yay Yufei!) and drama but I'd say this was a lot slower pace than book 1, maybe too slow.

That ending though!

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It's always a little scary to read a second book in a duology when you really really loved the first book. Maybe I'm just jaded, or maybe my expectations are just too high, but too often I was disappointed with the conclusion of a story I was obsessed with.
I guess I wouldn't have had to worry even a little bit, because Kylie Lee Baker rocked this. "The Blood Orchid", the second book in the Scarlet Alchemist duology, is just as good as its predecessor, and the conclusion feels well-earned and satisfying. I didn't quite love it as much as the first book, but my reasons are highly subjective and simply come down to personal taste. Objectively, this is a well-written, exciting, greatly paced conclusion to Zilan's story.
Zilan proceeds to be one of the best YA protagonists I've had the pleasure of reading about in ages. She's badass yet vulnerable, confident yet insecure, and her love for her siblings is still what drives most of the story for me. Yes, the romance is definitely a good one, but I never really did warm up to the prince so I was more invested in the emotional journey the three siblings were on. That might also be due to the fact that the romance is far from being the focus of this second book, and I actually enjoyed that. Durian remains the absolute king and I will never love any probably-evil-demon-duck more than him. Generally, the whole cast of characters is just charming and complex and well-written so it was a pleasure to follow them to the end.
The story is an interesting one, because the Big Bad does seem to be already defeated after all. Zilan's journey to right her wrongs of book 1 is not quite as exciting as her struggles with the empress, but there are enough twists and turns and I did find the newly introduced smaller villains incredibly interesting. Also quite enjoyed the looming threat the empress still presents.
The ending itself was almost a little too sweet for me, but all in all I left my reading experience thoroughly satisfied. This duology is amazing, and I cannot wait to dive into the author's backlog because I really enjoyed her writing and ideas.
Easy 4 stars.

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The Scarlet Alchemist was one of my favorite books of last year and it's one that I found myself thinking about quite a lot.
Needless to say, I was very excited for the sequel and hoped it would live up to the first book.

Well, it absolutely did, even though I can't quite tell if I loved this one more than the first, but at the end of the day, they were both easy 5 stars, so I suppose it doesn't matter which one of the two is my favorite.

The end of book 1 is an absolute whirlwind and one of the best endings I've ever read, and book 2 picks up right at the same pace and wasted no time to suck me back into this world.
Luckily it slows down a bit after the first few chapters, otherwise my blood pressure would have not been happy lol.
However, the suspense and tension stay high throughout the book, with lots of twists and turns. At no point did it feel overloaded though, the pacing was amazing and I ended up reading the last 70% in one sitting because I just couldn't stop.

I loved everything about the first book and there is truly nothing that I thought was lacking from book 1. Some people might be sad that there is little romance in this, but personally I didn't mind.
The magic system is probably top 3 of all time for me, I just love the mix of necromancy and alchemy, and especially how rooted it is in actual history / mythology. The historical setting is one of my favorite parts of this book, and I loved some of the plot developments and how they played into actual history.

This book is quite intense and dark and there are some scenes that feature slightly gory descriptions, so if you're sensitive to that, check CWs and take care of yourself.

Even though I had high expectations for this book, it ended up exceeding them and it is definitely one of my top reads of the year.
Highly recommend this duology and I am so excited for everything the author writes in the future.

Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for providing me with an ARC.

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⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ - such a fun and action packed story. A great book to end this duology🥰

I absolutely loved this sequel to the scarlet alchemist and devoured it so quickly. After the plot twists of book 1 and the ending I was so excited to start the blood orchid and I can say it didn’t disappoint! It started exactly where i needed it to and was full of action and adventure!!

This book focuses more on family than the previous book that focused on romance and I absolutely loved it!

The writing style is magical and really flowed allowing it to be such an easy and fun read.

The characters are so great. They’re multilayered and beautifully written. I was able to connect well with the characters and follow along with their journey.

The world building in this book is done magnificently and really allowed me to immerse myself into the world.

Thank you to NetGalley and Kylie Lee Baker for this ARC 💙

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Thank you to Hodder and Stoughton for my copy of The Blood Orchid

This is the 2nd and last book of the duology, the highly-anticipated sequel to The Scarlet Alchemist.

I have absolutely loved this book following Zilan and Wenshu on their journey.I have enjoyed the quest these two have been on it is full remcsince of full metal alchemist quest for the philsoshper stone to me and these two give me vibes of the homounculi. Trying to find the mythical Penglai Island, where it’s rumoured that life can be fully restored. Within this book we have high tensions and a high adventure i loved all the charerts and how they have been broguht to life by Kylie Lee Baker writing style i coudl see this play out in my head. Add in the cuteness of the demond duck Durain; it added a comedic effect in some parts of the story. I found it was really well needed.

#TheBloodOrchid #BookReview #FantasyNovel #Adventure #MythicalQuest #BookLovers #KylieLeeBaker #HodderAndStoughton #Sequel #LiteraryJourney #MagicalIslandJourney

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This is a hard review to write. While I definitely enjoyed reading this book, it didn’t feel quite like the Scarlet Alchemist. There’s a bigger focus on fantasy and ambience, which is fine. But I was expecting more of that darkness that made the first book so great. I think it also didn’t help that the romance wasn’t a main plot element. I missed Hong because he’s just so different from all the other love interests in YA.

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Aaaaaaaaaaaa, I flew through this book much like the first one, and have no idea what to do with myself now. One of my ultimate favourite duologies is done, do I just sit and stare at a wall until Kylie Lee Baker writes something new??? I guess so.

Based on how the first book ended, I was expecting this one to also start with a bang, and I wasn't disappointed. There's nonstop action (if you thought Zilan would be able to get some rest, you thought wrong), all the way until the last page. The pacing is a bit slower though, but that didn't stop me from enjoying it.

There's a bigger focus on family than romance, which makes sense since the majority of the book is Zilan and Wenshu travelling around the world, trying to save it. It feels a bit chaotic in parts, but I think it adds to the charm of this series.

While reading this, I was never sure who would make it out alive, or who would stay un-resurrected, to be more precise. Near the very end, I couldn't stop myself from crying, but Baker fixed it and then I felt like laughing. Phew.

I badly wanted a happy ending, but all I'm gonna say is that what we got is satisfactory okay!! Take that as you will.

A certain Zheng Sili got an unexpected redemption arc as well. It made me think that it's good I read the first book last year, because now I'm more willing to forgive him! I don't think I would've if I'd read these back to back. I do like how he is with Durian though.

AND DURIAN! THE EVIL DUCK! He gets them out of trouble more than once, he's the bestest (I know it's not a word, shush) best animal companion that anyone could ever ask for, I'd love to feed him some non-grapes. HAH.

If I had to pick a favourite chapter, it would be the last one. Just because it kept me guessing until the final few pages, now that's art.

The one thing I wish we saw, was Zheng Sili and Yufei getting together. When they met, I saw that pairing crystal clear in my mind, they would've been perfect together. But we can't always get what we want *cough* unless if we get a follow up novella *cough*.


*Thank you to the publishers and Netgalley for providing me with a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review*

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Thank you to Hodderscape and Kylie Lee Baker for gifting me a digital copy of The Blood Orchid in exchange for a fair and honest review.

The Blood Orchid is a splendid sequel to The Scarlet Alchemist's duology, full of twisty turns galore like its predecessor with more plot-driven storytelling. Kylie Lee Baker continues to deliver evocative writing full of exquisite world-building descriptions that bring plot twists and turns to life, fraught with trials, tensions, and tribulations. She throws everything in the book at her characters (including the kitchen sink, it feels like), setting protagonist Fan Zilian on a quest to save the souls of those she loves and find a way to defeat the evil Empress threatening to rip all of Tang Dynasty China to pieces to control the power of Alchemy.

Kylie Lee Baker's characters were the highlight of the series for me. She shapes a cast of incredibly complex, compelling characters with deep facets to their personalities - the good and the bad of their natures. I loved the conflict at the heart of Zilan's continued character growth and exploration of how high of a price she is willing to pay to save those she loves and the world as she grapples with guilt, grief, and self-doubt due to the consequences of her actions from the Scarlet Alchemist.

Her villains are the magnificent cherry on the top – the Empress is relentless, devious, and resourceful – having a card to play to counterplay every scenario. My heart crept into my throat, wondering how Zilan could defeat such a powerhouse villain.

The Blood Orchid drops a little in the delivery of the plot pacing, which feels uneven compared to the ruthless edginess of The Scarlet Alchemist. The plot focuses 80% of the book on a roaming quest dragging a little until the last 20%, rushing down the rapids to the pivotal climax of the duology—the only snag for me in book 2. Everything else was fantastic – including the perfectly bittersweet ending that tore my heart apart in a good way.

A solid 4-star conclusion to The Scarlet Alchemist duology – I've ordered my @fairyloot SE version to keep book 1 company on my bookshelf. There is no shortage of twists and twists in the plot, with the unique blend of horror, suspense, and longing romance interwoven through the Blood Orchid to deliver a gut-wrenching and thought-provoking read. If you looked the Scarlet Alchemist, you'll enjoy the conclusion of Zilan's journey

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This was a thrilling conclusion to The Scarlet Alchemist duology. I was immersed from start to finish and loved the journey Zilan experienced in The Blood Orchid. Their search for Penglai Island had so many challenges and surprises along the way, and I couldn't wait to see which path Zilan and Wenshu would choose whenever they faced a new obstacle.

Zilan's character development was one I enjoyed reading. It felt so raw and relatable. We see her feel guilt, grief, resentment, and self-doubt as she comes to terms with what happened at the end of The Scarlet Alchemist. Zilan had so many ideas and opinions on what should be done and be changed to create a fair world for everyone. She was so headstrong in her age that she didn't always take what her superiors said on board and we see her struggle with her own self worth and capabilities as she desperately tries to fox the mess she made.

Wenshu was a great balance and provided challenge and harmony during their journey together. Their relationship had its ups and downs, which is to be expected with siblings, but the love, support, and belief the Fan siblings had for each other was really beautiful to read. It really showcased their bond, and although I was gutted, we didn't get Hong back at the end of book 1, I quickly realised that Zilan really needed some tough love throughout their search for Penglai Island.


The Empress was one of my favourite characters in this duology. I know she's the villain, but she's made the list as one of my favourite villains of all time. The desire and determination she had throughout this book was incredible. She encouraged Zilan in a way her family never could. The way she admired Zilan was sweet in a psychotic way and I ended up looking forward to their interactions to see how they would outwit each other.

Zheng Sili was a character I despised in The Scarlet Alchemist and I was happy to see he didn't get much attention in book 1, so I was shocked to see him reappear in book 2. I was so annoyed at first, as I couldn't see him being a useful character, but he really grew on me as the story progressed. Was he still a pompus ass? Yes, but you could see their opinions of each other change as they got to know each other on a deeper level. His character development and personality really took me by surprise and soon became an important and valuable member of the team.

Thank you so much to Netgalley, Hodder & Stoughton, and the author for this ARC.

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First of all the cover, gorgeous, just as beautiful as the first. This was a good conclusion to the duopoly but the pacing did throw me off for a bit.

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