Member Reviews

Epic plotlines across the series
Favourite found family of all time
Thump, thump, thump
The story started with heartbreak, the kind that took us away from Green Creek and while this was painful, it was compelling. I feel like I really got to know Carter in that time period and I loved him as a character. Gavin was a very complex character, the wolf always at the fore and the human side was uncomfortable for him.
It did take me time to warm up to Gavin but I did, I loved his individuality, his flamboyance and pragmatism. There were some utterly hilarious scenes as Carter came to terms with his connection to Gavin and what that would mean in a practical sense. His brothers were particularly funny and unhelpful over this.
I had an issue with some of the seemingly unfounded suggestions of Thomas and Elizabeth's attractions outside of their partnership; I didn't get the need for that brief storyline. In better news, the townspeople truly won my heart in this final installment and I've wondered if there's room for me in Green Creek!
Overall, this is a favourite series, rich and deep with characterisation that is some of the best I've read. I will definitely re-read.

Brothersong is the conclusion to the Green Creek Saga and I couldn't have wished for a better ending to one of my favourite stories. After Heartsong I truly didn't believe Brothersong could top it, but the book was fantastic. I cried, I laughed and I said goodbye to characters who have been with me for the course of now four books. I will for sure do a reread soon, since I am truly not ready to let the Bennets go.
TJ Klune again created a masterpiece with all the emotions to feel.

I enjoyed this book a lot!
The relationships between pack members is everything. The brothers, the couple, the bonds. It was also funnier at points than I was expecting. I actually giggled at some points and then my heart hurt at others and then it was full of emotion. I truly feel like I have been on an emotional rollercoaster of the best sort.
I’ve always adored T.J Klune’s writing style and this last book of the series does not dissapoint. In fact it’s probably my favorite of the entire series. It brings all the other books to a satisfying conclusion.
Absolutely recommend!
Thank you to Pan Macmillan and NetGalley for the ARC. These opinions are my own and I am sharing them voluntarily.

This series has been emotional and I’ve loved every single second of it. These wolves will live in my heart forever.
The bonds they share as a pack are magical but the bond between the brothers Carter Kelly and Joe is something else. I loved that it wasn’t all about finding your mate, it was so much more than that. It was family it was home it was packpackpack.
This series was like pinecones and candy canes it was epic and awesome!
I want to re read them all again already. I’ve loved TJ Klunes other books but this series is my favourite, I’m a massive wolf fan anyway but this was so much more. The writing is phenomenal, Green Creek sounds like the most epic town, and the people, even all the side characters are so interesting. Rico makes me smile every time he talks and Will, oh Will, what a man!
I can’t wait to buy this series and display it somewhere special.

This is it. The entire Green Creek series has led to this book. It not only hits the marks it needs to hit, it obliterates them. Every storyline is threaded through with drama and danger and excitement and romance, and still manages to be tied up in a perfect bow to end the series. While it's sad that this is the last book, I find comfort in knowing that whenever I want to return to these stories, i know the pack will always be there to howl me home.

I thought Heartsong was going to be my favorite of the series but Gavin has actually stolen my heart and I hope he never gives it back!
We know that Carter went off to find Gavin who basically sacrificed himself to go with that horrible Richard Livingstone and what follows made me feel every emotion there is!
There were some scenes that had me snorting with laughter, the mash potato, the fork and ‘The Book’!!! There was also all the faves from the previous books, loyalty, love, family….and pack.
‘You make me feel safe. Thump. Thump. Thump.’
‘And that’s that.’
I can’t believe it’s over…..

Too many feelings. At first I have to say: this book saved my poor ass from a two month reading slump. So a very big thanks for that!
This is a rather quiet book (at least until the big boom in the end). And I especially loved the quiet parts of the book. The scenery is very gloomy and dark in the beginning.
Carter is in search of Gavin, slowly loosing his mind being alone, without his pack, his teather, his alphas.
I loved all the flashbacks in the first half, especially about the three brothers (baby Kelly omg!!!). The title is just perfect for this book. And it’s what I think the book is mostly about. The relationship between the Bennett brothers. Not the romance.
I was so happy when Carter finally found Gavin, and of course it was evident that he wouldn’t make it easy for Stupid Carter.
I loved their dynamic, their banter, how they slowly learned to trust each other and come closer in the last book.
I honestly would have loved for them to have some more 1:1 scenes together in this. To see them getting to know each other better over time with Carter now knowing what Gavin is to him. More interaction. But their time together really was rather short in comparison to the books length. For me personally it was my least favourite romance in the whole series, not because I didn’t love them together, but because I didn’t have enough time to see their relationship to develop, to see them work together.
My favourite scene was when Carter revealed his feelings toward him and Gavin, still as a Wolf, finally gave in a little.
I loved loved loved Gavin. My scowling hipster Wolf. Constantly in fear of Carter dying because he’s such an idiot. Always trying to protect him and taking care of him. So romantic.
But I was also happy when the pack was finally back together. I don’t know how often my heart hurt while reading this book, but it’s been a lot I’m telling you. The mood was starting to get lighter again after that though.
The dynamics, the solidarity and love in the wolf pack is my favourite thing about the whole series. The gayest pack ever.
I loved how Gavin finally found his place in the family, how he started to settle and accept that there are actually people who want and need him to be with them. How he startes to feel safe and content with Carter and the pack. How Carter is fighting for him to stay. So heartbreaking and heartwarming at the same time.
I tagged so many quotes in this. For most parts it’s very very hilarious ones. The humour is still going strong in this. (We have many, MANY penis jokes. The gay panic IS. ON.).
Also Carter as a little boy? Hilarious. I laughed so hard. The flashbacks are everything!!!
But also so many beautiful word. It’s a very emotional story.
What I personally wasn’t the biggest fan of in this were the action scenes. There’s one scene in the first half of the book that came too sudden and was too rushed for my taste. Maybe it reads like that because Carter wasn’t really thinking straight (ha ha) anymore at that time. But the action parts play a very secondary role in this. We don’t really get to know much that’s happening with “the beast”, and what happens in the past year.
The “big fight scene” at the ending of the book came a little too easy and fast for me. I wasn’t the biggest fan of how everything was solved, mostly because there wasn’t really a detailed explanation, when we were waiting for four books for something to happen.
I won’t go into detail because of spoilers though.
But I have to say it was the “easiest” book in the series. There aren’t many really shocking scenes and for most parts is rather funny and emotional in different ways. I was so anxious all the time while reading and in the end I really had not much to fear.
I loved the ending though. It’s a happy ending. A worthy ending for the Bennett pack.
All in all for me this book could have easily have been even longer or put into two books.
I would have loved to read more about the romance between Carter and Gavin and I would also liked to have longer, more realistic fighting scenes and a little more explanation for some things.
But it was also a beautiful story about brothers and family.
I’m equal parts sad and happy that it’s over now.
One of my favourite book series of all time.