Member Reviews


Twelve Secrets By Robert Gold
Publication Date: August 2, 2024
Publisher: Bookouture

📚MY RATING: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐


First, I want to give a big thank you to Jess over at Bookouture for inviting me to be a part of Robert Gold's book tour and providing me an advanced copy of the book in exchange for my honest review and participation in the tour. This book, along with the next two in the series, are already wildly successful in the UK, and I was thrilled to be a part of their book tour launch within the US!

I said yes to the invitation as soon as I heard the words "crime thriller," and then I read the synopsis and I was all in. I was promised a "completely gripping and nail-biting thriller," and this book definitely delivered on its promise.

This is the first of a crime thriller series involving main character Ben Harper, a top-rated investigative journalist who has returned to live in his idyllic hometown of Haddley. Ben's older teenage brother, Nick, was brutally murdered years ago, but a recent murder brings back all of the questions from that time in Ben's life as he begins his own investigation into what really happened then -- and what's happening now.

The first few chapters introduced A LOT of characters to the story and initially, I wondered if I'd be able to keep track of everyone. Thankfully, that wasn't an issue at all because Gold created characters that were easily loveable or quickly despicable, so they were easy to remember. And let me tell you, when I read the end of Chapter Five, I sat up a little straighter in my chair and thought to myself, "Buckle up, this ride is about to begin."

This book is fairly long - like over 450 pages - but with its shorter chapters and the book's division into different parts, it didn't feel that long at all. It offers multiple POVs from various characters, and because of that, I was left guessing and questioning about the conclusion for the majority of the book.

This crime thriller was unputdownable as I tried to connect the dots and figure out what was going on. This was a story centered around a horrific crime, and it's also one of those stories where you can suspect everyone as involved somehow. I'm a sucker for a captivating police thriller, so I loved the police procedural elements here. However, what stood out to me about this book was Ben's unique perspective of being an investigative journalist while also simultaneously being the person affected by this sensationally brutal news story.

This book captivated my attention and had a subtle heart-pounding thrill consistently throughout its pages, urging me to read one more chapter... Over and over till I got to the book's satisfying conclusion. As soon as the book ended, I found myself wanting to jump right into Book 2 of the series, Eleven Liars, because I just wanted to read more. And isn't that the sign of a great book -- not wanting the story to end?!

If you're a fan of police procedurals and crime thrillers, if you like true crime shows like Dateline and 20/20, if you enjoy a good whodunnit murder mystery, if you like reading thrillers set in England, and if you're looking for a new thriller series that you can really get into....You're going to want to get your hands on Twelve Secrets and begin your plunge into the world of Ben Harper as soon as you can. Available now!

#TwelveSecrets #RobertGold #Bookouture #ARC #bookrecommendations #bookreviews #bookrecs #booktour #thrilleraddict #thrillerlover #thrillerreads #fivestarreads #crimethrillers #thrillerseries

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Journalist Ben Harper's brother was killed as a teenager and 10 years prior to this story, his mother killed herself. Coming up on the anniversary of her death, his boss wants him to write his family's story. He decides to do it but only because he feels there is more to his mother's death. Everyone has secrets, blah blah. (I had an urge to go through and tally up all the secrets and see if there are really 12 specific things, but I didn't do it!) 4 stars.

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Reading Between the Wines book review #72/130 for 2024:
Rating: 5 🍷🍷🍷🍷🍷
Book: Twelve Secrets (Ben Harper Book 1)
Author: Robert Gold
RELEASES August 2, 2024! Get your copy NOW!!!

Sipping thoughts: Well twist me up and call me a pretzel!! That is how I felt reading Twelve Secrets. With all the twists, it should have been called Twelve Twists. I love books that are broken into parts because I feel like each part follows a huge revelation or huge twist. I was SO invested in this story and with these characters. Ben was literally my friend, and I was on a journey to find Nick and Simon’s killer with him. Sometimes a slow burn is needed and good for the story, but yall, a slow burn this was not!! This was a rollercoaster ride. I don’t want to say a lot because I just feel like if you don’t read this book, what are you doing with your life? And guess what? Books 2 and 3 are also released with Book 1. So, you can guess what I will be doing soon. I have never read a Robert Gold book, but he has earned a fan.

Cheers and thank you to @Bookouture and @Netgalley for an advanced copy of @TwelveSecrets.

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Twelve Secrets is the first book in the Ben Harper Series. Twenty years ago, Ben’s older brother and a friend, were brutally murdered, and justice prevailed with a conviction. Now a crime reporter, Ben constantly relives the past, but now he’s facing the shocking revelation of a recent murder that has ties to both his brother’s murder as well as his mother’s death.

I love a good investigative novel about cold cases, and this one delivers. Ben is a true-crime journalist who is now investigating a case that unlocks secrets from the past involving his own family. I enjoyed the twists in this fast-paced crime thriller and the unsuspecting character connections that kept me guessing as to what was going to happen next. The ending left me wanting more from Ben and I’m excited to read more from this series!

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I was totally absorbed in the story from the first page. It is a gripping and intriguing story.
I highly recommend it to anyone who enjoys a good twisted crime thrillers.

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I'll be really honest, I'm not sure what I read. I read a lot of books and I remember them. I love to tells others about them in hopes they will read them. However, this book won't be one of them. I was so confused most of this book. It jumped from one character to another and left no room to learn anything. I was about 50% through this book before I realized I wasn't sure what was going on or what the book was supposed to be about anymore and had to go reread the synopsis. I have books 2 and 3 for this series and I'm not sure I want to even read them. This sadly won't be book I recommend. Sorry Robert.

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I think Twelve Secrets was my out of the three I read in this series. I enjoyed each of the endings but these books were not must reads, just ok! I wasn’t a fan of the main characters. But the storylines were good! Thanks!

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Internet journalist Ben Harper’s brother and his friend were murdered twenty years ago by two female schoolmates. After their release from prison, they started new lives under assumed names. When one of them is found murdered in the same brutal manner as the victims, Ben pursues the truth about what happened in their small town so many years ago and also whether his mother really committed suicide ten years ago or was she also targeted. As the story is revealed, so are twelve secrets held by twelve local residents.

This is listed as the first in the Ben Harper series. It will be re released on August 2, 2024 and according to Amazon, so will books 2 and 3. There are quite a few characters in this tale, but with some concentration, it is fairly easy to keep track of them. Some are likable, others not so. Ben is a sympathetic but strong main character. Well plotted, there are twists and red herrings in this fast, engrossing read.

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Deliciously dark and twisty… Will have you locking all the doors and flipping pages in order to find out what happened… A new series I’m looking forward to getting into

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Thanks to the publisher and Netgalley for this eARC.

In “Twelve Secrets,” Robert Gold crafts a gripping thriller that unravels like a tightly wound coil. Ben Harper, a true crime journalist, is about to confront his own past—one that holds secrets darker than ink on newsprint.

 Twenty years ago, Ben’s older brother Nick was brutally murdered alongside his friend. The crime shocked the nation, leaving scars etched into Ben’s soul. Now, Ben is a seasoned journalist, adept at dissecting others’ secrets. But when a fresh murder case emerges, one linked to his brother’s death, Ben’s world tilts off its axis. Lies resurface, implicating everyone around him, and Ben realizes that some secrets refuse to stay buried.

“Twelve Secrets” is a rollercoaster of suspense. Gold’s prose crackles with tension, pulling readers into Ben’s relentless pursuit of truth. The plot twists are unexpected, leaving us breathless. Ben’s emotional journey—from haunted survivor to relentless investigator—is relatable and riveting. Prepare for sleepless nights; this novel won’t release its grip.

For fans of James Patterson and Nell Pattison, “Twelve Secrets” is a must-read debut. Gold’s exploration of family loyalties and hidden truths keeps the pages turning. Brace yourself—secrets have a way of clawing their way to the surface.

Remember, sometimes the most chilling mysteries lie within ourselves. 🕵️‍♂️🔍

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4 STARS. This is the first book in the Ben Harper series. This is a new author to me and not sure why this was on Nergalley as there are lots of reviews from 3 years ago. Maybe it just became available in the US? Anyway, this is a great crime thriller.

Ben Harper is a true crime journalist. Except this time he is going to write about his own tragedy. His brother, Nick and friend Simon, were killed back when Ben was 8. Ten years after that, Bens mother stepped in front of a train. With new evidence popping up and strange coincidences, Ben decides to investigate and write his own story.

This is so well written. I just loved Ben. There are a lot of characters in this book. It's not the type of book to put down for a few weeks, then pick back up. All of these characters, however, have a purpose. The plot is twisty and I did not see the ending coming at all. Fantastic job to the author.

Thank you to Netgalley and Bookouture for the ARC. I will definitely read the next in the series, and I highly recommend this book.

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Ben is an investigative journalist faced with his toughest story yet. Why were his brother and his brother's friend killed by two young girls their own age? Were they targeted? Was his mom's suicide related or was it murder? And who has committed the most recent murder, one that he knows must be connected to the death of his brother?

This is a drama that plays out over several points of view. And each character has secrets that overlap with each other.. I thought this was going the way of folie à deux but that was not really the focus at all. This was my first book by Robert Gold and I enjoyed it enough that I will read the other two books on the series!

Thank you to NetGalley and Bookouture for taking me along on this blog tour!

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Ben Harper is haunted by his brother's horrific murder and his mother's suicide. As a true crime reporter, he is now getting pressure from his edit to write a story about it... and Ben is very resistant. Then, Ben learns that one of his brother's murderers has been caught - and even more confusing, as he probes deeper - he find that his mother was in touch with the individual before she died. Ben has a lot of unravel, and Mr. Gold does such an amazing job weaving everything together to keep the reader very interested and invested in Ben. The book starts out slowly, but don't let that stop you as a reader. It's important to get a feel for the amazing characters in this book and understand their relationships with each other. I'm looking very forward to reading the next few in this series! Thank you to Bookouture for an advanced reader of this book. The opinions expressed are my own.

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Twelve Secrets by Robert Gold is the first in the Ben Harper series.
Ben is an award-winning True crime Journalist. When he is asked by his boss if he can write about his own family history. When he was an eight-year-old child his brother Nick and his friend Simon was murdered in the woods by two schoolgirls Abigail Langdon and Josie Fairchild. The pair were convicted and served their time. After their release they were given new identities. His mother committed suicide ten years later.
Present day Abigail Langdon body is found she has been murdered. Has it got to do with what happened all of them years ago?
Twelve secrets is told in multiple points of view and at first you don’t realise what the significance of each one is until the very end of the story. It is an intriguing story with lots of twists and turns. But I sometimes felt a bit overwhelmed with so many POV’s which left me a bit unclear of what was happening. Overall, it was a good storyline but could be a bit straightforward. 3.5 stars from me,

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Book #1 in the Ben Harper series. I had never read anything by Robert Gold when I started this book, but was hooked within the first few pages. Robert Gold builds Ben Harper's story in layers, telling the stories of Ben's brother's horrific murder, the trials of the killers and his mother's suicide years later. Like a rock thrown in a lake, these stories have sent ripples throughout the lives of the characters Ben's story touched. Living in the small town of Haddley, every person was touched in some manner. But the secrets are many and the clues eye opening when the murder's anniversary comes with the news that the killers have been released from prison.

This is an excellent mystery/thriller set in a town that could be any one of thousands and populated with characters that seem familiar until their secrets are uncovered. Gold builds the story in small pictures of daily life, weaving over arcing stories throughout but still managing to hold the tension tight all the way to the end. This was easily a 5 star read but it's also left enough questions to build anticipation for the next book.

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This is the first book in a series featuring Ben Harper, a true crime journalist. A complex and riveting plot with excellent writing and character development. The author does an amazing job telling Ben’s story. This is going to be a fantastic series. I’m excited to dive into the second book now, Eleven Liars.
Thank you to the publisher for the opportunity to read this advanced copy. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.

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This one was a total chance on an author I had never heard of and it blew me away. From some amazingly well done characters to a unique immersing plot this has it all.
It moved at a great pace letting us get caught up in the background of the story while keeping us on the edge of our seats with the current happenings.
I was invested for page one. I can’t wait to read the next 2 in this series!

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This is a twisty thriller with many intertwined characters whose relationships are slowly revealed as the story progresses. Ben is a crime journalist who has had to deal with more than his share of tragedy considering his brother was murdered and his mother is also dead. But when his editor pushes him to write a story regarding his mother, he isn't prepared for what he will find, or the danger involved.

The beginning of the story is necessarily a little on the slower pace given the number of characters involved and the need for some background information on them. And then, as the truths begin to be revealed, you think you know where things are going. That is, until the next twist is revealed. So many secrets, so much betrayal.

Thank you to NetGalley, Bookouture and the author for the opportunity to read this book for my honest review. All opinions expressed are my own.

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I quite enjoyed this first of a series. Ben Harper was only eight when his brother Nick was brutally murdered at the age of fourteen. A decade later, his mother took his own life. As the tenth anniversary of her death is approaching Ben receives the news that one of his brother’s killers has been found murdered. At first, he’s spitefully pleased as anyone in his position would be. But then he finds out his mother was in touch with the killer shortly before her death.

Now he realizes that he could be wrong about so much that happened back then. He’s never wanted to sell his story or write about that time, even though he’s a journalist. But he realizes he may have to break that rule to figure out what really happened to his mother. Maybe there’s a reason he never quite believed she’d take her own life – because she didn’t.

There are a variety of characters that round out the story and at first, it’s a bit jarring when each new point of view is introduced because you’re like “Who’s this person and what do they have to do with anything?” But they are all important to the plot even if you don’t know why yet. And once you see that Ben’s narrative is the only one in first person, the shifts between the various narratives are easier. And I realized one of the reasons I enjoyed the book so much was that the characters were actually likable – more than one of them! I don’t know why that’s happening less with stories these days, but this series shows that characters can be flawed yet still sympathetic and appealing.

I really loved how the author weaved the story together and was pleasantly surprised by the ending. That rarely happens and I’m impressed. As soon as I finished this book, I knew I’d be diving right into the next one in the series and that’s exactly what I did.

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Twelve Secrets by Robert Gold is actually Book 1 in this new series. And it does not disappoint. I found myself engaged in the story and in getting to know the characters.

Secrets are dangerous, and this book contains many secrets and revelations that had me gasping out loud at times.

It’s twenty years since Ben's teenage brother was murdered and his mother took her own life with a broken heart. The police knock at Ben's door and tell him his brother’s killer has just been found murdered.

Ben is on a quest to discover what happened to his mother and brother. He teams up with PC Dani Cash, who is grappling with her own demons. They make a great pair, and it's interesting to read how each of their stories unfolds.

As Ben gets closer to the truth, another body drops. Someone in this close-knit town will stop at nothing to keep their secrets.

The story is told from different perspectives, and it was hard at times to keep all the characters straight. Overall, the story held my interest, and it was a refreshing new book.

I would recommend this book and this author. Twelve Secrets is a good crime thriller with good twists and shocking revelations.

#TwelveSecrets #NetGalley @bookouture

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