Member Reviews

I requested this one back in the day as I had every intention of reading it. However, its been years and I still haven't gotten around to it and while I feel guilty at not reviewing a book I think that I need to admit to myself that I won't be reading this one anytime soon....if at all.

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"A geek wrapped in the body of a male porn star."

I read True Devotion as a standalone. I don't think it detracted from the story, it just made me want to go back and read True North to get a little history and find out more about some characters that I really enjoyed. And speaking of characters that I really enjoyed, Simon and Devon were very entertaining. Their non-stop banter and sarcastic wit had me in stitches from beginning to end.

I have to admit that it was my addiction to Rockstar Romance that caused me to take a chance on a new author. While I did like the author's writing, I was disappointed that I could fit everything 'rockstar' into a single paragraph. It might be Simon's occupation, but it was not part of the story. However; I can't deny, I totally fell hard for #SexySimon with the filthy mouth. He totally lived up to his own opinion of himself. He is all that, and more.

Devon is the sister of the lead singer. That's how she crossed paths with Simon. It was a memorable meeting for them, both of them. But they didn't do anything about it. They each had their own reasons for not pursuing their attraction. But once the line was crossed, all stops were pulled and their sizzle turned into a fire. She knew he was too good to be true. She knew it was just a temporary thing, but she planned to make some memories to last a lifetime before it was over.

I was totally invested in their stories. Pulled into their past and the reasons that made each the way they were. I understood their pain and why it was hard to put their history aside and trust each other. As they fell for each other, I fell for them. When I saw Devon's wall coming up, getting higher and higher, I knew it was because she was feeling too much. The more she felt, the more she had to lose. I kept coaching her from the sidelines, but she tuned me out alone with everyone else. What would it take to get through to her?

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“Only you. Only me?”

I'm kicking myself for waiting so long to pick this up, especially after devouring Simon and Devon's story in one sitting. I don't know how she does it, but Liora Blake has now managed to create two men I completely adore. First, Trevor from True North and now his bandmate, Simon. Cereal addiction aside, he might be the perfect guy. Seriously, can I just take a moment to gush about how amazing I think Simon is?

I can’t tell you how refreshing it is in a genre rife with manwhores and bad boys to have a guy that’s just so normal, down-to-earth and willing to be vulnerable and honest - at all costs. And did I mention Simon loves to read and is a killer guitar player? I don’t know about you, but that’s a ton of boxes checked on my list of book boyfriend requirements.

Have no fear - there are no games being played here either. Unless you count Simon’s nerdy rambling, flirty innuendoes, random silliness or shameless taunting when he’s trying to rile up Devon. These two might be different on so many levels, but somehow someway it just works. And their banter - it’s truly stellar. Have I mentioned how crazy I am for funny and snarky banter?

True Devotion is told through the eyes of Devon, Trevor’s (True North) little sister. Sure, we’ve all read a version of the girl falling for the brother’s friend, but this felt different somehow. It really boiled down to how unexpectedly sweet and genuine Simon turned out to be. He wasn’t the typical guy in a band, which I have to say, threw both Devon and I off. From the beginning, their connection was obvious, but what wasn’t clear until he made it so, Simon wanted it all. Not just a random hook-up or a few nights together, but every. single. thing. Do I have your attention yet?

There's no denying, Devon makes some boneheaded and infuriating decisions along the way. All of her self-doubt and self-created drama aside, there was a part of me that was immediately drawn to her character. Struggling with the past and weary about giving up even a tiny piece of herself for a relationship, she's one tough chick. Aggravating or not, once you get to know her history it’s easy to see things from her perspective. And appreciate her growth over the course of the story.

I can’t stress enough how refreshing this series is. It’s fun, full of characters that are easy to fall for, but still with enough depth to not be considered fluff. I was convinced that the next couple in the series couldn’t possibly top Kate and Trevor, but now I’m not so sure. I’m torn. Even more so with the stolen moments of those two sprinkled among the pages of this addictive story. Enough that I kind of want to go back and relive their unlikely matchup. Or should I move on to Kate’s sister’s story? Decisions, decisions.

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