Member Reviews

This is the first of C.L. Taylor's books that I've read and it was an intriguing and well-paced story. A group of people who have been stalked for many years get together for support and to share experiences, but when someone they know is killed by their own stalker, something has to give. They hatch a plan to try to trap the stalkers, but of course, nothing is ever easy and very real danger lurks around every corner.

This book has some real heart-in-mouth moments that are almost visually terrifying in your mind as you see the events unfold. As always in a great thriller, it seems like nobody is ever fully genuine or believable, so there's a constant guessing game about the stalkers, the motivations, and whether the victims themselves are being fully honest about who they are. I didn't see the ending coming, which is always a pleasure. My thanks to NetGalley and Avon Books/Harper Collins for the advance review copy.

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Having read quite a few of this authors books, I was keen to get started.
It took me a while to get in to this one though. There are a number of characters and their respective stalkers to get to grips with. As I only read a few chapters a night, I found I kept having to refer back. I found having to keep doing this a bit tedious, and it did put me off for a while.
Being a CL Taylor fan, I knew I wouldn’t be disappointed, so I stuck with it. Once I really got going with this book, I did get totally immersed and read through to the end quite quickly.
The twist started untwisting itself very slowly before the end, which was unusual.
Whilst I did enjoy this book, I don’t think it’s one of my favourites from this author.

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Stalking is a theme that is very relevant in this day and age due to the fact that we can pretty much have access to people at any time we want through the likes of social media, messaging services and even tracking devices.

Alex, Lucy, River and Bridget know all to well what it is to suffer at the hands of a stalker but through the power of sharing their stories with each other they have come up with a plan to finally put an end to their troubles. However, when they receive a wreath giving them only 10 days until one of them is murdered they must really come together to put their stalkers in their place.

Through the use of tracking devices they feel that they can get the upper hand on the very people who have made their lives hell. If only it was that easy -- especially when they are hiding some big secrets of their own.

This book was full of twists and turns and I was desperate for everyone to succeed - until I myself became suspicious of one of the characters.

Honestly this book had me holding my breath at times due to the anxiety I had for these fictitious characters but this just shows how great the writing was.

The ending was fantastic. I'd highly recommend.

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Absolutely brilliant. Compelling from the word go, I was utterly gripped by this all consuming and claustrophobic read.

The four main protagonists were as unreliable as each other making it really tough to know who to trust. Because nothing was quite as it seemed. I really appreciated that it all come together in a way that made complete sense and everything was explained clearly. Great read!

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Thanks to NetGalley and Avon Books UK for this electronic readers copy of the latest from CL Taylor!
I’m a massive fan of C L Taylor- the books are so fast paced, easy to ready and have shockingly good twists…and Every Move you Make was no different!
Five strangers are united through their experiences with stalkers, and then when one of the five is killed by their stalker, and the other four receive a wreath at her funeral saying one of them will die in ten days, they decide they need to take control.
I did not see the twists coming, and the whole vibe of this book was chilling and edgy. Highly recommend for a quick, addictive read!

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Another great book by one of my favourite authors, the storyline was great and I thought I had it all worked out for most of the book but I was totally wrong!
I really liked that we got to see multiple characters and their own troubles with their stalkers. It really made me think about how scary and isolating it must be to deal with a stalker.

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I have read quite a few of C. L. Taylor’s books and was delighted to get a copy of her latest novel, Every Move You Make. Thanks to Avon Books UK and NetGalley for my copy in exchange for a review.

An unlikely group of five people bond through a WhatsApp group. They all have one thing in common, they’re being stalked . One of the group is murdered by her ex at the beginning of the story. The group meet for the first time at her funeral and are handed a wreath with a card dated ten days later. Determined not to be the next victim, they plot to catch the sender of the card.

I made the mistake of starting the book before bed and got into it straight away, I didn’t want to put it down and the relatively short chapters keep things well paced. The characters are an interesting mix, and I didn’t warm to them all but was still invested enough to want to find out what was going to happen.

The plot has quite a few twists and turns and I think I suspected everyone at one point! Towards the end of the story I was a bit disappointed as I thought I had figured it out but there was another twist and I discovered I wasn’t right after all. A few parts of the plot felt a little convenient for me but it didn’t spoil my overall enjoyment of the story.

The author has used her own experience of being stalked and there are definitely some very creepy and tense moments throughout the book. The idea of someone watching your every move, remaining just out of sight, is chilling.

Although not an ‘easy read’ in terms of subject matter, I was definitely gripped and wanted to read the book every chance I had. The story deals with issues such as stalking, coercive control, and domestic violence. These are dealt with sensitively.

I read this book over a couple of evenings and I would recommend it if you’re looking for a gripping read that’s a bit different from the usual.

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Natalie is a stalking victim and is brutally murdered by her stalker ex. Her funeral brings together the four remaining members of the whatsapp group Natalie was part of for stalking victims. At the funeral, the group receive a bouquet of flowers and a sinister message depicting that one of them will be next in a few day’s time.

I’m absolutely gutted and I think this is a me problem rather than a C L Taylor problem as I’m feeling slumpy but I didn’t love this compared to her usual books 😭😭😭

This is inspired by C L Taylor’s personal experience of being stalked by her ex. It is such a dark and complex premise but I just wasn’t feeling this one and found it just an okay read overall.

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I very rarely choose to read a book because of the title but this was one of those occasions. I saw the title, started singing (IYKYK), saw the author & downloaded it instantly without even reading the blurb.

Five victims of stalking have formed their own support group. One of them is murdered shortly after their stalker is released from prison & then a wreath is delivered with a stark warning. The remaining four come to the conclusion that it must be one of their stalkers who is the threat but which one is it & whose life is in danger? They need to work it out , & fast …

Fabulous characters with some so creepy that my flesh was crawling at the mere thought of them. I became aware that this is based loosely on the authors own experience but ramped up many levels; that insight is more than obvious in the writing & certainly added authenticity. A brilliant book with a cracking conclusion.

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I have recently finished this book. It was read quickly - I couldn't wait to see what happened!
A really unusual topic for a crime thriller. The characters come to life and are developed to interact well throughout.
It is about a group of people who have one thing in common - hey are all being stalked by different individuals. They join to form a mutual support network who try to protect each other.
A great deal of complex story lines are explained well throughout and you cannot possibly guess the actual ending. The plot is involved and has many twists and turns so you really do have to read until the final page. I didn't see the end coming at all.

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Every Move You Make is my 6th read from C.L Taylor, and they have mostly been 4 or 5 star reads so far, so I was excited to get started on her latest novel. Every Move You Make deals with the sinister topic of stalking – when their friend Natalie is killed by her stalker, friends in a stalking support group decide that it’s time to strike back.

The book is told from the perspectives of four of the friends in the group – Alexandra, River, Bridget and Lucy, and the narrative alternates between them by chapter. Each member of the group has their own stalker and backstory to get to know as well so there’s 8 people to get your head around. This isn’t helped by the fact they each focus on another person’s stalker and so some of the perspectives got quite similar and muddled in the middle.

I found the early chapters in particular to be very creepy – the idea of someone following you home or being threatened by someone you let into your life is a genuine fear and something which does affect a lot of people in the UK. CL Taylor writes in her author’s notes that she has personal experience of this, something which really shines through in the realistic feel of the narrative.

I did find some of the plot points to be a bit too convenient though and I wasn’t as impressed with the conclusion (one scene in particular, as someone who works backstage in the theatre industry, annoyed me!). It was a gripping read though which kept me hooked throughout and had me doubting all of the characters by the end.

Overall, Every Move you Make is a sinister read about an important topic. Thank you to NetGalley & Avon Books UK for the chance to read the ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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This takes stalking to a whole other level. It's obsessive, dark and absolutely terrifying as it can easily happen to anyone!

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A gripping thriller that keeps you guessing, you won't want to put this book down.

Another great book by C L Taylor, this won't disappoint.

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Whenever I pick up a C.L. Taylor book I am prepared for feeling very unsettled through most of the chapters. She brings the peril she places her characters in to life with such realism I feel some of their terror and nervousness myself.
This book was slightly more so than ever for me, perhaps due to the authors personal experiences with a stalker, perhaps due to my own past with a violent controlling partner. Whatever the reason, this book evoked many very real feelings and emotions and the peril the characters were facing from many sides was all too evident.
This was an excellent imagining of what might happen if some victims got together and tried to turn the tables on their persecutors. Even with being mildly triggered through much of this book, I found it an incredible read as I do with all of this authors works, they always hold so close to the truth of the situations in which her characters find themselves.
I found this to be quite a quick read, the pacing made me just want to keep going to find out who why and how this would all end and end for whom!

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Another great twisty triller from C.L. Taylor, I wasn't expecting anything else from this fantastic author.
Thanks to NetGalley, the editor and the author for the opportunity to access this copy.

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Another brilliant, but this time quite different novel from C.L. Taylor, who has drawn upon her own experiences of being stalked by an ex boyfriend.

Alex, Lucy, River, Bridget and Nat are members of a club that no one wants to be part of, an online support group for victims of stalkers. They each look out for each other, and are supporting Nat getting home from work when the unthinkable happens.

Her ex finds her and murders her on her own doorstep.

At Nat's funeral, they come together in person for the first time, more determined than ever to take a stand against their stalkers. Amongst the congregation of mourners one of them is handed a wreath, with a hand written note, 'ten days to live'.

But it's not addressed to any one of them, so who is danger? Maybe they all are?

Determined not to let their stalkers win, River devises a plan that will see the tables turned and their stalkers becoming the victims. Because if they can keep tabs on them, then surely they will all be able to keep themselves safe?

If only it were that simple.

Stalkers are clever, manipulative and inventive. They will leave no stone unturned in their quest, no matter the consequences..

Every Move You Make is a brilliantly written thriller, which will have you second guessing all the way through. Highly recommended.

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Goodness gracious me. At times absolutely harrowing, this book is a grim reminder of the reality of being stalked, as the author herself was (you can read about it at the end of the book). Truly terrifying. I did have my doubts about how this was handled, the swapping of stalkers, the trackers etc. I'm not sure how realistic that is, although I can certainly imagine grasping at straws when you are at your wit's end. A bit OTT for me, I'm afraid.

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Wow! This superb writer just gets better and better. This fascinating novel deals with the all-too-prevalent topic of stalkers, and it is written with personal insight. A group of people who are the victims of stalking form their own What'sApp group and strive to protect each other. However, not all of the members of the group are what they seem and this tremendously tense novel keeps you gripped to the very end.

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I was very excited to hear C.L. Taylor had a new book let a lone get my hands on a copy. Every Move You Make is dark and worrisome and covers some strong subject matter, when stalkers take control of peoples lives. With lots of characters introduced quickly it did take me a bit to get my head around them all. While it was quite a slow burn over the first half and I was still trying to tie the correct back story to each person and needed to constantly remind myself who was who.
The second half moved much faster and I found I had settled into the characters and enjoyed the story much more. With lots of twists and turns I had no idea how it was going to play out and was generally surprised at the conclusion.
Thank you to Avon and NetGalley for this early reading copy it was one I enjoyed.

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In "Every Move You Make," buckle up for a wild ride into the eerie realm of stalking. This book by C.L Taylor throws you smack dab into a WhatsApp group filled with people battling their own personal stalkers. But when one of them meets a grisly fate at the hands of their tormentor, things take a sharp turn.

The story keeps you guessing with twists, turns, and more red herrings than most detective novels. As the group receives a chilling message predicting another member's death in 10 days time, the urgency kicks into high gear. It's a rollercoaster of paranoia, suspense, and camaraderie as they scramble to protect themselves before the deadly deadline.

Through relatable characters and a nail-biting plot Taylor delves deep into the psychological toll of being watched and hunted. But it's not just a thriller; it's a wake-up call to the dangers of our hyperconnected world. With every page turn, you'll be on the edge of your seat, wondering who's next and who's pulling the strings.

"Every Move You Make" is a gripping read that'll make you double-check your locks and think twice about every notification on your phone.

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